This project allows development of Prolog-based megamodels for SoLaSoTe. It serves as further evaluation of a revised version of the axiomatization described here.
Load EMF model using swipl src/models/
It demonstrates SoLaSote as a whole and covers all types and relations.
Load EMF conformance trace model by using swipl src/models/
and the EMF code generation trace model by using swipl src/models/
They demonstrate the extended formalization of traceability.
Load Django model using swipl src/models/
The Django model demonstrates maximum inference. Hence, any facts
that can be inferred based on src/solasote/
are not stated
Use halt.
to stop the SWIPL session.
Run tests by loading the test file, e.g., swipl test/models/
and executing ?- run_tests.
. If you want to execute a single unit test specify
the test by its qualified name, e.g., ?- run_tests(ok_relation:part_of).
We test the KB for the emf model src/models/
against the constraints
implemented in src/solasote/
and src/solasote/
Tests follow this pattern:
:- begin_tests(ok_relation).
test(part_of) :-
assertion(RESULT == []).
:- end_tests(ok_relation).
We use findall/3
and assertion/1
to receive proper output for a failing test.
When a test fails, the possible values for RESULT are printed.