Example script that demonstrates possible automation options for CyberArk Vault Managment
Creates and onboards new accounts based on OU changes.
Script built to demonstrate utilizing CyberArk Application Access Manager Central Credential Provider (CCP) to retrieve a credential capable of using the CyberArk REST API. Script scans an OU in AD and if new accounts are found it creates a New Safe, Administrator AD Account, and onboards the account into the newly created safe.
Parater used to pass customer Organizational Unit for scan. OU must be quoted.
Example-Script.ps1 -OrgUnit "OU=Users,OU=CyberArk,DC=CyberArkDemo,DC=com" Scans the "OU=Users,OU=CyberArk,DC=CyberArkDemo,DC=com" Organizational Unit for new users.
This script relies on a PowerShell module created by Pete Maan For more info refer to: psPAS Homepage and psPAS GitHub