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Class of Service and Accounts

The Class of Service (COS) assigned to an account determines the default attributes for user accounts, and the features to be enabled or denied. Each account is assigned a COS. The COS controls mailbox quotas, message lifetime, password restrictions, attachment blocking, and server pool usage.

A COS is a global object and is not restricted to a particular domain or set of domains.

You can create and edit the classes of services from the Administration Console:

Admin Console

Configure > Class of Service > select account: Manage > Accounts.

Managing Account Usages with a COS

A default COS is created when Zimbra is installed. You can modify the default COS and create new ones.

From a COS, you can manage the following functions:

  • Features and preferences that users can access.

  • Themes and Zimlets that users can access.

  • Advanced settings including attachment settings, quotas, and password log in policies.

  • Web Client Versions (Advanced, Standard, and Mobile clients).

  • Web Services and Desktop Clients (EWS, MAPI and more).

  • Offline Mode.

  • Retention policies.

As an example, you could create an Executive COS that is configured to enable all features, provide unlimited mailbox quotas, and never purges messages. And another General-Employee COS may also be created, which enables only the mail feature, sets the mailbox quota, and purges messages every 60 days. Grouping accounts to a specific COS allows you update or change account features in bulk. As such, when the COS is changed, all accounts assigned to the COS are changed.

If a COS is not explicitly set for a new account, or if the COS assigned to a user no longer exists, the Zimbra default COS is automatically assigned.

You can create a domain COS and have all accounts that are created on that domain automatically assigned to this COS. You can create different COSs and specify which ones are available for the domain. If a domain does not have a COS defined, and you do not specify a COS, the original default COS is automatically assigned when an account is created.

Some COS settings can be overridden either by global settings or by user settings. For example:

  • Whether outgoing messages are saved to Sent can be changed from the Zimbra Web Client in the user’s preferences.

  • Attachment blocking set as a global setting can override the COS setting.

Some COS settings assigned to an account are not enforced for IMAP clients.

Selecting Features and Preferences

All the features available for a COS are displayed in its Features page. From there, you can select or deselect the features you do not want included in the COS.

Changes made at the account level override the rules in the COS assigned to the account.

You can define the initial preferences for saving and viewing messages, in the Preferences page. You can also select a specific locale for the ZWC view. If alocale is not specified, the browser locale is the default.

For a description of the features and preferences, see Customizing Accounts.

Disabling Preferences

By default, Preferences are enabled, and your users can modify the default preferences that are configured for their accounts.

As the Administrator, you can disable Preferences. As a result, the Preferences page will not display in users mailboxes: they therefore cannot modify the default configuration for features that are set up for their accounts.

Setting Default Time Zone

The default time zone setting displayed in an account’s Preferences folder is used to localize the time for received messages and calendar activities in the standard web client.

When the standard web client is used, the time zone on the computer is not used to set the time a message is received or for calendar activities. Rather, the time zone setting in the Preferences > Calendar Options is used.

When using the Advanced web client, the time zone setting on the computer is used as the time stamp for received messages and for calendar activities, not the time zone setting on the General Information page.

Because the advanced web client and the standard web client do not use the same time zone source to render messages, you might notice that a message displayed on multiple clients will be stamped with different times. You can avoid this by setting the computer time zone and the web client time zone set to the same time.

Using Server Pools

In an environment with multiple mailbox servers, the COS is used to assign a new account to a mailbox server. When you configure the COS, you select which servers to add to the server pool. Within each pool of servers, a random algorithm assigns new mailboxes to any available server.

You can assign an account to a particular mailbox server when you create an account in the New Account Wizard, Mail Server field. Uncheck auto and enter the mailbox server in the Mail Server field.

Setting Account Quota

An account quota is the storage limit allowed for an account. Email messages, address books, calendars, tasks, and Briefcase files contribute to the volume of the quota. Account quotas can be set for a COS or for individual accounts from the Administration Console.

If you set the quota to 0, accounts do not have a quota.

Viewing Account Quotas

Admin Console

To view account quotas for all accounts on a domain:

Home > Configure > Domains > domain, Mailbox Quota.

Notifying Users When Maximum Quota is Near

Users can be notified that their mailboxes are nearing their quota. The quota percentage can be set and the warning message text can be modified: Go to the Quotas container for a specified Class of Service:

Admin Console

Home > Configure > Class of Service > COSname, Advanced, Quotas container

When the displayed/configured threshold is reached, a quota warning message is sent to the user.

Setting Quotas in Domains

You can set a maximum mailbox quota for a domain. The default for the domain mailbox quota is unlimited. The domain quota is the maximum amount of storage that can be used by all mailboxes within the domain.

You can set an aggregate quota as well. The sum of the quotas for all accounts in the domain can exceed the size of the aggregate.

An aggregate quota policy for how to handle messages that are sent or received once the aggregate quota has been reached can be set up. The policy options include:

  • Continue to allow messages to be sent and received as usual.

  • Do not allow messages to be sent.

  • Do not allow messages to be sent or received.

Notifications can be automatically sent when the quota is within a configured percentage of the aggregate quota. A cron tab job runs daily to check the aggregate quota percentage and if the percentage has been reached, the quota warning email is sent.

When a domain quota is set, the effective quota for an account is the minimum quota setting of either the domain or account.
Admin Console

To configure domain quotas, go to the Domain Quota Setting container for a specified domain:

Home > Configure > Domains,domain Advanced, Domain Quota Setting container

Managing Excess Quota

You can set how message delivery is handled when a Zimbra user’s mailbox exceeds the configured quota. The default behavior is for the MTA to temporarily send the message to the deferred queue. When the mailbox has sufficient space, the message is delivered. You can change this behavior to either have messages bounce back to the sender instead of being sent to the deferred queue first or you can configure to send the message to the mailbox even if the quota has been exceeded


To bounce messages instead of sending them to the deferred queue:

zmprov mcf zimbraLmtpPermanentFailureWhenOverQuota TRUE

To send the message to the mailbox even if the quota has been exceeded:

zmlocalconfig -e zimbraMailAllowReceiveButNotSendWhenOverQuota=TRUE

When this attribute is set to TRUE, a mailbox that exceeds its quota is still allowed to receive new mail and calendar invites. This quote bypass is only implemented for messages. All other mail items are still affected by the quota

Managing Passwords

If you use internal authentication, you can quickly change an account’s password from the Account’s toolbar. The user must be told the new password to log on.

If Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is used for user authentication, you must disable the Change Password feature in the COS. The AD password policy is not managed by Zimbra.

If you want to make sure users change a password that you create, you can enable Must Change Password for the account. The user must change the password the next time he logs on.

Password restrictions can be set either at the COS level or at the account level. You can configure settings to require users to create strong passwords and change their passwords regularly, and you can set the parameters to lock out accounts when incorrect passwords are entered.

Directing Users to Your Change Password Page

If your ZWC authentication is configured as external auth, you can configure {product-name} to direct users to your password change page when users change their passwords. You can either set this URL as a global setting or a per domain setting.


Set the zimbraChangePasswordURL attribute to the URL of your password change page.

In ZWC. Change Password in Preferences > General links to this URL, and when passwords expire, users are sent to this page.

Modifying the password for the domain:

zmprov md zimbraChangePasswordURL

Configuring a Password Policy

If internal authentication is configured for the domain, you can require users to create strong passwords to guard against simple password harvest attacks Users can be locked out of their accounts if they fail to sign in after the maximum number of attempts configured.

Admin Console

To set password policy, use the Password container for a specified Class of Service:

Home > Configure > Class of Service > COS name, Advanced, Password container

The password settings that can be configured are listed below.

Table 1. Password Options
Password Options Description

Minimum/Maximum password length

Specifies the required length of a password. The default minimum and maximum are 6 and 64 characters, respectively.

Minimum/Maximum password age

Configures the password expiration date. Users can change their passwords at any time between the minimum and maximum. They must change it when the maximum password age is reached.

The following settings require users to add complexity to their passwords.

Minimum upper case characters

Uppercase A - Z

Minimum lower case characters

Lowercase a - z

Minimum punctuation symbols

Non-alphanumeric, for example !, $, #, &, %

Minimum numeric characters

Base 10 digits 0 - 9

Minimum number of unique passwords history

Number of unique new passwords that a user must create before an old password can be reused.

Password locked

Users cannot change their passwords. This should be set if authentication is external.

Must change password

User is required to change password at first sign in.

Change password

Managing Login Policies

You can set the maximum number of failed login attempts before the account is locked out for the specified lockout time. This type of policy is used to prevent password attacks.

Admin Console

To set user login policy, use the Filed Login Policy container for a specified Class of Service:

Home > Configure > Class of Service > COS name, Advanced*, Failed *Login Policy container

Table 2. Login Policy Options
Login Policy Options Description

Enable failed login lockout

This enables “failed login lockout” feature. You can configure the following settings.

Number of consecutive failed logins allowed

Number of failed login attempts before the account is locked out. The default is 10. If set to 0, the account is never locked out.

Time to lockout the account

Amount of time the account is locked out. If this is set to 0, the account is locked out until the correct password is entered, or the administrator manually changes the account status and creates a new password. The default is 1 hour.

Time window in which the failed logins must occur within to lock the account

Duration of time after which the number of consecutive failed login attempts is cleared from the log. The default is 0, the user can continue attempts to authenticate, no matter how many consecutive failed login attempts have occurred.

About 2 Factor Authentication

With the 2 Factor Authentication (FA) feature—new in Release 8.7—you can apply additional security policies to COS and/or user accounts to provide another layer of authentication during attempts to access the system. This feature must be enabled or disabled in the Admin Console, to manage 2FA functions applicable to user mailboxes.

2 Factor Authentication

See also Two Facor Authentication for practical guidelines.

Managing Session Timeout Policies

You can set the period of time to allot for user sessions, as based on various conditions.

Admin Console

To set session timeout policy, use the Timeout Policy container for a specified Class of Service:

Home > Configure> Class of Service > COS name, Advanced, Timeout Policy container

Table 3. Session Timeout Policy Options
Session Timeout Policy Options Description

Admin console auth token lifetime

Sets a browser cookie that contains the admin auth token. Administrators can open the Administration Console without having to log on again until the auth token expires. The default is 12 hours.

Auth token lifetime

Sets a browser cookie that contains the ZWC auth token. User can open ZWC without having to log on again until the auth token expires. The default is 2 days. When it expires, the log in page is displayed and the user must log in to continue.

Session idle lifetime

How long a user session remains active, if no activity occurs. Activity includes any clickable mouse action, such as viewing folder contents or clicking a button. The default is unlimited.

You can manually expire a user’s web client session from the Administration Console Expire Sessions link. This forces the current session of the account to expire immediately.

Managing Default External COS

The defaultExternal COS is assigned to external virtual accounts that are created when external users accepts a {product-abbrev} provisioned users' invitation to share their calendar or briefcase items.

This account is not provisioned on the server, but the external user can sign in to ZWC, create a display name and set a password to view the shared items. The only folders available are for the content they have access to.

The defaultExternal COS is configured with the following general features: Change password, Change UI themes, HTML compose, Export and Search. None of the major features are configured.