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AMCN Wordpress Theme

Adaptation (Child) of the wordpress Twenty Fourteen theme for the Alaska Malamute Club Nederland (A.M.C.N.).

See it in action:



Many improvements/changes to the default styling:

  • width is increased from 474 to 774
  • a home image is added left to the site title
  • less whitespace between miscellaneous elements making it all visually a bit more compact
  • adding background-color to tables
  • custom bullet (paw print) for first level in unordered list
  • blockquotes radically changed
  • styling for custom shortcodes:
    • geboortebericht
    • dekbericht
    • planbericht
  • additional styling added to style.css for:
    • Basic Google Maps Placemarks
    • Stupid Table Sorter
    • Fast Secure Contact Form (deprecated)
    • Contact Form 7

Fix menu for larger touch devices

Fix sub-menus for touch devices and better focus for hidden submenu items for accessibility. Fix: navigation.js

On a tablet without this fix opening a menu (by touch) would show all menu items but also immediately select the first menu item given the user no chance of selecting any of the menu-items.

Scroll to top

A scroll to top button is automatically displayed at the bottom of the screen for long pages and dims automatically after a few seconds. See scroll-top.js

Shortcodes for special posts

Extra shortcodes have been added for planbericht, dekbericht and geboortebericht. They can be created from the editor using 3 custom buttons, each button will create the shortcode including the contents (template).

Shortcode for scheduling content

Content between enclosed shortcode will show only if between given date-times. Provide at least one date-time.


[schedule-content show="01-06-2017 23:59:59" hide="30-06-2017 23:59:59"]
This is the scheduled content.

Sortable tables

Using the incorporated stupidtable js library, tables can be made sortable.

For the table thead and tbody tags must be used. Add a data-sort attribute of datatype to the th elements to make them sortable by that data type. If you don't want that column to be sortable, just omit the data-sort attribute.

The predefined datatype 's for sorting are:

  • int
  • float
  • string (case-sensitive)
  • string-ins (case-insensitive)


      <th data-sort="string">Name</th>
      <th data-sort="int">Birthday</th>

You can also set the default sorting direction, sort columns onload, do multicolumn sorting and more, See the stupidtable github page for more details on how to use all its features.

Calculated fields

Some basic javascript support for calculated fields is available.

I have added two js functions in amcnCustom.js that can be called from javascript.

  • amcnAddCalculatedField(idFldAmount, factor, idFldSum, precision)
    Value from input with id idFldAmount is multiplied with factor, the result is stored in field with id idFldSum. Result is displayed with precision no of decimals.
    The sum is calculated automatically each time the value changes.

  • amcnSumFields(idFlds, idSum, precision) Calculate the sum of an array of fields [idFlds], the result is stored in field with id idSum. Result is displayed with precision no of decimals.
    The sum is automatically recalculated when one of the fieldvalue chages.


amcnAddCalculatedField("#fld1",  5.0, "#fld2", 2);
amcnAddCalculatedField("#fld3", 10.0, "#fld4", 2);
amcnSumFields(["#fld2", "#fld4"], "#sum", 2);

Screenshot of the AMCN theme
