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feat!: add size to generators
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BREAKING CHANGE: this will break tests that rely on a particular seed.
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stevana committed Nov 23, 2024
1 parent e71caf1 commit 7f16ccb
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Showing 8 changed files with 195 additions and 132 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -46,8 +46,13 @@ Here's what I'm currently working on:
#### Spex

- allow for control of # of test cases vs test case length
- change size over time
+ verify
+ mock
- add max size?
- use duration rather than numTests?
- print progress while testing
- test database with migration when generators change

- Nice errors
+ Introduce FancyError datatype and display it in LibMain?
Expand Down
25 changes: 13 additions & 12 deletions src/Spex/Mock.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,13 +27,15 @@ import Spex.Verifier.Generator.Env

runMock :: MockOptions -> Spec -> Prng -> IO ()
runMock opts spec prng = do
state <- newIORef (MockState {prng = prng, genEnv = emptyGenEnv})
state <-
newIORef (MockState {prng = prng, size = 0, genEnv = emptyGenEnv})
(addResetEndpoint state prng (addHealthEndpoint (waiApp spec state)))

data MockState = MockState
{ prng :: Prng
, size :: Size
, genEnv :: GenEnv

Expand All @@ -49,23 +51,22 @@ addResetEndpoint state origPrng baseApp req respond =
("DELETE", ["_reset"]) -> do
(MockState {prng = origPrng, genEnv = emptyGenEnv})
(MockState {prng = origPrng, size = 0, genEnv = emptyGenEnv})
respond (responseLBS ok200 [] "OK")
_ -> baseApp req respond

waiApp :: Spec -> IORef MockState -> Application
waiApp spec state req respond = do
waiApp spec ref req respond = do
let ctx = spec.component.typeDecls
let opDecls = map item (spec.component.opDecls)
res <- atomicModifyIORef' state $ \s ->
let (prng', prng'') = splitPrng s.prng
in case matchOp opDecls req of
Nothing -> (s, Left notFound404)
Just respTy ->
let val = runGenM (genValue respTy) ctx s.genEnv prng'
in ( s {prng = prng'', genEnv = insertValue respTy val s.genEnv}
, Right val
res <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \state ->
case matchOp opDecls req of
Nothing -> (state, Left notFound404)
Just respTy ->
let (prng', val) = runGenM (genValue respTy) ctx state.genEnv state.prng state.size
in ( state {prng = prng', genEnv = insertValue respTy val state.genEnv}
, Right val
case res of
Left err -> respond $ responseLBS err [] ""
Right val -> respond $ responseLBS ok200 [] (encode val)
Expand Down
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions src/Spex/Verifier.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ verify opts spec deployment prng = do

Expand All @@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ verifyLoop ::
-> Word
-> [Op]
-> Prng
-> Size
-> GenEnv
-> Result
-> App Result
Expand All @@ -152,14 +154,15 @@ verifyLoop opts spec deployment client = go
-> [Op]
-> Prng
-> Size
-> GenEnv
-> Result
-> App Result
go 0 _ops _prng _genEnv res = do
go 0 _ops _prng _size _genEnv res = do
debug_ ""
return res
go n ops prng genEnv res = do
(op, prng', genEnv') <- generate spec prng genEnv
go n ops prng size genEnv res = do
(op, prng', genEnv') <- generate spec prng size genEnv
debug (displayOp op)
resp <- httpRequest client op
debug_ $ "" <> show resp.statusCode <> " " <> BS8.unpack resp.body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,10 +195,12 @@ verifyLoop opts spec deployment client = go
| otherwise = test : res.failingTests
return (Result failingTests' cov')
go (n - 1) [] prng' emptyGenEnv res'
let size' = (size * 3) `div` 2
go (n - 1) [] prng' size' emptyGenEnv res'
Right val -> do
let genEnv'' = insertValue op.responseType val genEnv'
go (n - 1) (op : ops) prng' genEnv'' res {coverage = cov'}
let size' = (size * 3) `div` 2
genEnv'' = insertValue op.responseType val genEnv'
go (n - 1) (op : ops) prng' size' genEnv'' res {coverage = cov'}

counterExample ::
Expand Down
152 changes: 117 additions & 35 deletions src/Spex/Verifier/Generator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader qualified as Reader
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
Expand All @@ -31,52 +32,132 @@ newPrng (Just seed) = return (Prng (mkStdGen seed), seed)
mkPrng :: Int -> Prng
mkPrng seed = Prng (mkStdGen seed)

splitPrng :: Prng -> (Prng, Prng)
splitPrng (Prng g) = (Prng g', Prng g'')
(g', g'') = split g


newtype Gen a = Gen (StdGen -> a)
type Size = Int

newtype Gen a = Gen (StdGen -> Size -> (a, StdGen))

instance Monad Gen where
return = pure
Gen f >>= k = Gen $ \prng ->
(prng', prng'') = split prng
Gen g = k (f prng')
g prng''
Gen f >>= k = Gen $ \stdGen size ->
let (x, stdGen') = f stdGen size
Gen g = k x
in g stdGen' size

instance Applicative Gen where
pure x = Gen (\_prng -> x)
pure x = Gen (\stdGen _size -> (x, stdGen))
(<*>) = ap

instance Functor Gen where
fmap = liftM

runGen :: Gen a -> Prng -> a
runGen (Gen k) (Prng g) = k g
runGen :: Gen a -> Prng -> Size -> (Prng, a)
runGen (Gen k) (Prng stdGen) size = (Prng stdGen', x)
(x, stdGen') = k stdGen size

rand :: Gen StdGen
rand = Gen (\g -> g)
sized :: (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
sized k = Gen (\stdGen size -> let Gen f = k size in f stdGen size)

getSize :: Gen Size
getSize = sized pure

resize :: Size -> Gen a -> Gen a
resize size _ | size < 0 = error "resize: negative size"
resize size (Gen f) = Gen (\stdGen _size -> f stdGen size)

choose :: (Random a) => (a, a) -> Gen a
choose bounds = (fst . randomR bounds) `fmap` rand
choose rng = Gen (\stdGen _ -> randomR rng stdGen)

-- NOTE: This can be optimised later (if needed), see QuickCheck.
chooseInt :: (Int, Int) -> Gen Int
chooseInt = choose

elements :: [a] -> Gen a
elements xs = (xs !!) `fmap` choose (0, length xs - 1)
elements [] = error "elements used with empty list"
elements xs = (xs !!) `fmap` chooseInt (0, length xs - 1)

oneof :: [Gen a] -> Gen a
oneof [] = error "oneof used with empty list"
oneof gs = chooseInt (0, length gs - 1) >>= (gs !!)

vectorOf :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
vectorOf = replicateM

listOf :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
listOf gen = sized $ \n -> do
k <- choose (0, n)
vectorOf k gen

chooseBounded :: (Random a, Bounded a) => Gen a
chooseBounded = choose (minBound, maxBound)

chooseFloat :: Gen Float
chooseFloat = choose (0, 1)

chooseDouble :: Gen Double
chooseDouble = choose (0, 1)

generate' :: Gen a -> IO a
generate' (Gen g) = do
(Prng stdGen, _seed) <- newPrng Nothing
let size = 30
return (fst (g stdGen size))

vector :: Gen a -> Int -> Gen [a]
vector g n = replicateM n g
sample' :: Gen a -> IO [a]
sample' g =
generate' (sequence [resize n g | n <- [0, 2 .. 20]])

genBounded :: (Random a, Bounded a) => Gen a
genBounded = choose (minBound, maxBound)

suchThat :: Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> Gen a
gen `suchThat` p = do
mx <- gen `suchThatMaybe` p
case mx of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> sized (\n -> resize (n + 1) (gen `suchThat` p))

suchThatMap :: Gen a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Gen b
gen `suchThatMap` f =
fmap fromJust $ fmap f gen `suchThat` isJust

suchThatMaybe :: Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> Gen (Maybe a)
gen `suchThatMaybe` p = sized (\n -> try n (2 * n))
try m n
| m > n = return Nothing
| otherwise = do
x <- resize m gen
if p x then return (Just x) else try (m + 1) n


genInt :: Gen Int
-- genInt = choose (minBound, maxBound)
genInt = choose (-1000, 1000)
genInt = arbitrarySizedIntegral

arbitrarySizedIntegral :: (Integral a) => Gen a
| isNonNegativeType fromI = arbitrarySizedNatural
| otherwise = sized $ \n -> inBounds fromI (chooseInt (-n, n))
-- NOTE: this is a trick to make sure we get around lack of scoped type
-- variables by pinning the result-type of fromIntegral.
fromI = fromIntegral

isNonNegativeType :: (Enum a) => (Int -> a) -> Bool
isNonNegativeType fromI =
case enumFromThen (fromI 1) (fromI 0) of
[_, _] -> True
_ -> False

arbitrarySizedNatural :: (Integral a) => Gen a
arbitrarySizedNatural =
sized $ \n ->
inBounds fromIntegral (chooseInt (0, n))

inBounds :: (Integral a) => (Int -> a) -> Gen Int -> Gen a
inBounds fi g = fmap fi (g `suchThat` (\x -> toInteger x == toInteger (fi x)))

genText :: Gen Text
genText = elements ["foo", "bar", "qux"]
Expand All @@ -92,17 +173,18 @@ data GenMEnv = GenMEnv

type GenM a = ReaderT GenMEnv Gen a

runGenM :: GenM a -> GenCtx -> GenEnv -> Prng -> a
runGenM m ctx env prng = runGen (Reader.runReaderT m (GenMEnv ctx env)) prng
runGenM :: GenM a -> GenCtx -> GenEnv -> Prng -> Size -> (Prng, a)
runGenM m ctx env prng size =
runGen (Reader.runReaderT m (GenMEnv ctx env)) prng size

generate :: Spec -> Prng -> GenEnv -> App (Op, Prng, GenEnv)
generate spec prng env = do
generate :: Spec -> Prng -> Size -> GenEnv -> App (Op, Prng, GenEnv)
generate spec prng size env = do
let ctx = spec.component.typeDecls
(prng', prng'') = splitPrng prng
(decl, op) = runGenM (genOp (map item spec.component.opDecls)) ctx env prng'
(prng', (decl, op)) =
runGenM (genOp (map item spec.component.opDecls)) ctx env prng size
env' = newValues ctx env decl op
trace $ "generate, new values: " <> show env'
return (op, prng'', env')
return (op, prng', env')

newValues :: GenCtx -> GenEnv -> OpDecl -> Op -> GenEnv
newValues ctx old decl op =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,9 +219,9 @@ removeRecordType ty = [ty]
genOp :: [OpDecl] -> GenM (OpDecl, Op)
genOp opdecls = do
opdecl <- lift (elements opdecls)
hs <- genHeaders opdecl.headers
p <- genPath opdecl.path
b <- genBody opdecl.body
hs <- genHeaders opdecl.headers
( opdecl
, Op
Expand All @@ -165,7 +247,7 @@ data Mode = Normal | Abstract | Unique

genValue :: Type -> GenM Value
genValue UnitT = return UnitV
genValue BoolT = BoolV <$> lift genBounded
genValue BoolT = BoolV <$> lift chooseBounded
genValue IntT = remembering IntT (IntV <$> genInt) Normal
genValue StringT = StringV <$> lift genText
genValue (ArrayT tys) = genArray tys
Expand All @@ -176,7 +258,7 @@ genValue (UniqueT ty) = genValue' ty Unique

genValue' :: Type -> Mode -> GenM Value
genValue' UnitT _mode = return UnitV
genValue' BoolT _mode = BoolV <$> lift genBounded
genValue' BoolT _mode = BoolV <$> lift chooseBounded
genValue' IntT mode = remembering IntT (IntV <$> genInt) mode
genValue' StringT _mode = StringV <$> lift genText
genValue' (ArrayT tys) _mode = genArray tys
Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions test/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,19 +23,17 @@ tests tmpDir =
( zipWith
[ test
[ "verify"
, "example/petstore-basic.spex"
, "--seed"
, "2503963955766725184"
, test
[ "verify"
, "example/petstore-modal-faults.spex"
, "--tests"
, "2000"
, "--seed"
, "3967796076964233976"
, "8800299288541500217"
-- test
-- [ "verify"
-- , "example/petstore-basic.spex"
-- , "--seed"
-- , "2503963955766725184"
-- ]
[0 ..] -- Used to compute the ports used by the tests.
Expand Down

This file was deleted.


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