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2085 lines (1398 loc) · 61.1 KB


File metadata and controls

2085 lines (1398 loc) · 61.1 KB

0.4.10 (unreleased)

New Tools and Services

API changes


  • Handle a MAST URI string as input for Observations.get_cloud_uri and a list of MAST URIs as input for Observations.get_cloud_uris. [#3193]


  • The detailed hierarchy is now returned by default in query_hierarchy (it was hidden by default in the previous versions) [#3195]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Update DR4 retrieval_type names and include the new one EPOCH_ASTROMETRY_BRIGHT [#3207]


  • Fixed InvalidTableError for DI_STARS_EXEP and TD tables. [#3189]


  • Bugfix where users are unnecessarily warned about a query limit while fetching products in MastMissions.get_product_list. [#3193]
  • Bugfix where Observations.get_cloud_uri and Observations.get_cloud_uris fail if the MAST relative path is not found. [#3193]


  • fix: when adding a measurement table in the votable_fields, if a measurement table is empty for an object, there will now be a line with masked values instead of no line in the result [#3199]


  • the API is more flexible: you can now ommit the vizier: before the catalog name when crossmatching with a vizier table [#3194]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

0.4.9 (2025-01-24)

New Tools and Services


  • New module to access the ESA Integral Science Legacy Archive. [#3154]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Fix Heasarc.download_data for Sciserver. [#3183]


  • Add missing unit strings to unit mapper. micron, microns, and uas. [#3188]


  • Minor improvement to lookuptable behavior. [#3173, #2901]


  • Add whole catalog retrieval, improve error messaging for unparseable lines, improve metadata catalog, and improve lookuptable behavior. [#3173, #2901]


  • Retrieve data products from the Missions-MAST API with MastMissions.get_product_list. Retrieve unique data products only with MastMissions.get_unique_product_list. [#3155]
  • Filter data products retrieved from the Missions-MAST API with MastMissions.filter_products. [#3155]
  • Download data products from the Missions-MAST API with MastMissions.download_products. Download a single data product using MastMissions.download_file. [#3155]
  • Get the keyword corresponding to the dataset ID for a specific mission with MastMissions.get_dataset_kwd. [#3155]


  • Switch to https instead of http for the default url (allows pyodide to use the module). [#3139]
  • Add TimeMOC and STMOC as possible entries in MOCServer.query_region to allow temporal and space-time searches. [#3139]
  • return_moc now allows to ask for a Time-MOC or a Space-Time MOC rather than only Space-MOCs. [#3139]
  • Fix query by MOC that would write a file moc.fits where the method was executed in overwriting mode (potentially deleting data if there was a conflicting file). [#3139]
  • Returned tables now have a default list of fields instead of the > 130 columns returned previously. The full list of fields can be displayed with the new method MOCServer.list_fields. [#3139]
  • Add casesensitive parameter in the queries (previously, this was hardcoded to True) [#3139]
  • Add coordinate_system parameter to the queries to allow to filter on the different bodies or frames. The list of available space systems can be printed with the new method MOCServer.list_coordinates_systems. [#3139]
  • Add query_hips method, which is convenient to filter only Hierarchical progressive surveys. [#3139]
  • Add new parameter criteria in query_region and query_hips with the same use as meta_data in the deprecated method find_datasets. [#3139]
  • Deprecated find_datasets in favour of query_region. [#3139]


  • Fixed adding a list of fluxes with the deprecated notation Simbad.add_votable_fields("flux(U)", "flux(J)"). [#3186]
  • Support more of the 0.4.7 votable fields. Raise more significant error messages for the discontinued ones. [#3186]
  • Fix the deprecated votable fields otype(V) and otype(S). [#3186]
  • Fixed non existing flux filters as votable fields would fail silently. [#3186]

0.4.8 (2025-01-16)

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Removed photutils from Astroquery [#3067]
  • Reduced the number of API calls when polling for job status. [#3079]


  • Added method to return quantities instead of values and regions footprint in alma. [#2855]
  • Added support for frequency_resolution in KHz. [#3035]
  • Added support for temporary upload tables in query_tap. [#3118]
  • Changed the way galactic ranges are used in queries. [#3105]


  • Support jobs which are in the SUSPENDED state (used when copying data). [#3134]


  • Module has been removed as it was incompatible with server changes. A standalone library called dace-query is available to access DACE data. [#3162]


  • Include warning in get_datalabs_path method for ehst when the data volume is not mounted in DataLabs. [#3059]
  • Fixed an inconsistency, get_member_observations now return a list for both simple and composite observations. [#3157]
  • New method get_datalabs_path to return the complete path of a file in datalabs by combining the datalabs volume path with the path of the file in the table ehst.artifact [#2998]


  • get_obs_products method now supports product_type parameter as string or list. [#2995]
  • Added download_files_from_program method to get all products by program id. [#3073]


  • Added support for eROSITA downloads. [#3111]


  • Included table size in the class TapTableMeta returned by the functions load_tables and load_table, in the class Tap. [#2970]
  • For the functions that return files in FITS/ECSV format, the files are now provided as uncompressed files. [#2983]
  • New parameter USE_NAMES_OVER_IDS that gives preference to name over ID attributes of columns as the names of columns in the astropy.table.Table instance. By default, value True is set, that gives name preference. [#2967]
  • Change the signature of the method load_data: the parameter output_file that defined the file where the results were saved, is replaced by boolean parameter dump_to_file, that in case it is true, a compressed directory named "" with all the DataLink files is made. So the users cannot specified the output file anymore. [#3014]
  • New retrieval types for datalink (Gaia DR4 release). [#3110]
  • The output file name built by the method load_data, includes microsecond resolution. This is based on the previous. [#3130]


  • Changed URL to https and thus making the module functional again. [#3056]


  • Refactor heasarc to use the VO backend. [#2997]


  • Added more robust handling of errors returned in Most.query_object() responses. [#3140]
  • Removal of the deprecated module ipac.irsa.sha. Use ipac.irsa to access Spitzer data. [#3163]


  • Fix unit inconsistency in pl_trandur from day(s) to hour(s). [#3137]


  • Add missing column definitions, especially for refraction=True and extra_precision=True. [#2986]


  • Fixed bug in which the local_path parameter for the mast.observations.download_file method does not accept a directory. [#3016]
  • Added verbose parameter to modulate output in mast.observations.download_products method. [#3031]
  • Fixed bug in Catalogs.query_criteria() to use page and pagesize parameters correctly. [#3065]
  • Modified mast.Observations.get_cloud_uris to also accept query criteria and data product filters. [#3064]
  • Increased the speed of mast.Observations.get_cloud_uris by obtaining multiple URIs from MAST at once. [#3064]
  • Raise an error rather than a warning when nonexistent query criteria are used in Observations.query_criteria, Catalogs.query_criteria, Catalogs.query_region, Catalogs.query_object, and MastMissions query methods, [#3084, #3126]
  • Added support for case-insensitive criteria keyword arguments in mast.Observations.query_criteria and mast.Catalogs.query_criteria. [#3087]
  • Added function mast.Observations.get_unique_product_list to return the unique data products associated with given observations. [#3096]
  • Deprecated enable_cloud_dataset and disable_cloud_dataset in classes where they are non-operational. [#3113]
  • Handle HLSP data products in Observations.get_cloud_uris. [#3126]


  • Rename MPC.get_mpc_object_endpoint to MPC._get_mpc_object_endpoint to indicate that it is a private method. [#3089]
  • Parse star catalog information when querying observations database. [#2957]
  • Parse ephemeris with sky motion with three digit precision. [#3026]
  • Raise EmptyResponseError when empty ephemeris response is returned [#3026]
  • Deprecated get_raw_response parameter from MPC.get_observations. The raw response may be retrieved from the _async() method. [#3089]
  • Removed get_raw_response parameter from MPC.get_ephemeris and MPC.get_observatory_codes without deprecation as the parameters were ignored and had no effect. [#3089]
  • Fixed bug in MPC.get_ephemeris that caused the cache keyword parameter to be ignored. [#3089]
  • Removed comettype parameter from MPC.get_observations without deprecation: it was undocumented, ignored, and had no effect. [#3089]
  • When MPC.get_ephemeris raises an InvalidQueryError message, instead of returning the original HTML formatted text, strip the HTML tags and return a plain text message. [#3171]


  • Fixed base URL to reflect upstream changes. [#3160]


  • Fixed result parsing incompatibility with astropy 6.1 on Windows systems. [#3008]


  • Changed URL to https and thus making the module functional again. [#3048]


  • Support new SDSS-V DR18 access URLs. [#3017]
  • Fixed download caching. [#3123]


  • The ROW_LIMIT value to have the maximum number of rows is now -1. Use ROW_LIMIT = 0 to retrieve the output's meta-data. [#2954]
  • ROW_LIMIT can now be set at instantiation (e.g.: simbad = Simbad(ROW_LIMIT=10))). [#2954]
  • list_votable_fields now return an astropy Table with added fields information instead of a list of strings. [#2954]
  • list_votable_fields is now queried directly from SIMBAD instead of reading a file in astroquery. This prevents it from being outdated. [#2954]
  • get_votable_fields now prints the table name and column name instead of just the column name. [#2954]
  • The verbose and cache kwargs have been deprecated from all methods as they have no effect with with the new query interface. [#2954]
  • get_adql is deprecated and replaced by get_query_payload in list_columns and list_table. The payload output contains the ADQL under the QUERY key. [#2954]
  • All query methods except query_tap and query_criteria now accept a criteria argument to restrict the results with custom criteria. [#2954]
  • query_objects outputs now have an additional column user_specified_id containing the objects' name as specified by the user. The votable_field option typed_id is removed. [#2954]
  • The equinox and epoch kwargs are deprecated in query_region, use astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord directly instead. [#2954]
  • query_bibcode has a new option abstract that allows to also retrieve the article's abstract. [#2954]
  • query_bibcode output is now in an astropy Table with distinct columns instead of a single one in which all the information was a string. [#2954]
  • query_criteria is now deprecated and should be replaced by either custom TAP queries or by the criteria argument added in the other query methods. A helper method was added astroquery.simbad.utils.CriteriaTranslator to translate between the sim-script syntax and the TAP/ADQL syntax. [#2954]
  • Fixed query_objects that would not work in combination with the additional field ident. [#3149]
  • Added query_hierarchy: a new method that allows to get the parents, children, or siblings of an object. [#3175]
  • Added NoResultsWarning when a query returns an empty table. [#3068]


  • Overlay arguments lut, grid, and gridlabel are removed, as they only apply to output types not returned by Astroquery. [#2979]


  • Fix incompatibilities with the major changes made to the Splatalogue's upstream server in March 2024. [#2960]


  • Changed the type of raised error when the catalog is not found in Vizier.get_catalog_metadata from IndexError to EmptyResponseError. [#2980]
  • Fixed search by UCD -- they were ignored. [#3147]
  • Fixed column names -- some characters were replaced by _ instead of keeping the original name. [#3153]


  • Updated base URL to fix 404 responses. [#3033]


  • Fixed xmatch query for two local tables. The second table was written over the first one, resulting in a confusing "missing cat1" error. [#3116]
  • Made the error message clearer about VizieR tables not available for crossmatching. [#3168]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • Versions of astropy <5.0 and numpy <1.20 are no longer supported. [#2966]
  • Versions of Python <3.9 are no longer supported. [#2966]
  • Versions of PyVO <1.5 are no longer supported. [#3002]


  • TapPlus.upload_table should not allow table names to contain a dot. ValueError is now raised for such cases. [#2971]
  • Fix method read_http_response to retrieve json files. This fixes the previous PR #2947. [#2990]
  • Fixed method search_async_jobs in the class TapPlus. [#2967]

0.4.7 (2024-03-08)

New Tools and Services


  • New module to access the ESA Herschel mission. [#2122]


  • New class, Most, to access the Moving Object Search Tool (MOST) is added. [#2660]


  • mocserver is the new name of the cds module allowing access to the CDS MOC server [#2766]


  • New module to access the NEODyS web interface. [#2618]


  • New module to access the Planetary Data System's Ring Node System. [#2358]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Removal of the non-functional get_spectrym method as that service has disappeared. [#2578]


  • Fixed a regression to handle arrays of string input for the query methods. [#2457]
  • Throws an error when an unsupported kwargs (or argument) is passed in to a function. [#2475]
  • New DataLink API handling. [#2493]
  • Fixed bug in which blank URLs were being sent to the downloader. [#2490]
  • Removed deprecated broken functions from alma.utils. [#2331]
  • Fixed a bug in slicing of ALMA regions. [#2810]
  • Added support for ALMA OIDC (OpenID Connect) auth service, Keycloak. [#2712]
  • Fixed bug to use the timeout set in the configuration. [#2535]


  • Added a verbose= keyword argument to AstrometryNet to control whether or not to show any information during solving. [#2484]
  • Fixed a bug which caused solve_timeout to not be respected when an image was solved by constructing a source list internally before sending data to [#2484]
  • Avoid duplicated warnings about API key and raise an error only when API key is needed but not set. [#2483]
  • Added return_submission_id keyword argument to monitor_submission(). [#2685]
  • Fixed off-by-one error in the reference pixel of the WCS solution when the solution is found using sources detected by photutils. After this fix the solution from will be the same when the input is an image regardless of whether the image is uploaded or sources are detected locally. [#2752]


  • Fixed infitine caching loop. [#2339]
  • Change URL and improve error handling. [#2769]


  • Deprecated keywords and run_query method have been removed. [#2389]
  • Added the ability to pass longer that filename Path objects as output_file. [#2541]


  • Add the ability to produce 2D and 3D cutouts from ASKAP images and cubes. [#2366]
  • Use the standard login method for authenticating, which supports the system keyring. [#2386]


  • The cds module has been renamed mocserver and issues a deprecation warning when imported. [#2766]


  • Refactored query_criteria to make the query a lot faster. [#2524]
  • Method query_hst_tap has been renamed query_tap. [#2597]
  • Product types in download_product have been modified to: 'PRODUCT', 'SCIENCE_PRODUCT', or 'POSTCARD'. [#2597]
  • Added proposal keyword argument to several methods now allows to filter by Proposal ID. [#2797]
  • Update to TAP url to query data and download files, aligned with the new eHST Science Archive. [#2567, #2597]
  • Status and maintenance messages from eHST TAP when the module is instantiated. Use get_status_messages to retrieve them. [#2597]
  • New methods to download single files download_file and download FITS associated to an observation download_fits_files. [#2797]
  • New function to retrieve all the files associated to an observation get_associated_files. [#2797]
  • New methods to retrieve metadata (get_observations_from_program) and files (download_files_from_program) associated to a proposal. [#2910]


  • Fixes in login and set_token methods. [#2807]


  • New version of RMF matrices (v21). [#2910, #2932]


  • Authenticate with ESO using APIs and tokens instead of HTML forms. [#2681]
  • Discontinue usage of old Request Handler for dataset retrieval in favor of new dataportal API. [#2681]
  • Local reimplementation of astroquery's _download_file to fix some issues and avoid sending a HEAD request just to get the original filename. [#1580]
  • Restore support for .Z files. [#1818]


  • The module has been deprecated due to the retirement of its upstream website. The database hasn't been updated since 2018, users are encouraged to use the ipac.nexsci.nasa_exoplanet_archive module instead. [#2792]


  • TAP notifications service is now available for Gaia. [#2376]
  • Datalink can be used with the new parameter linking_parameter. It provides an additional meaning to the source identifiers: 'source_id', 'transit_id', and 'image_id'. [#2859, #2936]
  • Added support for output formats: votable, votable_gzip (which is now the default), and ecsv. [#2907]
  • For the functions cone_search, cone_search_async, launch_job, and launch_job_async the data can be retrieved for the json output_format. [#2927, #2947]
  • Method load_data now has the parameter valid_data to control the epoch photometry service to return all data associated to a given source. [#2376]
  • Default Gaia catalog updated to DR3. [#2596]


  • Fix issue in which blank tables raised exceptions. [#2624]


  • The IRSA module's backend has been refactored to favour VO services and to run the queries through TAP rather than Gator. New method query_tap is added to enable ADQL queries, async-named methods have been removed. The selcols kwarg has been renamed to columns, and the cache and verbose kwargs have been deprecated as they have no effect. [#2823]
  • Method to run SIAv2 VO queries, query_sia, is added. [#2837]
  • Method to list available collections for SIA queries, list_collections, is added. [#2952]
  • Deprecation of the module ipac.irsa.sha due to upstream API changes and in favour of recommending using ipac.irsa instead. [#2924]


  • Removed deprecated methods query_planet and query_star. [#2431]
  • Stability improvements to query_aliases to address bug that made method retrieve no aliases for multiple star systems. [#2506]


  • Deprecate get_raw_response parameter in query methods. The raw response may be retrieved from the _async() methods. [#2418]
  • Adding optional_setting parameter to the ephemerides methods to allow passing additional settings. [#1802]
  • Topocentric coordinates can now be specified for both center and target in observer and vector queries. [#2625]
  • Updated returned table columns to match Horizons's updates. [#2794]
  • Assign units to "hour_angle", "solartime", and "siderealtime" columns. [#2794]
  • Allow using units in locations specified as coordinates. [#2746]


  • Fix a bug for jplsdbd query when the returned physical quantity contains a unit with exponential. [#2377]


  • Fix a bug in lookup-table generation when using parse_name_locally option. [#2945]


  • Fix issues with the line name parser and the line data parser; the original implementation was incomplete and upstream was not fully documented. [#2385, #2411]
  • Added new line list reader and enabled reading line list from remote server.[#2760]
  • Updated local version of line list to include some change in column names. [#2760]


  • Cull duplicate downloads for the same dataURI in Observations.download_products() and duplicate URIs in Observations.get_cloud_uris. [#2497]
  • Fixed Observations.get_product_list to handle input lists of obsids. [#2504]
  • Add a flat option to Observation.download_products() to turn off the automatic creation and organizing of products into subdirectories. [#2511]
  • Expanding Cutouts functionality to support making Hubble Advanced Product (HAP) cutouts via HAPCut. [#2613]
  • Expanding Cutouts functionality to support TICA HLSPs now available through TesscutClass. [#2668]
  • Resolved issue making PANSTARRS catalog queries when columns and sorting is specified. [#2727]
  • Bug fix in Observations.query_criteria() to use page and pagesize parameters [#2915]
  • Added mast_query to MastClass to handle the creation of parameter dictionaries for MAST Service queries. [#2785]
  • PanSTARRS data is now available to download anonymously from the public STScI S3 buckets. [#2893]
  • Changed warning to error for authentication failure. [#1874]


  • Vectorized linename option to query multiple spectral lines with one call of Nist.query. [#2678]
  • Fix wavelength keywords, which were changed upstream. [#2918]
  • Fetch statistical weight (g) from the database. [#2955]


  • Fix bug in parsing events that contain html tags (e.g. in their alias field). [#2423]


  • query_region() can perform cone search or a rectangular search around the specified coordinates. [#2477, #2663]
  • The default data release has been changed to DR17. [#2478]
  • Switching to https to avoid issues originating in relying on server side redirects. [#2654]
  • Fix bug to have object IDs as unsigned integers, on Windows, too. [#2800, #2806, #2880]


  • new query_tap method to access SIMBAD. This comes with additional methods to explore SIMBAD's tables and their links: list_tables, list_columns, and list_linked_tables. [#2856]
  • It is now possible to specify multiple coordinates together with a single radius as a string in query_region() and query_region_async(). [#2494]
  • ROW_LIMIT is now respected when running region queries; previously, it was ignored for region queries but respected for all others. A new warning, BlankResponseWarning, is introduced for use when one or more query terms result in a blank or missing row; previously, only a generic warning was issued. [#2637]


  • Fix bug for radius parameter to not behave as diameter. [#2601]
  • Fix bug in height and width input validation. [#2757]


  • The wavelength limits in get_filter_index can now be specified using any length unit, not just angstroms. [#2444]
  • Queries with invalid parameter names now raise an InvalidQueryError. [#2446]
  • The default wavelength range used by get_filter_index was far too large. The user must now always specify both upper and lower limits. [#2509]


  • Fix parsing vizier generated tsv returns. [#2611]
  • New method get_catalog_metadata allows to retrieve information about VizieR catalogs such as origin_article, description, or last modified date. [#2878]


  • The reason for query errors, as parsed from the returned VOTable is now exposed as part of the traceback. [#2608]
  • Minor internal change to use VOTable as the response format that include units, too. [#1375]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • Optional keyword arguments are now keyword only. [#1802, #2339, #2477, #2532, #2597, #2601, #2609, #2610, #2655, #2656, #2661, #2671, #2690, #2703]
  • New function, utils.cleanup_downloads.cleanup_saved_downloads, is added to help the testcleanup narrative in narrative documentations. [#2384]
  • Adding new BaseVOQuery baseclass for modules using VO tools. [#2836]
  • Adding more system and package information to User-Agent. [#2762, #2836]
  • Refactoring caching. [#1634]
  • Removal of the non-functional nrao module as it was completely incompatible with the refactored upstream API. [#2546]
  • Removal of the non-functional noirlab module because the current module is incompatible with the new upstream API. [#2579]
  • Removed deprecated function utils.commons.send_request(). [#2583]
  • Removed deprecated function utils.download_list_of_fitsfiles(). [#2594]
  • Versions of astropy <4.2.1 and numpy <1.18 are no longer supported. [#2602]


  • Add support for MAXREC parameter. [#1584]
  • Data downloads are now executed in streaming mode. [#2910]

0.4.6 (2022-03-22)

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Added verify_only option to check if data downloaded with correct file size. [#2263]
  • Deprecated keywords and stage_data method has been removed. [#2309]
  • Deprecate broken functions from alma.utils. [#2332]
  • Optional keyword arguments are now keyword only. [#2309]


  • Simplify file names produced by download_files to avoid filename too long errors. [#2308]


  • Changed query_target method to use TAP instead of AIO. [#2268]
  • Added new method get_hap_hst_link and get_member_observations to get related observations. [#2268]


  • Add option to download proprietary data. [#2251]


  • The query_object() and query_object_async() methods of astroquery.gaia.Gaia no longer ignore their columns argument when radius is specified. [#2249]
  • Enhanced methods launch_job and launch_job_async to avoid issues with the name provided by the user for the output file when the results are returned by the TAP in compressed format. [#2077]


  • Fixes to alias query, and regularize keyword removed from deprecated query_star method. [#2264]


  • Adding moving target functionality to Tesscut [#2121]
  • Adding MastMissions class to provide mission-specific metadata query functionalities. [#2095]
  • GALEX data is now available to download anonymously from the public STScI S3 buckets. [#2261]
  • Adding the All-Sky PLATO Input Catalog ('plato') as a catalog option for methods of Catalogs. [#2279]
  • Optional keyword arguments are now keyword only. [#2317]


  • Fix query_crossid for spectral data and DR17. [#2258, #2304]
  • Fix query_crossid to be able to query larger list of coordinates. [#2305]
  • Fix query_crossid for very old data releases (< DR10). [#2318]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • Remove obsolete testing tools. [#2287]
  • Callback hooks are deleted before caching. Potentially all cached queries prior to this PR will be rendered invalid. [#2295]


  • The modules that make use of the astroquery.utils.tap.model.job.Job class (e.g. Gaia) no longer print messages about where the results of async queries were written if the verbose setting is False. [#2299]
  • New method, rename_table, which allows the user to rename table and column names. [#2077]

0.4.5 (2021-12-24)

New Tools and Services


  • New module to provide access to eJWST Science Archive metadata and datasets. [#2140, #2238]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Add option to retrieve_data from an earlier archive query. [#1614]


  • Fix result parsing issues by disabling caching of failed queries. [#2253]


  • Fix URL for individual spectrum file download in recent data releases. [#2214]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • Adding --alma-site pytest option for testing to have a control over which specific site to test. [#2224]
  • The function astroquery.utils.download_list_of_fitsfiles() has been deprecated. [#2247]


  • Changing the default verbosity of TapPlus to False. [#2228]

0.4.4 (2021-11-17)

New Tools and Services


  • Added Solar System Object functionality. [#2106]


  • New namespace for IPAC services. [#2131]


  • Molecular line catalog query tool provides an interface to the Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy. [#2143]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Add ability to stage and download non image data which have been found through the CASDA obscore table. [#2158]


  • The bug which caused changing the MAIN_GAIA_TABLE option to have no effect has been fixed. [#2153]


  • Keyword 'file_format' is added to get_image_list to enable obtaining links to non-fits file formats, too. [#2217]


  • Updated to use v1.0 of the new JPL Horizons API released 2021-09-15. Included in this update, the default reference system is changed from J2000 to ICRF, following API documentation. [#2154]
  • Query id_type behavior has changed:
    • 'majorbody' and 'id' have been removed and the equivalent functionality replaced with None. None implements the Horizons default, which is to search for major bodies first, then fall back to a small body search when no matches are found. Horizons does not have a major body only search. [#2161]
    • The default value was 'smallbody' but it is now None, which follows Horizons's default behavior. [#2161]
  • Fix changes in column names that resulted KeyErrors. [#2202]


  • JPLSpec now raises an EmptyResponseError if the returned result is empty. The API for JPLspec's lookup_table.find function returns a dictionary instead of values (for compatibility w/CDMS). [#2144]


  • Fix result parsing issues by disabling caching of failed queries. [#2187]
  • Fix parsing of non-ascii bibcode responses. [#2200]


  • Splatalogue table merging can now handle unmasked columns. [#2136]


  • It is now possible to specify 'galatic' centers in region queries to have box queries oriented along the galactic axes. [#2152]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • Versions of astropy <4 and numpy <1.16 are no longer supported. [#2163]


  • As part of the namespace restructure, now modules for the IPAC archives are avalable as: ipac.irsa, ipac.ned, and ipac.nexsci. Additional services have also been moved to their parent organisations' namespace. Acces from the top namespace have been deprecated for the following modules: ibe, irsa, irsa_dust, nasa_exoplanet_archive, ned, sha. [#2131]

0.4.3 (2021-07-07)

New Tools and Services


  • Download by observation id or source name. [#2078]
  • Added custom ADQL and TAP+ functionality. [#2078]
  • Enabled download of INTEGRAL data products. [#2105]


  • Module added to perform a cone search based on a set of criteria. [#1855]


  • Adding the extraction epic light curves and spectra. [#2017]


  • Add alternative instance of HEASARC Server, maintained by INTEGRAL Science Data Center. [#1988]


  • Making module compatible with the NASA Exoplanet Archive 2.0 using TAP. release. Support for querying old tables (exoplanets, compositepars, and exomultpars) has been dropped. [#2067]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Change URL to https. [#2088]


  • Fixed the generation of files with wrong extension. [#2017]
  • Use astroquery downloader tool to get progressbar, caching, and prevent memory leaks. [#2087]


  • Changed default of Gaia TAP Plus interface to instantiate silently. [#2085]


  • Added posibility to query limited time range. [#1988]


  • Doubling default timeout to 120 seconds. [#2108]
  • Change URL to https. [#2108]


  • Adding cache kwarg to the class methods to be able to control the use of local cache. [#2092]
  • Making optional kwargs keyword only. [#2092]


  • Change URL to https. [#2108]
  • A NoResultsWarning is now returned when there is return of any empty table. [#1837]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • Fixed progressbar download to report the correct downloaded amount. [#2091]
  • Dropping Python 3.6 support. [#2102]

0.4.2 (2021-05-14)

New Tools and Services


  • New module HIPS2fits to provide access to fits/jpg/png image cutouts from a HiPS + a WCS. [#1734]


  • New module to access ESA ISO mission. [#1914]


  • New method get_epic_images is added to extract EPIC images from tarballs. [#1759]
  • New method get_epic_metadata is added to download EPIC sources metadata. [#1814]


  • Added Zcut functionality to astroquery [#1911]


  • New module to access the Spanish Virtual Observatory Filter Profile List. [#1498]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • The archive query interface has been deprecated in favour of VirtualObservatory (VO) services such as TAP, ObsCore etc. The alma library has been updated accordingly. [#1689]
  • ALMA queries using string representations will now convert to appropriate coordinates before being sent to the server; previously they were treated as whatever unit they were presented in. [#1867]
  • Download mechanism uses the ALMA Datalink service that allows exploring and downloading entire tarball package files or just part of their content. [#1820]
  • Fixed bug in get_data_info to ensure relevant fields are strings. [#2022]


  • All ESASky spectra now accessible. [#1909]
  • Updated ESASky module for version 3.5 of ESASky backend. [#1858]
  • Added row limit parameter for map queries. [#1858]


  • Module added to query eHST TAP based on a set of specific criteria and asynchronous jobs are now supported. [#1723]


  • Fixed RA/dec table edit capability. [#1784]
  • Changed file names handling when downloading data. [#1784]
  • Improved code to handle bit data type. [#1784]
  • Prepared code to handle new datalink products. [#1784]


  • login() method to support authenticated sessions to the GOA. [#1780]
  • get_file() to support downloading files. [#1780]
  • fix syntax error in query_criteria() [#1823]
  • If QA and/or engineering parameters are explicitly passed, remove the defaults of notengineering and/or NotFail. [#2000]
  • Smarter defaulting of radius to None unless coordinates are specified, in which case defaults to 0.3 degrees. [#1998]


  • A NoResultsWarning is now returned when there is no matching rows were found in query. [#1829]


  • Used more specific exceptions in IRSA. [#1854]


  • Returns astropy quantities, rather than scaled units. [#2011]


  • Module has been removed after having been defunct due to upstream API refactoring a few years ago. [#2071]


  • Added Observations.download_file method to download a single file from MAST given an input data URI. [#1825]
  • Added case for passing a row to Observations.download_file. [#1881]
  • Removed deprecated methods: Observations.get_hst_s3_uris(), Observations.get_hst_s3_uri(), Core.get_token(), Core.enable_s3_hst_dataset(), Core.disable_s3_hst_dataset(); and parameters: obstype and silent. [#1884]
  • Fixed error causing empty products passed to Observations.get_product_list() to yeild a non-empty result. [#1921]
  • Changed AWS cloud access from RequesterPays to anonymous acces. [#1980]
  • Fixed error with download of Spitzer data. [#1994]


  • Fix validation of field names. [#1790]


  • The Splatalogue ID querying is now properly cached in the astropy cache directory. The scraping function has also been updated to reflect the Splatalogue webpage. [#1772]
  • The splatalogue URL has changed to, as the old site stopped functioning in September 2020 [#1817]


  • Updated to UKIDSSDR11PLUS as the default data release. [#1767]


  • Deprecate module due to upstream library dependence and compability issues. [#2070]


  • Refactor module to support list of coordinates as well as several fixes to follow changes in upstream API. [#2012]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • HTTP requests and responses can now be logged when the astropy logger is set to level "DEBUG" and "TRACE" respectively. [#1992]
  • Astroquery and all its modules now uses a logger similar to Astropy's. [#1992]

0.4.1 (2020-06-19)

New Tools and Services


  • A new ESA archive service for XMM-Newton access. [#1557]


  • Module added to access FIRST survey radio images. [#1733]


  • Module added to access the NOIRLab (formally NOAO) archive. [#1638]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • A new API was deployed in late February / early March 2020, requiring a refactor. The user-facing API should remain mostly the same, but some service interruption may have occurred. Note that the stage_data column uid has been renamed mous_uid, which is a technical correction, and several columns have been added. [#1644, #1665, #1683]
  • The contents of tarfiles can be shown with the expand_tarfiles keyword to stage_data. [#1683]
  • Bugfix: when accessing private data, auth credentials were not being passed to the HEAD request used to acquire header data. [#1698]


  • Add ability to stage and download ASKAP data. [#1706]


  • Fixed authentication and enabled listing of async jobs. [#1712]


  • New unzip parameter to control uncompressing the retrieved data. [#1642]


  • Allow for setting row limits in query submissions through class attribute. [#1641]


  • Allow for additional search terms to be sent to query_criteria and passed to the raw web query against the Gemini Archive. [#1659]


  • Fix for changes in HORIZONS return results after their 2020 Feb 12 update. [#1650]


  • Update the NASA Exoplanet Archive interface to support all tables available through the API. The standard astroquery interface is now implemented via the query_*[_async] methods. [#1700]


  • Fixed passing project_code to the query [#1720]


  • It is now possible to specify constraints to query_region() with the column_filters keyword. [#1702]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • Versions of astropy <3.1 are no longer supported. [#1649]
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the TOP statement from being properly added to a TAP query containing valid 'n'. The bug was revealed by changes to the gaia module, introduced in version 0.4. [#1680]
  • Added new json keyword to BaseQuery requests. [#1657]

0.4 (2020-01-24)

New Tools and Services


  • Module added to access data from the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive. [#1505]


  • Added DACE Service. See DACE website for details. [#1370]


  • Module added to access the Gemini archive. [#1596]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Add optional 'columns' parameter to select specific columns. [#1548]


  • Fix Skybot return for unumbered asteroids. [#1598]


  • Fix for changes in HORIZONS return results after their 2020 Jan 21 update. [#1620]


  • Add Kepler to missions with cloud support, Update get_cloud_uri so that if a file is not found it produces a warning and returns None rather than throwing an exception. [#1561]


  • Redefined the query API so as to prevent downloading of the whole database. Added two functions query_planet (to query for a specific exoplanet), and query_star (to query for all exoplanets under a specific stellar system) [#1606]


  • Added new 'only_astronomically_observed' option. [#1600]


  • query_region() now accepts service_url keyword and uses conf.pedantic and conf.timeout directly. As a result, URL, PEDANTIC, and TIMEOUT class attributes are no longer needed, so they are removed from ConeSearchClass and ConeSearch. [#1528]
  • The classic API conesearch() no longer takes timeout and pedantic keywords. It uses conf.pedantic and conf.timeout directly. [#1528]
  • Null result now emits warning instead of exception. [#1528]
  • Result is now returned as astropy.table.Table by default. [#1528]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions


  • Added timer functions. [#1508]

0.3.10 (2019-09-19)

New Tools and Services


  • Module added to interface to plate-solving service. [#1163]


  • Module added to access data at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre. [#1354, #1486]


  • Module added hubble for accessing the ESA Hubble Archive. [#1373, #1534]


  • Added tables sharing, tables edition, upload from pytable and job results, cross match, data access and datalink access. [#1266]


  • Service miriade added, querying asteroid and comets ephemerides. [#1353]
  • Service skybot added, identifying Solar System objects in a given field at a given epoch. [#1353]


  • Addition of observation metadata query. [#1473]
  • Addition of catalogs.MAST PanSTARRS catalog queries. [#1473]


  • Functionality added to query observations database. [#1350]

Service fixes and enhancements


  • Fix some broken VOtable returns and a broken login URL. [#1369]
  • get_project_metadata() is added to query project metadata. [#1147]
  • Add access to the member_ous_id attribute. [#1316]


  • Apply MOCPy v0.5.* API changes. [#1343]


  • Try to re-authenticate when logged out from the ESO server. [#1315]


  • Fixing error handling to filter out only the query errors. [#1338]


  • Add refplane keyword to vectors_async to return data for different available reference planes. [#1335]
  • Vector queries provide different aberrations, ephemerides queries provide extra precision option. [#1478]
  • Fix crash when precision to the second on epoch is requested. [#1488]
  • Fix for missing H, G values. [#1333]


  • Fix for missing values. [#1333]


  • Update query_criteria keyword obstype->intentType. [#1366]
  • Remove deprecated authorization code, fix unit tests, general code cleanup, documentation additions. [#1409]
  • TIC catalog search update. [#1483]
  • Add search by object name to Tesscut, make resolver_object public, minor bugfixes. [#1499]
  • Add option to query TESS Candidate Target List (CTL) Catalog. [#1503]
  • Add verbose keyword for option to silence logger info and warning about S3 in enable_cloud_dataset(). [#1536]


  • Fix an error in one of the default keys, citations->citation. [#1337]


  • Fixed an upstream issue where js was included in returned data. [#1359]
  • Unescape raw HTML codes in returned data back into Unicode equivalents to stop them silently breaking Table parsing. [#1431]


  • Fix parameter validation allowing for hybrid telescope configuration. [#1283]


  • Update to SDSS-IV URLs and general clean-up. [#1308]


  • Support using the output values of find_catalog in get_catalog. [#603]
  • Fix to ensure to fall back on the default catalog when it's not provided as part of the query method. [#1328]
  • Fix swapped width and length parameters. [#1406]


  • Add parameter area to restrict sky region considered. [#1476]

Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions

  • HTTP user-agent now has the string _testrun in the version number of astroquery, for queries triggered by testing. [#1307]
  • Adding deprecation decorators to utils from astropy to be used while we support astropy <v3.1.2. [#1435]
  • Added tables sharing, tables edition, upload from pytable and job results, data access and datalink access to utils.tap. [#1266]
  • Added a new astroquery.__citation__ and astroquery.__bibtex__ attributes which give a citation for astroquery in bibtex format. [#1391]

0.3.9 (2018-12-06)

  • New tool: MPC module can now request comet and asteroid ephemerides from the Minor Planet Ephemeris Service, and return a table of observatory codes and coordinates. [#1177]
  • New tool CDS: module to query the MOCServer, a CDS tool providing MOCs and meta data of various data-sets. [#1111]
  • New tool JPLSDB: New module for querying JPL's Small Body Database Browser [#1214]
  • ATOMIC: fix several bugs for using Quantities for the range parameters. [#1187]
  • CADC: added the get_collections method. [#1482]
  • ESASKY: get_maps() accepts dict or list of (name, Table) pairs as input table list. [#1167]
  • ESO: Catch exception on login when keyring fails to get a valid storage. [#1198]
  • ESO: Add option to retrieve calibrations associated to data. [#1184]
  • FERMI: Switch to HTTPS [#1241]
  • IRSA: Added selcols keyword. [#1296]
  • JPLHorizons: Fix for missing total absolute magnitude or phase coefficient for comets [#1151]
  • JPLHorizons: Fix queries for major solar system bodies when sub-observer or sub-solar positions are requested. [#1268]
  • JPLHorizons: Fix bug with airmass column. [#1284]
  • JPLSpec: New query service for JPL Molecular Spectral Catalog. [#1170]
  • JPLHorizons: JPL server protocol and epoch range bug fixes, user-defined location and additional ephemerides information added [#1207]
  • HITRAN: use class-based API [#1028]
  • MAST: Enable converting list of products into S3 uris [#1126]
  • MAST: Adding Tesscut interface for accessing TESS cutouts. [#1264]
  • MAST: Add functionality for switching to auth.mast when it goes live [#1256]
  • MAST: Support downloading data from multiple missions from the cloud [#1275]
  • MAST: Updating HSC and Gaia catalog calls (bugfix) [#1203]
  • MAST: Fixing bug in catalog criteria queries, and updating remote tests. [#1223]
  • MAST: Fixing mrp_only but and changing default to False [#1238]
  • MAST: TESS input catalog bugfix [#1297]
  • NASA_ADS: Use new API [#1162]
  • Nasa Exoplanet Arhive: Add option to return all columns. [#1183]
  • SPLATALOGUE: Minor - utils & tests updated to match upstream change [#1236]
  • utils.tap: Fix Gaia units. [#1161]
  • VO_CONESEARCH: Service validator now uses new STScI VAO TAP registry. [#1114]
  • WFAU: Added QSL constraints parameter [#1259]
  • XMATCH: default timeout has changed from 60s to 300s. [#1137]
  • Re-enable sandboxing / preventing internet access during non-remote tests, which has been unintentionally disabled for a potentially long time. [#1274]
  • File download progress bar no longer displays when Astropy log level is set to "WARNING", "ERROR", or "CRITICAL". [#1188]
  • utils: fix bug in parse_coordinates, now strings that can be interpreted as coordinates are not sent through Sesame. When unit is not provided, degrees is now explicitely assumed. [#1252]
  • JPLHorizons: fix for #1201 issue in elements() and vectors(), test added
  • JPLHorizons: fix for missing H, G values [#1332]
  • JPLHorizons: warn if URI is longer than 2000 chars, docs updated
  • JPLSBDB: fix for missing value, test added

0.3.8 (2018-04-27)

  • New tool jplhorizons: JPL Horizons service to obtain ephemerides, orbital elements, and state vectors for Solar System objects. [#1023]
  • New tool mpc: MPC Module to query the Minor Planet Center web service. [#1064, #1077]
  • New tool oac: Open Astronomy Catalog API to obtain data products on supernovae, TDEs, and kilonovae. [#1053]
  • New tool wfau and vsa: Refactor of the UKIDSS query tool add full WFAU support. [#984]
  • ALMA: Adding support for band and polarization selection. [#1108]
  • HEASARC: Add additional functionality and expand query capabilities. [#1047]
  • GAIA: Default URL switched to DR2 and made configurable. [#1112]
  • IRSA: Raise exceptions for exceeding output table size limit. [#1032]
  • IRSA_DUST: Call over https. [#1069]
  • LAMDA: Fix writer for Windows on Python 3. [#1059]
  • MAST: Removing filesize checking due to unreliable filesize reporting in the database. [#1050]
  • MAST: Added Catalogs class. [#1049]
  • MAST: Enable downloading MAST HST data from S3. [#1040]
  • SPLATALOGUE: Move to https as old HTTP post requests were broken. [#1076]
  • UKIDSS: Update to DR10 as default database. [#984]
  • utils.TAP: Add tool to check for phase of background job. [#1073]
  • utils.TAP: Added redirect handling to sync jobs. [#1099]
  • utils.TAP: Fix jobsIDs assignment. [#1105]
  • VO_CONESEARCH: URL for validated services have changed. Old URL should still redirect but it is deprecated. [#1033]

0.3.7 (2018-01-25)

  • New tool: Exoplanet Orbit Catalog, NASA Exoplanet Archive [#771]
  • ESO: The upstream API changed. We have adapted. [#970]
  • ESO: Added 'destination' keyword to Eso.retrieve_data(), to download files to a specific location (other than the cache). [#976]
  • ESO: Fixed Eso.query_instrument() to use instrument specific query forms (it was using the main form before). [#976]
  • ESO: Implemented Eso.query_main() to query all instruments with the main form (even the ones without a specific form). [#976]
  • ESO: Disabled caching for all Eso.retrieve_data() operations. [#976]
  • ESO: Removed deprecated Eso.data_retrieval() and Eso.query_survey(). Please use Eso.retrieve_data() and Eso.query_surveys() instead. [#1019]
  • ESO: Added configurable URL. [#1017]
  • ESO: Fixed string related bugs. [#981]
  • MAST: Added convenience function to list available missions. [#947]
  • MAST: Added login capabilities [#982]
  • MAST: Updated download functionality [#1004]
  • MAST: Fixed no results bug [#1003]
  • utils.tap: Made tkinter optional dependency. [#983]
  • utils.tap: Fixed a bug in load_tables. [#990]
  • vo_conesearch: Fixed bad query for service that cannot accept '&&' in URL. [#993]
  • vo_conesearch: Removed broken services from default list. [#997, #1002]
  • IRSA Dust: fix units in extinction by band table. [#1016]
  • IRSA: Updated links that switched to use https. [#1010]
  • NRAO: Allow multiple configurations, telescopes in queries [#1020]
  • SIMBAD: adding 'get_query_payload' kwarg to all public methods to return the request parameters. [#962]
  • CosmoSim: Fixed login service. [#999]
  • utils: upgrade prepend_docstr_noreturns to work with multiple sections, and thus rename it to prepend_docstr_nosections. [#988]
  • Vizier: find_catalogs will now respect UCD specifications [#1000]
  • ATOMIC: Added ability to select which rows are returned from the atomic line database. [#1006]
  • ESASKY: Added Windows support, various bugfixes. [#1001, #977]
  • GAMA: Updated to use the newer DR3 release. [#1005]

0.3.6 (2017-07-03)

  • New tool: MAST - added module to access the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes. [#920, #937]
  • LAMDA: Add function to write LAMDA-formatted Tables to a datafile. [#887]
  • ALMA: Fix to queries and tests that were broken by changes in the archive. Note that as of April 2017, the archive is significantly broken and missing many data sets. [#888]
  • SIMBAD: "dist" is now available as a valid votable field. [#849] Additional minor fixes. [#932,#892]
  • SHA: fix bug with the coordinate handling. [#885]
  • turn_off_internet and turn_on_internet is not available any more from the main utils namespace, use them directly from utils.testing_tools. [#940]
  • Added the 'verify' kwarg to Astroquery.request to provide a workaround for services that have HTTPS URLs but missing certificates. [#928]

0.3.5 (2017-03-29)

  • New tool: Gaia - added module to access the European Space Agency Gaia Archive. [#836]
  • New tool: VO Cone Search - added module to access Virtual Observatory's Simple Cone Search. This is ported from astropy.vo. [#859]
  • New utility: TAP/TAP+ - added Table Access Protocol utility and the ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) extension. [#836]
  • Fix VizieR to respect specification to return default columns only [#792]
  • SIMBAD queries allow multiple configurable parameters [#820]
  • Add a capability to resume partially-completed downloads for services that support the http 'range' keyword. Currently applied to ESO and ALMA [#812,#876]
  • SIMBAD now supports vectorized region queries. A list of coordinates can be sent to SIMBAD simultaneously. Users will also be warned if they submit queries with >10000 entries, which is the SIMBAD-recommended upper limit. Also, SIMBAD support has noted that any IP submitting >6 queries/second will be soft-banned, so we have added a warning to this effect in the documentation [#833]
  • ALMA: Fix to always use https as the archive now requires it. [#814, #828]
  • ESASky: Fix various issues related to remote API changes. [#805, #817]
  • ESASky: Corrected Herschel filter indexing. [#844]
  • ESO: Fix picking issue with simple query_survey() queries. [#801]
  • ESO: Fix FEROS and HARPS instrument queries. [#840]
  • NRAO: Change default radius from 1 degree to 1 arcmin. [#813]

0.3.4 (2016-11-21)

  • New tool: basic HITRAN queries support [#617]
  • Fix #737, an issue with broken ALMA archive tables, via a hack [#775]
  • Correct HEASARC tool, which was sending incorrect data to the server [#774]
  • Fix NIST issue #714 which led to badly-parsed tables [#773]
  • NRAO archive tool allows user logins and HTML-based queries [#767, #780]
  • ALMA allows kwargs as input, and various small fixes [#785, #790, #782]
  • XMatch caching bug fixed [#789]
  • Various fixes to ESASky [#779, #772, #770]
  • New tool: VAMDC-cdms interface [#658]
  • Fix issue with exclude keyword in Splatalogue queries [#616]

0.3.3 (2016-10-11)

  • Option to toggle the display of the download bar [#734]
  • ESASKY - added new module for querying the ESASKY archive [#758, #763, #765]
  • Refactor Splatalogue and XMatch to use the caching [#747, #751]
  • Minor data updates to Splatalogue [#746, #754, #760]
  • Fix parsing bug for _parse_radius in Simbad [#753]
  • Multiple fixes to ensure Windows compatibility [#709, #726]
  • Minor fixes to ESO to match upstream form changes [#729]

0.3.2 (2016-06-10)

  • Update ESO tool to work with new web API [#696]
  • Added new instruments for ESO: ambient_paranal and meteo_paranal [#657]
  • Fix problem with listed votable fields being truncated in SIMBAD [#654]
  • SDSS remote API fixes [#690]
  • ALMA file downloader will skip over, rather than crashing on, access denied (HTTP 401) errors [#687]
  • Continued minor ALMA fixes [#655,#672,#687,#688]
  • Splatalogue export limit bugfix [#673]
  • SIMBAD flux_quality flag corrected to flux_qual [#680]
  • VIZIER add a flag to return the query payload for debugging [#668]

0.3.1 (2016-01-19)

  • Fix bug in xmatch service that required astropy tables to have exactly 2 columns on input [#641]
  • Fix NASA ADS, which had an internal syntax error [#602]
  • Bugfix in NRAO queries: telescope config was parsed incorrectly [#629]
  • IBE - added new module for locating data from PTF, WISE, and 2MASS from IRSA. See <> for more information about IBE and <> for more information about PTF survey data in particular. [#450]

0.3.0 (2015-10-26)

  • Fix ESO APEX project ID keyword [#591]
  • Fix ALMA queries when accessing private data [#601]
  • Allow data downloads to use the cache [#601]

0.2.6 (2015-07-23)

  • ESO bugfixes for handling radio buttons [#560]
  • ESO: added SPHERE to list [#551]
  • ESO/ALMA test cleanup [#553]
  • Allow ALMA project view [#554]
  • Fix Splatalogue version keyword [#557]

0.2.4 (2015-03-27)

  • Bugfix for utils.commons.send_request(): Raise exception if error status is returned in the response. [#491]
  • Update for ALMA Cycle 3 API change [#500]
  • Added LCOGT Archive support [#537]
  • Refactored LAMDA to match the standard API and added a critical density calculation utility [#546]

0.2.3 (2014-09-30)

  • AstroResponse has been removed, which means that all cached objects will have new hashes. You should clear your cache: for most users, that means rm -r ~/.astropy/cache/astroquery/ [#418]
  • In ESO and ALMA, default to not storing your password. New keyword store_password=False. [#415]
  • In ESO, fixed a form activation issue triggered in ESO retrieve_data(), updated file download link triggered by server side change. More interesting, made username optional in login(): instead, you can now configure your preferred username. Finally, automatic login is now used by retrieve_data(), if configured. [#420, #427]
  • Bugfix for UKIDSS: Login now uses the correct session to retrieve the data [#425]
  • ALMA - many new features, including selective file retrieval. Fixes many errors that were unnoticed in the previous version [#433]
  • ALMA - add help method and pass payload keywords on correctly. Validate the payload before querying. [#438]

0.2.2 (2014-09-10)

  • Support direct transmission of SQL queries to the SDSS server [#410]
  • Added email/text job completion alert [#407] to the CosmoSim tool [#267].
  • ESO archive now supports HARPS/FEROS reprocessed data queries [#412]
  • IPython notebook checker in the ESO tool is now compatible with regular python [#413]
  • Added new tool: ALMA archive query tool. [#411]
  • setup script and installation fixes

0.2 (2014-08-17)

  • New tools: ESO, GAMA, xmatch, skyview, OEC
  • Consistent with astropy 0.4 API for coordinates
  • Now uses the astropy affiliated template
  • Python 3 compatibility dramatically improved
  • Caching added and enhanced: the default cache directory is ~/.astropy/cache/astroquery/[service_name]
  • Services with separate login pages can be accessed

0.1 (2013-09-19)

  • Initial release. Includes features!