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Been trying to convert a shadertoy, but shaderman output a pink shader in Unity. Here is the shader. Thanks in advance for a solution!:
int Type=5;
vec3 nc;
vec3 pab;
vec3 pbc;
vec3 pca;
void initIcosahedron() {//setup folding planes and vertex
float cospin=cos(PI/float(Type)), scospin=sqrt(0.75-cospin*cospin);
nc=vec3(-0.5,-cospin,scospin);//3rd folding plane. The two others are xz and yz planes
pbc=vec3(scospin,0.,0.5);//No normalization in order to have 'barycentric' coordinates work evenly
pbc=normalize(pbc); pca=normalize(pca);//for slightly better DE. In reality it's not necesary to apply normalization :)
float split1 = step(pf.y, pf.x);
float split2 = step(pf.x, pf.y);
vec2 a = vec2(split1, 1);
vec2 b = vec2(1, split2);
vec2 c = vec2(0, 0);
a += pi;
b += pi;
c += pi;
a = hex2cart * a;
b = hex2cart * b;
c = hex2cart * c;
vec2 center = (a + b + c) / 3.;
vec2 ab = (a + b) / 2.;
vec2 bc = (b + c) / 2.;
vec2 ca = (c + a) / 2.;
return TriPoints(a, b, c, center, ab, bc, ca);
vec3 intersection(vec3 n, vec3 planeNormal, float planeOffset) {
float denominator = dot(planeNormal, n);
float t = (dot(vec3(0), planeNormal ) + planeOffset) / -denominator;
return n * t;
//// Edge length of an icosahedron with an inscribed sphere of radius of 1
//float edgeLength = 1. / ((sqrt(3.) / 12.) * (3. + sqrt(5.)));
//// Inner radius of the icosahedron's face
//float faceRadius = (1./6.) * sqrt(3.) * edgeLength;
float faceRadius = 0.3819660112501051;
// 2D coordinates on the icosahedron face
vec2 icosahedronFaceCoordinates(vec3 p) {
vec3 pn = normalize(p);
vec3 i = intersection(pn, facePlane, -1.);
return vec2(dot(i, uPlane), dot(i, vPlane));
Been trying to convert a shadertoy, but shaderman output a pink shader in Unity. Here is the shader. Thanks in advance for a solution!:
// --------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------
void pR(inout vec2 p, float a) {
p = cos(a)*p + sin(a)*vec2(p.y, -p.x);
float pReflect(inout vec3 p, vec3 planeNormal, float offset) {
float t = dot(p, planeNormal)+offset;
if (t < 0.) {
p = p - (2.*t)*planeNormal;
return sign(t);
float smax(float a, float b, float r) {
float m = max(a, b);
if ((-a < r) && (-b < r)) {
return max(m, -(r - sqrt((r+a)(r+a) + (r+b)(r+b))));
} else {
return m;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Icosahedron domain mirroring
// Adapted from knighty
// --------------------------------------------------------
#define PI 3.14159265359
vec3 facePlane;
vec3 uPlane;
vec3 vPlane;
int Type=5;
vec3 nc;
vec3 pab;
vec3 pbc;
vec3 pca;
void initIcosahedron() {//setup folding planes and vertex
float cospin=cos(PI/float(Type)), scospin=sqrt(0.75-cospin*cospin);
nc=vec3(-0.5,-cospin,scospin);//3rd folding plane. The two others are xz and yz planes
pbc=vec3(scospin,0.,0.5);//No normalization in order to have 'barycentric' coordinates work evenly
pbc=normalize(pbc); pca=normalize(pca);//for slightly better DE. In reality it's not necesary to apply normalization :)
void pModIcosahedron(inout vec3 p) {
p = abs(p);
pReflect(p, nc, 0.);
p.xy = abs(p.xy);
pReflect(p, nc, 0.);
p.xy = abs(p.xy);
pReflect(p, nc, 0.);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Triangle tiling
// Adapted from mattz
// --------------------------------------------------------
const float sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688772;
const float i3 = 0.5773502691896258;
const mat2 cart2hex = mat2(1, 0, i3, 2. * i3);
const mat2 hex2cart = mat2(1, 0, -.5, .5 * sqrt3);
#define PHI (1.618033988749895)
#define TAU 6.283185307179586
struct TriPoints {
vec2 a;
vec2 b;
vec2 c;
vec2 center;
vec2 ab;
vec2 bc;
vec2 ca;
TriPoints closestTriPoints(vec2 p) {
vec2 pTri = cart2hex * p;
vec2 pi = floor(pTri);
vec2 pf = fract(pTri);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Geodesic tiling
// --------------------------------------------------------
struct TriPoints3D {
vec3 a;
vec3 b;
vec3 c;
vec3 center;
vec3 ab;
vec3 bc;
vec3 ca;
vec3 intersection(vec3 n, vec3 planeNormal, float planeOffset) {
float denominator = dot(planeNormal, n);
float t = (dot(vec3(0), planeNormal ) + planeOffset) / -denominator;
return n * t;
//// Edge length of an icosahedron with an inscribed sphere of radius of 1
//float edgeLength = 1. / ((sqrt(3.) / 12.) * (3. + sqrt(5.)));
//// Inner radius of the icosahedron's face
//float faceRadius = (1./6.) * sqrt(3.) * edgeLength;
float faceRadius = 0.3819660112501051;
// 2D coordinates on the icosahedron face
vec2 icosahedronFaceCoordinates(vec3 p) {
vec3 pn = normalize(p);
vec3 i = intersection(pn, facePlane, -1.);
return vec2(dot(i, uPlane), dot(i, vPlane));
// Project 2D icosahedron face coordinates onto a sphere
vec3 faceToSphere(vec2 facePoint) {
return normalize(facePlane + (uPlane * facePoint.x) + (vPlane * facePoint.y));
TriPoints3D geodesicTriPoints(vec3 p, float subdivisions) {
// Get 2D cartesian coordiantes on that face
vec2 uv = icosahedronFaceCoordinates(p);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Spectrum colour palette
// IQ
// --------------------------------------------------------
vec3 pal( in float t, in vec3 a, in vec3 b, in vec3 c, in vec3 d ) {
return a + bcos( 6.28318(c*t+d) );
vec3 spectrum(float n) {
return pal( n, vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5),vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5),vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),vec3(0.0,0.33,0.67) );
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Model/Camera Rotation
// --------------------------------------------------------
mat3 sphericalMatrix(float theta, float phi) {
float cx = cos(theta);
float cy = cos(phi);
float sx = sin(theta);
float sy = sin(phi);
return mat3(
cy, -sy * -sx, -sy * cx,
0, cx, sx,
sy, cy * -sx, cy * cx
mat3 mouseRotation(bool enable, vec2 xy) {
if (enable) {
vec2 mouse = iMouse.xy / iResolution.xy;
mat3 modelRotation() {
mat3 m = mouseRotation(MOUSE_CONTROL==1, MODEL_ROTATION);
return m;
mat3 cameraRotation() {
mat3 m = mouseRotation(MOUSE_CONTROL==2, CAMERA_ROTATION);
return m;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Animation
// --------------------------------------------------------
const float SCENE_DURATION = 6.;
const float CROSSFADE_DURATION = 2.;
float time;
struct HexSpec {
float roundTop;
float roundCorner;
float height;
float thickness;
float gap;
HexSpec newHexSpec(float subdivisions) {
return HexSpec(
.05 / subdivisions,
.1 / subdivisions,
// Animation 1
float animSubdivisions1() {
return mix(2.4, 3.4, cos(time * PI) * .5 + .5);
HexSpec animHex1(vec3 hexCenter, float subdivisions) {
HexSpec spec = newHexSpec(subdivisions);
// Animation 2
float animSubdivisions2() {
return mix(1., 2.3, sin(time * PI/2.) * .5 + .5);
HexSpec animHex2(vec3 hexCenter, float subdivisions) {
HexSpec spec = newHexSpec(subdivisions);
// Animation 3
float animSubdivisions3() {
return 5.;
HexSpec animHex3(vec3 hexCenter, float subdivisions) {
HexSpec spec = newHexSpec(subdivisions);
// Transition between animations
float sineInOut(float t) {
return -0.5 * (cos(PI * t) - 1.0);
float transitionValues(float a, float b, float c) {
#ifdef LOOP
#if LOOP == 1
return a;
#if LOOP == 2
return b;
#if LOOP == 3
return c;
float t = time / SCENE_DURATION;
float scene = floor(mod(t, 3.));
float blend = fract(t);
blend = max(blend - delay, 0.) / (1. - delay);
blend = sineInOut(blend);
float ab = mix(a, b, blend);
float bc = mix(b, c, blend);
float cd = mix(c, a, blend);
float result = mix(ab, bc, min(scene, 1.));
result = mix(result, cd, max(scene - 1., 0.));
return result;
HexSpec transitionHexSpecs(HexSpec a, HexSpec b, HexSpec c) {
float roundTop = transitionValues(a.roundTop, b.roundTop, c.roundTop);
float roundCorner = transitionValues(a.roundCorner, b.roundCorner, c.roundCorner);
float height = transitionValues(a.height, b.height, c.height);
float thickness = transitionValues(a.thickness, b.thickness, c.thickness);
float gap = transitionValues(,,;
return HexSpec(roundTop, roundCorner, height, thickness, gap);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Modelling
// --------------------------------------------------------
const vec3 FACE_COLOR = vec3(.9,.9,1.);
const vec3 BACK_COLOR = vec3(.1,.1,.15);
const vec3 BACKGROUND_COLOR = vec3(.0, .005, .03);
struct Model {
float dist;
vec3 albedo;
float glow;
Model hexModel(
vec3 p,
vec3 hexCenter,
vec3 edgeA,
vec3 edgeB,
HexSpec spec
) {
float d;
// checks to see which intersection is closer
Model opU( Model m1, Model m2 ){
if (m1.dist < m2.dist) {
return m1;
} else {
return m2;
Model geodesicModel(vec3 p) {
Model map( vec3 p ){
mat3 m = modelRotation();
p *= m;
#ifndef LOOP
pR(p.xz, time * PI/16.);
Model model = geodesicModel(p);
return model;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Adapted from IQ
// --------------------------------------------------------
vec3 doLighting(Model model, vec3 pos, vec3 nor, vec3 ref, vec3 rd) {
vec3 lightPos = normalize(vec3(.5,.5,-1.));
vec3 backLightPos = normalize(vec3(-.5,-.3,1));
vec3 ambientPos = vec3(0,1,0);
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Ray Marching
// Adapted from cabbibo
// --------------------------------------------------------
const float MAX_TRACE_DISTANCE = 8.; // max trace distance
const float INTERSECTION_PRECISION = .001; // precision of the intersection
const int NUM_OF_TRACE_STEPS = 100;
const float FUDGE_FACTOR = .9; // Default is 1, reduce to fix overshoots
struct CastRay {
vec3 origin;
vec3 direction;
struct Ray {
vec3 origin;
vec3 direction;
float len;
struct Hit {
Ray ray;
Model model;
vec3 pos;
bool isBackground;
vec3 normal;
vec3 color;
vec3 calcNormal( in vec3 pos ){
vec3 eps = vec3( 0.001, 0.0, 0.0 );
vec3 nor = vec3(
map(pos+eps.xyy).dist - map(pos-eps.xyy).dist,
map(pos+eps.yxy).dist - map(pos-eps.yxy).dist,
map(pos+eps.yyx).dist - map(pos-eps.yyx).dist );
return normalize(nor);
Hit raymarch(CastRay castRay){
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Rendering
// --------------------------------------------------------
void shadeSurface(inout Hit hit){
vec3 render(Hit hit){
return hit.color;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Camera
// --------------------------------------------------------
mat3 calcLookAtMatrix( in vec3 ro, in vec3 ta, in float roll )
vec3 ww = normalize( ta - ro );
vec3 uu = normalize( cross(ww,vec3(sin(roll),cos(roll),0.0) ) );
vec3 vv = normalize( cross(uu,ww));
return mat3( uu, vv, ww );
void doCamera(out vec3 camPos, out vec3 camTar, out float camRoll, in float time, in vec2 mouse) {
float dist = 5.5;
camRoll = 0.;
camTar = vec3(0,0,0);
camPos = vec3(0,0,-dist);
camPos *= cameraRotation();
camPos += camTar;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Gamma
// --------------------------------------------------------
const float GAMMA = 2.2;
vec3 gamma(vec3 color, float g) {
return pow(color, vec3(g));
vec3 linearToScreen(vec3 linearRGB) {
return gamma(linearRGB, 1.0 / GAMMA);
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
time = iTime;
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