- Copyright (C) 2016 by WooJun Shim [email protected]
- Korean description available in http://nvidian7.github.io/development/2016/07/16/excel2json.html
- excel2json is tool for generating JSON files from well-formed excel data
- How to represent game data is the biggest part when you develop some game
- Generally, designers wants to manage data in excel
- Programmers want to dear with text-based, hierarchical structured data (e.g. JSON, XML)
- excel2json can be easily generate JSON files from excel data
- Auto-search source Excel files in same directory
- JSON file generated per workbook's sheet (JSON filename would be same with Excel sheet name)
- Sheet name must be prefixed '!' mark (see example.xlsx)
- Not-prefixed sheet will be ignored
- Supports complex hierarchy JSON model
- Object in Objects, Array in Objects, Objects in Array all of cases that JSON can represents
- N-depth hierarchy ( as you want to )
- Excel formula evaluatation supports
- Using cell merge feature to represents Object or Array's scope
- Pretty printed JSON output
- It will preserve the order of properties written in Excel file
- Please see sample.xlsx and commited json files :)
- You can understand more easily If you ar familiar with JSON-structure
Just typing this :D
java -jar excel2json-standalone.jar
- Supports only version of Excel 2007 (or higher)
- excel2json needs at least the Java Runtime Environment 1.8
- Source-code is not provide yet, sort of...
- --generate-hash
- Generates md5 hash json file which named 'resource_hash.json'
- 2016-10-18
- Fix MD5 hash dump feature bug.
- It would cause poor performance if you have too many VLOOKUP formula
- Empty cell will be ignored
- Not supports all of formulas. To find which formula excel2json supports read this page first (https://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/formula.html) because excel2json implements on top of Apache POI projects.