* Changed Calloc to R_Calloc
* Changed maintainer email
* Changed last.bumpup to right.polygons in geom_dl() when showName is specified
* Scale extreme covariates for enhanced stability
* Now requires R 4.2.0
* Added JSS citation/acknowledgement
* Improved legend location
* Removed rounding in summary table
* Improve C code speeds in pairwise comparisons
* Added more graphical controls for event plots
* Used [[Rcpp::export(rng = false)]] because we never call any random number generation in the internals
* Added an option to specify the heuristic constant (numAdj)
* Move duplicated Rd files for Recur(), %2% (%to%), and mcf() into reexport.Rd
* Added an option to perform GMM or EL procedure to improve `cox.LWYY()`
* Added a vignette on CPPL
* printCoefmat now all has the argument `has.Pvalue = TRUE`
* Improved print methods for summary.reReg
* Improved matrix algebra in calculation
* Replace exceeded cat() and print() with message() and warning()
* Export reReg.control
* `simGSC()` now allows users to specifies design matrix and censoring distribution
* Some name changes (mostly arguments) to match with the JSS submission
* Change names "SC" to "GSC"; this includes the `model` argument and `simSC()` to `simGSC()`
* Added a basebind() function to combine baseline rate/hazard plots
* Temporary disabled sandwich variance estimators for further investigation
* Import `mcf()` from reda.
* Event plot can now plot in calendar times.
* Updated examples and online vignettes.
* simSC() now returns times in t.start and t.stop.
* Added origin in simSC()
* Updated examples
* Import summary.Recur from reda
* Re-organized `reReg()`; it now provides general model assumptions.
* Improved speed via RCpp
* Fixed memory errors (checked with valgrind 3.15)
* Adopt `Recur()` from package `reda`
* Added a draft for regression vignettes
* Changed function name `simDat` to `simSC`
* Fixed bug with only 1 covariate
* Added sandwish variance estimations to most implementations
* Added vignettes on simulation and plots
* Cleaned reSurv and am.GL codes
* updated event plot, baseline function plots
* added CMF plot
* Removed plotEvent function and add its features to plot.reSurv
* Updated reSurv so it split out tibble df
* Fixed bugs reported in CRAN regarding r-devel
* Major make over
* Cleaned codes
* New data structure required for `reSurv`: Time, id, event, status
* Version updated to published version.