Releases: softonic/laravel-transactional-event-publisher
Releases · softonic/laravel-transactional-event-publisher
Improved emit all events
Now the library is able to emit all the events quickly.
Support Laravel 7.x
2.3.0 Support Laravel 7.x
Laravel 6 support
2.2.0 Add support for Laravel 6 (#8)
Add emit all events command
Add emit all events command (#7) * Add zero moment command * Add codeowners
Laravel 5.8
Minimum Laravel version is now 5.8
Allow configurable routing keys
Now you will be able to configure the routing key based in the fields of your message entity.
Ensure Events order when they are send async
Previously if a senddomainEvent job failed it was requeued at the end, so we'd lost the events order. Now the algorithm uses priority queues to ensure that events are sent always in order.
New middlewares to treat domain events
Database and async amqp middlewares to allow store your domain events in your local database or send them async to avoid connectivity issues with the amqp server.
Fix PHP version for travis builds
Update .travis.yml Fix wrong PHP version for travis build yml configuration file