- Constanta, Romania
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/valentina-gabriela-corcodel-b39130218/
SWIFT project (advanced)
"Tipsy" is my 13th project in SWIFT. This is created based on the course iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp.
"BMI-Calculator" is my 12th project in SWIFT. This is created based on the course iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp.
"Clima" is my 14th project in SWIFT. This is created based on the course iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp.
"ByteCoin" is my 15th project in SWIFT. This is created based on the course iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp.
"Flash-Chat" is my 16th project in SWIFT. This is created based on the course iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp.
"H4X0R News" is my 20th project in SWIFT and my 4th project in SWIFTUI . This is created based on the course iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp.