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feat: add TPTL experiment
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stevana committed Jan 2, 2025
1 parent e070223 commit 691253b
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Showing 3 changed files with 183 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions spex.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ library
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/Spex/Experiment/Grammar.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.List (intersect)
import Data.String

import Spex.Verifier.Generator
import Spex.Generator.Prng
import Spex.Generator.Combinator
import Spex.Generator.Prng
import Spex.Verifier.Generator



Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ gen re | notEmpty re = case re of
Inter e1 e2 -> intersect <$> gen e1 <*> gen e2

prop_gen :: (Monoid a, Eq a) => Int -> Size -> Reg a -> Bool
prop_gen seed size re =
prop_gen seed size re =
snd (runGen (gen re) (mkPrng seed) size) `isIn` re

testRe :: Reg Char
Expand Down
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions src/Spex/Experiment/TimedPropositionalTemporalLogic.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
module Spex.Experiment.TimedPropositionalTemporalLogic (module Spex.Experiment.TimedPropositionalTemporalLogic) where

-- TPLT from "A Really Temporal Logic" (1994):

import Data.Fixed
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Numeric.Natural


infixl 6 :+
infix 4 :<=

type Var = String

-- TODO: Currently the natural stands for seconds, we probably want something
-- smaller to be able to be more precise.
data Constraint
= Var :+ Natural
| RelativeTime Natural

data Form a
= TT
| FF
| Prop (a -> Bool)
| Neg (Form a)
| X (Form a)
| U (Form a) (Form a)
| Always (Form a)
| Eventually (Form a)
| Or (Form a) (Form a)
| And (Form a) (Form a)
| Constraint :<= Constraint
| Congurent Constraint Constraint Natural -- XXX: I'm not sure how to use this...
| FreezeQuantifier Var (Form a)

-- <>x.(p /\ x <= 10)
example :: Form Bool
example =
Eventually $
FreezeQuantifier "x" $
Prop (== True) `And` ("x" :+ 0 :<= RelativeTime 10)

type Env time = Map Var time

class Time t where
(.==) :: t -> t -> Bool
(.<=) :: t -> t -> Bool
(.+) :: t -> Natural -> t
(.-) :: t -> t -> t
(.%) :: t -> Natural -> t
fromNatural :: Natural -> t

instance Time Natural where
t0 .== t1 = t0 == t1
t0 .<= t1 = t0 <= t1
t0 .+ t1 = t0 + t1
t0 .- t1 = t0 - t1
t0 .% t1 = t0 `mod` t1
fromNatural = id

instance Time UTCTime where
t0 .== t1 = t0 == t1
t0 .<= t1 = t0 <= t1
t0 .+ n = fromIntegral n `addUTCTime` t0
t0 .- t1 = posixSecondsToUTCTime (t0 `diffUTCTime` t1)
t0 .% n =
posixSecondsToUTCTime $
secondsToNominalDiffTime $
nominalDiffTimeToSeconds (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds t0)
`mod'` fromIntegral n
fromNatural = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral

-- NOTE: We need t0 here in order to compute the relative time to when the
-- trace started. For time := Natural isn't not needed as t0 = 0, but for
-- timestamps we need the supply the start time.
lookupEnv :: (Time time) => Constraint -> Env time -> time
lookupEnv (x :+ c) env = env Map.! x .+ c
lookupEnv (RelativeTime c) env = env Map.! "t0" .+ fromNatural c

-- TODO: Would be interesting to generalise this from a single trace to lists
-- of traces, and make assertions about percentiles, e.g. a request is always
-- eventually responded to within 200ms in p99, i.e. 1% of requests may be
-- slower.

sat ::
(Time time) =>
Form a
-> [(time, a)]
-> Env time
-> Bool
sat TT _w _env = True
sat FF _w _env = False
sat (Prop p) w _env = p (snd (w !! 0))
sat (Neg p) w env = not (sat p w env)
sat (X p) w env = sat p (drop 1 w) env
sat (U p q) w env =
case listToMaybe [i | i <- [0 .. length w - 1], sat q (drop i w) env] of
Nothing -> False
Just i -> and [sat p (drop k w) env | k <- [0 .. i - 1]]
sat (Always p) w env = and [sat p (drop i w) env | i <- [0 .. length w - 1]]
sat (Eventually p) w env = or [sat p (drop i w) env | i <- [0 .. length w - 1]]
sat (Or p q) w env = sat p w env || sat q w env
sat (And p q) w env = sat p w env && sat q w env
sat (c1 :<= c2) _w env = lookupEnv c1 env .<= lookupEnv c2 env
-- XXX: Not sure if Congurent is right, or how to use it, or if it works with
-- timestamps as opposed to naturals as time...
sat (Congurent c1 c2 d) _w env = (lookupEnv c1 env .- lookupEnv c2 env) .% d .== fromNatural 0
sat (FreezeQuantifier x p) w env = sat p w (Map.insert x t0 env)
t0 = fst (w !! 0)


test0 :: Bool
test0 =
( [(0, False), (1, False), (2, False), (9, False), (10, True)] ::
[(Natural, Bool)]
(Map.singleton "t0" 0)
== True

test1 :: Bool
test1 =
( [(0, False), (1, False), (2, False), (9, False), (11, True)] ::
[(Natural, Bool)]
(Map.singleton "t0" 0)
== False

test2 :: IO Bool
test2 = do
now <- getCurrentTime
let t1 = now .+ 1
t2 = now .+ 2
t9 = now .+ 9
t10 = now .+ 10
print now
print t1
print t10
return $
[(now, False), (t1, False), (t2, False), (t9, False), (t10, True)]
(Map.singleton "t0" now)
== True

test3 :: IO Bool
test3 = do
now <- getCurrentTime
let t1 = now .+ 1
t2 = now .+ 2
t9 = now .+ 9
t11 = now .+ 11
print now
print t11
return $
[(now, False), (t1, False), (t2, False), (t9, False), (t11, True)]
(Map.singleton "t0" now)
== False

test :: IO ()
test = do
b2 <- test2
b3 <- test3
let bools = [test0, test1, b2, b3]
if and bools then putStrLn "Passed" else print bools

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