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Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Generating Anime face

1. Introduction

  • Here we will train a diffusion model to generate anime face
  • The dataset can be downloaded from kaggle anime face dataset, download the dataset to dataset directory and put all the images under directory anime/raw/images, when you finish, the dataset looks like this:
├── anime
│   └── raw
│   │   └── images
│   │       ├── 46651_2014.jpg
│   │       ├── 4665_2003.jpg
│   │       ├── ...
  • Then we have to process these raw images, we've already done it, you can check this step following VAE_ANIME, then your directory looks like this:
├── anime
│   ├── processed
│   │   └── images
│   │       ├── 46651_2014.jpg
│   │       ├── 4665_2003.jpg
│   │       ├── ...
│   └── raw
│   │   └── images
│   │       ├── 46651_2014.jpg
│   │       ├── 4665_2003.jpg
│   │       ├── ...

2. Load dataset, Build model, Train model

  • For this task we follow the original paper's model, but it's slightly different, if you want to use the cifar10 model in paper, change the following parameters
ch = 128
ch_mult = [1, 1, 2, 2]
attn = [1]  # only in 16 * 16 resolution we use attention

This model takes up a lot of video memory

  • Note that this model cost lots of cuda memory(~20GB), if you use the cifar10 model setting, it will cost about 24GB cuda memory, make sure you have enough memory or you have to reduce batch size
  • Here I just use a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 to train, each epoch will cost about 3min30s
  • If you want to train from scratch, you have to modify mode to train. If you finish training and want to generate anime picture, modify mode to test, simply run program and wait for your generated anime faces
  • Of course, you can modify the model architecture or try some other hyper-parameters, do anything you want

3. Check the quality of generated image

  • I train for 500 epochs, but I find the effect is pretty good even only train for 100 epochs(but it's less stable), so if you want to save time you can stop training after 100 epochs iteration

  • Because of the long training and some people will have insufficient resources, I have release the checkpoint so you don't have to train from scratch, and you can also check the log

  • Then we will use random Gaussian Noise to sample images. In the DDPM paper, there are two posterior variance, so here we also test these two settings

  • First, we set $\sigma_{t}^2 = \beta_{t}$, below are 256 examples and six diffusion process using this posterior variance setting

sample anime faces sample anime faces

  • Second, we set equation, below are 256 examples and six diffusion process using this posterior variance setting

sample anime faces sample anime faces

  • I think the quality is pretty good compare to VAE and GAN. This is not a fair comparison cause this diffusion model has 25.4M parameters which is larger, but this result is delighted. I think the effect is similar whether using the first posterior variance or the second
  • Here I also do another experiment, I add noise to the original image(forward process), then use the noisy image to generate image to see whether it can recover the original image. For the forward process I set t equals to 100, 500, 1000 respectively, then denoise steps equals to 1000, below are the results(first column is original image, second column is noisy image which we add t steps' noise to original image, third column is generated image using first posterior variance, fourth column is generated image using second posterior variance)
forward process t=100, reverse process t=1000

recover t=100

forward process t=500, reverse process t=1000

recover t=500

forward process t=1000, reverse process t=1000

recover t=1000

  • We can see that the generated image is totally different to original image, even we just add 100 steps' noise. And here we can see that when forward process t is small, the generated image is blank(I don't know why, and I guess this observation can be a latent research direction)

4. Some references