When setting a tap_action on the map-card component, this is an example of a script that will show a notification on your mobile device.
When the notification is tapped, it will launch Waze (must be installed) and start navigating to the selected parking.
alias: Navigate to Location
description: Start Waze navigation to a specific location directly
entity: {}
name: Entity ID
- variables:
latitude: "{{ state_attr(entity_id, 'latitude') }}"
longitude: "{{ state_attr(entity_id, 'longitude') }}"
location: "{{ state_attr(entity_id, 'friendly_name') }}"
- data:
message: "Navigate to: {{ location }}"
url: |
waze://?ll={{ latitude | float }},{{ longitude | float }}&navigate=yes
action: notify.notify
Other navigation applications are also possible, just need to replace the url with the appropriate one for the other navigation application.