2017-10-24 Can store uploaded and downloaded artifacts to S3
2017-09-23 First proxy implementation for exec commands only
2017-07-03 Cuckoo v2 integration
2017-05-16 now combines config files: cowrie.cfg.dist and cowrie.cfg in this order
2017-05-09 start.sh and stop.sh have been replace by bin/cowrie start|stop
2017-04-27 New syntax "listen_endpoints" for configuring listening IP addresses/portnumbers
2017-03-15 SSH Forwarding/SFTP/keys/version config have been moved to [ssh]. Change your config file!
2017-02-12 Implemented toggle for SSH forwarding
2016-08-22 Merged Telnet support by @obilodeau!
2016-08-20 Update your libraries! 'configparser' now required: "pip install configparser"
2016-05-06 Load pickle once at startup for improved speed
2016-04-28 files in utils/ have been moved to bin/
2016-01-19 Support openssh style delayed compression
2016-01-13 Correct '.' support and +s and +t bits in ls
2016-01-13 Full username/group in SFTP ls
2016-01-05 Basic VirusTotal support has been added
2016-01-04 No longer crash when client tries ecdsa
2015-12-28 Interact port (default 5123) only listens on loopback interface now (
2015-12-24 Redirect to file (>) now works for most commands and is logged in dl/ directory
2015-12-06 UID information is now retrieved from honeyfs/etc/passwd. If you added additional users you will need to add these to the passwd file as well
2015-12-04 New 'free' command with '-h' and '-m' options
2015-12-03 New 'env' command that prints environment variables
2015-02-02 Now use honeyfs/etc/passwd and group to get uid/gid info
2015-11-29 Size limit now enforced for SFTP uploads
2015-11-25 New 'sudo' command added
2015-11-19 Queued input during commands is now sent to shell to be executed when command is finished
2015-11-18 Added SANS DShield output (Thanks @UnrealAkama)
2015-11-17 Added ElasticSearch output (Thanks @UnrealAkama)
2015-11-17 Standard input is now saved with SHA256 checksum. Duplicate data is not saved
2015-11-12 New 'busybox' command added (Thanks @mak)
2015-09-26 keyboard-interactive is back as authentication method, after Twisted removed support initially
2015-07-30 Local syslog output module
2015-06-15 Cowrie now has a '-c' startup switch to specify the configuration file
2015-06-15 Removed exec_enabled option. This feature is now always enabled
2015-06-03 Cowrie now uses twisted plugins and has gained the '-p' commandline option
2015-06-01 Cowrie no longer search for config files in /etc and /etc/cowrie
2015-04-12 JSON output is now default via 'output' plugin mechanism. Rotates daily
2015-04-10 Fix for downloading files via SFTP
2015-03-31 Small tweaks on session close, closing session does not close ssh transport
2015-03-18 Merged 'AuthRandom' login class by Honigbij
2015-02-25 Internals for dblog/ modules changed completely. Now accepts structured logging arguments, and uses eventids instead of regex parsing
2015-02-20 Removed screen clear/reset on logout
2015-02-19 Configuration directives have changed! ssh_addr has become listen_addr and ssh_port has become listen_port. The old keywords are still accepted for backwards compatibility
default behaviour is changed to disable the exit jail
sftp support
exec support
stdin is saved as a file in dl/ when using exec commands to support commands like 'cat >file; ./file'
allow wget download over non-80 port
simple JSON logging added
accept log and deny publickey authentication
add uname -r, -m flags
add working sleep command
enabled ssh diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 algorithm
add 'bash -c' support (no effect option)
enable support for && multiple commands
create uuid to uniquely identify each session
log and deny direct-tcpip attempts
add "chattr" command
support emacs keybindings (c-a, c-b, c-f, c-p, c-n, c-e)
add "sync" command
accept, log and deny public key authentication
add "uname -r" support
logstash and kibana config files added, based on JSON log
fix for honeypot detection (pre-auth differences with openssh)
added verbose logging of client requested key exchange parameters (for client fingerprinting)
fixes for behavior with non-existent files (cd /test, cat /test/nonexistent, etc)
fix for ability to ping/ssh non-existent IP address
always send ssh exit-status 0 on exec and shell
ls output is now alphabetically sorted
banner_file is deprecated. honeyfs/etc/issue.net is default
add 'dir' alias for 'ls'
add 'help' bash builtin
add 'users' aliased to 'whoami'
add 'killall' and 'killall5' aliased to nop
add 'poweroff' 'halt' and 'reboot' aliases for shutdown
add environment passing to commands
added 'which', 'netstat' and 'gcc' from kippo-extra
logging framework allows for keyword use