- Print out files QUICKSTART, README and glow.txt
- Copy all the files to a directory
- Copy nrlmsise00.f and iri90.f to the directory or tell the compiler where they are
- Copy the IRI data files to another directory
- Rename the example program dayexample.driver to dayexample.f
- Edit the IRI call in dayexample.f to specify the IRI data file directory
- Compile and link *.f in Fortran 77 with -O3 optimization
Run the executable (a.out) with input from dayexample.in, i.e.:
a.out < dayexample.in > test1.out
Compare the output you get to dayexample.out. If it looks reasonable, try making some plots
For auroral runs, change aurexample.driver to aurexample.f, compile, link:
a.out < aurexample.in > test2.out
Compare the output you get to aurexample.out
change the name of hexexample.driver to hexexample.f
edit the glow.h file
- comment out the standard parameters
- uncomment the high-energy parameters
re-compile all subroutines, link, and:
a.out < hexexample.in > test3.out
compare to hexexample.out
Try some runs with your own input parameters.
Then try making some modifications to the example program to suit your purposes
You can also run it all out of IDL using:
spawn, './a.out < input.file > output.file'