- No requirements needed when taking this course.
- Recommend that you watch all of these videos through once without touching the keyboard. Just take notes. Then watch them a second time and follow along and change/break the code and review the bits that you need.
- Download or clone the source code: Course Repo and
⚠️ switch to the egghead branch.
Copy and paste the
script in a terminal window to locally serve all the files. Access the files inlocalhost:3000
.npx browser-sync start --server --files "./*.html" --no-open --no-notify --directory
comes bundled with Node.js- browsersync automatically reloads any changes made to the code.
- More info on browsersync
Recommended setup:
- code editor opened
- browsersync running
- developer tools opened
- Check out Kent's Uses Page to learn more about his setup.