diff --git a/src/en/wizden-staff/maintainer/review-procedure.md b/src/en/wizden-staff/maintainer/review-procedure.md index 159fc4d16..e0b466f80 100644 --- a/src/en/wizden-staff/maintainer/review-procedure.md +++ b/src/en/wizden-staff/maintainer/review-procedure.md @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Not following this procedure/policy will result in disiplinary action being take - PRs must be properly tagged with the relevant department/game areas. - PRs affecting gameplay must reference a design doc/proposal. For smaller changes, the design may be outlined in the PR description. All gameplay PRs must not conflict with the core game design and should ideally reference how they fit into it. - PRs primarily fixing bugs must be tagged with the "Bug Fix" tag. -- **2 Maintainers are required to review/sign off on merging a PR**. *This requirement may be waived with written permission from a PM when the situation warrants it.* +- **2 Maintainers are required to review/sign off on merging or closing a PR**. *This requirement may be waived with written permission from a PM when the situation warrants it.* +- PRs that have more than 3 weeks of inactivity may be closed as "dormant" by a single maintainer if an attempt has been made to contact the author. ## Policy - When reviewing a PR assign it to yourself to let others know that you will be "owning" the PR. If you decide to stop owning the PR, un-assign yourself so that others may take over the PR. By owning a PR you are taking responsibility for keeping track of the PR's progress and keeping the PR author informed of what is the status of the review process. Anyone may review an owned PR, however before taking action talk with the owner first. *If changes are approved by the "owner" any maintainer may merge the PR if they also approve the changes.* @@ -15,8 +16,8 @@ Not following this procedure/policy will result in disiplinary action being take - All non-gamebreaking revert PRs *must* undergo a maintainer discussion before being created. If there is a PR that you would like to be reverted, please *create a thread in maint-reviews with the format REVERT-PRNumber and ping the relevant work group maintainers.* Discussions should reach a resolution within 48 hours, if discussions have stalled notify the Game Director or a PM. **This does not apply for reverts made to the staging branch during the review period**, as there will be a discussion thread for the release. -- When closing a PR you must give a reason explaining why the PR is being closed, ideally this should include an alternative solution or approach. If a PR has been "dormant" it may be closed after attempting to contact the author with no response. A PR is considered "dormant" after 4 weeks of inactivity. +- When closing a PR you must give a reason explaining why the PR is being closed, ideally this should include an alternative solution or approach. Dormant PRs may just be closed for the reason of being dormant, you may use any means to contact the author of the PR, but at the minimum you should leave a comment on the PR and give some time to respond before closing a dormant pr. - When reviewing a PR use *constructive* language and avoid referring negatively to the author's ability. Strong but fair criticism of code/decisions are fine, personal criticisms are not. -- When reviewing code, don't assume that all contributors have your knowledge of the codebase. Giving a short explaination of how something works can be far more helpful than responding with jargon and pointing to the docs. *Sometimes a newer contributor may need more help, in that case direct them to #HowDoICode or the docs. But ideally you should try to give them a short explaination on what they need to do rather than just a "change this". \ No newline at end of file +- When reviewing code, don't assume that all contributors have your knowledge of the codebase. Giving a short explaination of how something works can be far more helpful than responding with jargon and pointing to the docs. *Sometimes a newer contributor may need more help, in that case direct them to #HowDoICode or the docs. But ideally you should try to give them a short explaination on what they need to do rather than just a "change this".