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File metadata and controls

104 lines (80 loc) · 4.13 KB

Integration with SnappyFlow

  • There are default variables available for all supported cloud providers.
  • These variables support passing credentials required to access desired cloud environment and also setting networks, regions, etc.,
  • All default variables are sourced from cloud profile and accounts sections of snappyflow.
  • All values along with variables passed from UI using parameters.json are written to values.tfvars file except variables masked sensitive in template execution directory
  • "access_key", "secret_key", "session_token","vsphere_user", "vsphere_password","openstack_username", "openstack_password" are not populated inside values.tfvars file, they are marked sensitive variables
  • optionally one can include terrafrom.tfvars file with some variables values defined by default

terrafrom and ansible commands executed from within template directory

export TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR=/data/deepinight/terraform-plugin-cache && terraform init -input=false
terraform apply -input=false -var-file="values.tfvars" 

export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=./ansible/ansible.cfg
ansible-playbook -b -v -i artifacts/hosts.ini --user=ubuntu --key-file=./keys/awskube.pem ansible/playbook.yml

terraform destroy -force -var-file="values.tfvars"

Default Variables list

Common Variables

variable description
stackname application name with creation time stamp ex: test-1551354199
appname application name with out creation time stamp ex: test
ssh_user user name of linux instances read from user.txt file in template


  • account

variable description
access_key aws access key
secret_key aws secret key
session_token MFA token
region aws region
  • cloudprofile

variable description
ssh_key_name The user-supplied key pair name, which is used to connect to an instance
vpc_id AWS VPC where template hasto be deployed
subnet_id Subnet within the VPC which is used by template

example: elasticsearch-cluster-3-node-aws/


  • account

variable description
vsphere_user vsphere server user
vsphere_password vsphere server password
vsphere_server vsphere server ip
  • cloudprofile

variable description
ssh_key_name ssh key file name supplied with vsphere templates
datacenter datacenter to be used by the template within vsphere
target_resource_pool resource pool to be used by the template within vsphere
datastore datastore to be used by the template within vsphere
cluster cluster to be used by the template within vsphere

example: elasticsearch-cluster-3-node-vcenter/


  • account

variable description
openstack_username openstack username
openstack_password openstack password
openstack_server openstack server ip
sshkey ssh key file associated with openstack_username
  • cloudprofile

variable description
ssh_key_name ssh key associated with openstack_username

example: elasticsearch-cluster-3-node-openstack/


  • account

variable description
gcp_credentials_path path where gcp credentials file in json format is located
region gcp region where template will be deployed
zone zone within the region where template will be deployed
project project within which template is deployed
service_account service account to be used for deploying template
  • cloudprofile

variable description
ssh_key_name ssh key name stored in gcp used to deploy this template

example: elasticsearch-cluster-3-node-gcp/