References for the implementations This list will be updated. Supervised Learning Decision Tree Fastai ML Course Lesson 5 Fastai ML Course Lesson 7 Elastic Net Wikipedia Explanation Datacamp Tutorial Gradient Boosting Machine K-Nearest Neighbor Stanford CS231N Course by Andrej Karpathy (2016) Lasso Regression Wikipedia Explanation Datacamp Tutorial Linear Regression Coursera ML Course (Legendary) Logistic Regression Coursera ML Course (Legendary) Naive Bayes Fastai NLP Course Neural Networks Deep Learning Specialization Course 1 Deep Learning Specialization Course 2 Stanford CS231N Course by Andrej Karpathy (2016) Perceptron Stanford CS231N Course by Andrej Karpathy (2016) Polynomial Regression Random Forest Fastai ML Course Lesson 5 Fastai ML Course Lesson 7 Ridge Regression Wikipedia Explanation Datacamp Tutorial Unsupervised Learning DBSCAN Wikipedia Explanation with Pseudocode K-Means PCA