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WinTAur (Wind Turbine Auralisation tool)

Code repository for the M.Sc. thesis project by Josephine S. Pockelé:
``Auralisation of Modelled Wind Turbine Noise for Psychoacoustic Listening Experiments''

to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology, and Master of Science in Engineering (European Wind Energy) at Technical University of Denmark.

The full report of the thesis is available on the TU Delft Repository.

Copyright (c) 2023 Josephine Pockelé. Licensed under MIT license.




python -m pip install -r requirements

Tested on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, and Windows 10 22H2

Tool input

Project directory structure

  • -case_name-.aur
    • Input file for the auralisation (Can be multiple files. Tool will autodetect.)
  • H2model/
    • The HAWC2 model directory containing everything needed for running the HAWC2 simulation
    • It is strongly recommended to test the HAWC2 model before running this tool, as error handling may not be as nice as native HAWC2
  • Other directories will be generated automatically.

Case file (.aur) structure

Below is the general structure of the case input (.aur) files that should be used.
Input code blocks and the variables inside these blocks can be placed in any order.

name -str- ; A name for the case defined in this file
begin conditions ;
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; This section defines the operating conditions of the turbine
    ; Used in both auralisation and HAWC2 simulations
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    hub_pos -float-,-float-,-float- ; Position of the wind turbine hub x,y,z (m)
    rotor_radius -float- ;            Wind turbine rotor radius (m)
    rotor_rpm -float- ;               Operating rotational speed of turbine (RPM)
    wsp -float- ;           Wind speed (m/s) at z_wsp height
    z_wsp -float- ;         Height (m)) at which wsp is defined
    z0_wsp -float- ;        Roughness height (m) for the wind speed profile
    groundtemp -float- ;    Ground level air temperature (celcius)
    groundpres -float- ;    Ground level air pressure (Pa)
    humidity -float- ;      Air relative humidity (%)
    ground_type -str- ;     Type of ground surface to be used for reflections
    ;                 ;     Can be 'snow', 'forest', 'grass', 'dirt_roadside', 'dirt', 'asphalt', 'concrete'
    delta_t -float- ; Defines the auralisation time step (s)
end conditions ;
begin HAWC2;
    run_hawc2 -int- ; Indicate whether a HAWC2 simulation is to be run. 0 or 1.
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Define operating parameters for HAWC2 model, as would normally 
    ; be defined in .htc files. The .htc file(s) of the model should only contain the 
    ; turbine model.
    ; See HAWC2 manual for more info. Use .htc file syntax.
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; First is the wind block, where all parameters should be defined per the manual
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    begin wind ;
        ; SEE HAWC2 MANUAL
    end wind;
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Define which aero noise models to use. See HAWC2 manual
    ; All other parameters are set by the tool.
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    begin aero_noise ;
       noise_start_end_time -float- -float- ; Define this to be approx. (4/3) * (single rotation)
       noise_deltat -float- ;
       turbulent_inflow_noise -int- ;
       inflow_turbulence_intensity -float- ;
       surface_roughness -float- ;
       trailing_edge_noise -int- ;
       bldata_filename -str- ;
       stall_noise -int- ;
       tip_noise -int- ;
    end aero_noise ;
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Other parameters
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    htc_name -str- ;      Name of the .htc file in the H2model folder (without ".htc")
    hawc2_path -float- ;  File path where the HAWC2 executable is located
    n_obs -int- ;         Number of observer points in HAWC2 (must be <256)
end HAWC2;
begin source ;
    n_rays -int- ;          Defines the number of sound rays (per time step) used for propagation
    blade_percent -float- ; Defines r = blade_percent * R at which the source is assumed to be located.
    scope -str- ;           Selects the noise model result to load ('All', 'TI', 'TE', 'ST', 'TP')
    radius_factor -float- ; Scaling factor for the radius of the sound source sphere
end source ;
begin propagation ;
    models -str-,-str-,... ; Defines which propagation effect models to apply ('spherical', 'atmosphere', 'ground', )
    pickle -int- ;           Save SoundRays to pickle files for later use (0 for no, or 1 for yes)
    unpickle -int- ;         Use saved SoundRays for reception and reconstruction model
end propagation ;
begin reception ;
    save_spectrogram -int- ;        Save the resulting spectrograms (0 for no, or 1 for yes)
    load_spectrogram -int- ;        Load previously generated spectrograms (0 for no, or 1 for yes)
    mode -str- ;                    Binaural rendering mode ('mono' or 'stereo')
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Define the receiver point(s) in this block (can be multiple)
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    begin receiver ;
        index -int- ;                 Indexing number >=0
        pos -float-,-float-,-float- ; Location x,y,z (m) in HAWC2 global coordinates
        rotation -float- ;            Head rotation of the receiver (clockwise positive, from the y-axis) (deg)
    end receiver ;
end reception ;
begin reconstruction ;
    f_s_desired -int- ; Desired sample frequency of the output audio file
    overlap -int- ;     Amount of overlap between istft time segments
    wav_norm -float- ;  Pressure to normalise the WAV files to (Pa) (Recomended 1 Pa)
    t_audio -float- ;   Time duration if the output audio file
    model -str- ;       Select the signal reconstruction model ('random', 'gla', )
end reconstruction ;

Code Structure


    • Runs the auralisation tool.

    • Case management of the tool.

    • Module containing the source model.

    • Module containing the ray-tracing / Gaussian beam sound propagation model.

    • Module containing the reception model.

    • Module containing the reconstruction model.
  • helper_functions/

    • Package containing all functions required by the main code, but not directly related to the main code:
    • Definitions of the used coordinate systems.
    • Definitions of special datastructures to be used.
    • Fun little module with homeless functions and the list of constants.
    • A module for geometrical definitions and operations.
    • Definition of the MIT measured HRTF function.
    • Specialised I/O functions for data files used in this code.
    • Definition of the ISO standard atmosphere (ISO 2533-1975).
  • data/
    • Folder with all data files used by the helper functions.
  • test/

    • Directory containing the pytest unittest files.
  • unittest/

    • Directory containing the pytest unittest results.

    • Python file containing the code to generate most of the plots in the report.
  • validation/

    • Project directory with the validation cases from the thesis report.
  • validation_no_effects/

    • Project directory with the validation cases (with propagation effects deactivated) from the thesis report.
  • listening-experiment/

    • Project directory with the cases for the listening experiment from the thesis report.

To track HAWC2 progress on Windows Powershell:

Get-Content [project directory]/H2model/log/aeroload_noise.log –Wait