- {% for attribute in item.superAttributesDefinition %}
- {% if item.attributes[attribute] is defined %}
{{ ('product.attribute.' ~ attribute) | trans }}: {{ item.attributes[attribute] }}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% if item.price is not null %}
- {% include molecule('money-price') with {
- modifiers: ['wishlist'],
- data: {
- amount: item.price,
- originalAmount: item.prices.ORIGINAL is not defined or item.prices.ORIGINAL is empty ? null : item.prices.ORIGINAL
- }
- } only %}
- {% else %}
- N/A
- {% endif %}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.availability' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.product' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.price' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.availability' | trans }}
{% for idWishlistItem, item in data.wishlistItems %}
{% set isItemAvailable = item.available is defined and item.available and item.price is defined and item.price is not null %}
{% set productDiscontinuedWidget = findWidget('ProductDiscontinuedWidget', [item.sku]) %}
@@ -24,63 +78,55 @@
{% if isDiscontinued is not null %}
{% set isItemAvailable = not isDiscontinued and isItemAvailable %}
{% endif %}
- {% set imageUrl = item.images.0.externalUrlSmall ?? '' %}
- {% if imageUrl %}
- {% include molecule('lazy-image') with {
- modifiers: ['thumbnail', 'min-size', 'wishlist'],
- data: {
- imageSrc: imageUrl,
- imageTitle: item.name,
- },
- } only %}
- {% endif %}
+ {% set imageUrl = item.images.0.externalUrlSmall ?? '' %}
+ {% import _self as macros %}
- {% if imageUrl %}
- {% include molecule('lazy-image') with {
- class: 'is-hidden-md-xl',
- modifiers: ['thumbnail', 'min-size', 'wishlist'],
- data: {
- imageSrc: imageUrl,
- imageTitle: item.name,
- },
- } only %}
- {% endif %}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.overview.name' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.overview.item_count' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.overview.date' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.overview.name' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.overview.item_count' | trans }}
{{ 'customer.account.wishlist.overview.date' | trans }}
{% for wishlist in data.wishlists %}
{% set hasWishlistForm = data.wishlistForm is not empty and wishlist.idWishlist == data.wishlistForm.vars.data.idWishlist %}
{% if hasWishlistForm %}
{{ form_start(data.wishlistForm) }}