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Releases: slackapi/bolt-js

@slack/[email protected]

14 Sep 17:33
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@slack/[email protected]

09 Sep 23:16
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@slack/[email protected]

08 Sep 19:48
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What's Changed (beta)

This beta release contains feature enhancements to Bolt JS for developers participating in the Slack Platform Beta 🚀

Compatible with the Slack CLI tool

Create a new app from a Github sample template

$ slack create my-app -t slack-samples/bolt-js-starter-template -b future

Run your app for local development from the CLI. We take care of installation, tokens and starting the app in development mode.

$ slack run 

Configure your app in code

Declare a manifest.js or manifest.ts file import handly utility functions and define any recomposable units contained such as Functions, Workflows and Triggers.

# my-app/manifest.js

const { Manifest } = require('@slack/bolt');
module.exports = Manifest({
  runOnSlack: false,
  name: '',
  displayName: '',
  description: '',
  botScopes: ['chat:write'],
  socketModeEnabled: true,
  workflows: [TimeOffWorkflow],
  features: {
    appHome: {
      messagesTabEnabled: true,
      messagesTabReadOnlyEnabled: true,
  settings: {
    interactivity: {
      is_enabled: true,
    org_deploy_enabled: false,

Compose Custom Function handling logic via a SlackFunction.

Write a recomposable unit of logic:


    const myFunc = new SlackFunction('fn_callback_id', () => {});

Attach optional handlers for block_action and view events related to your function.


   myFunc.action('action_id', () => {})
         .view('view_callback_id', () => {});


  • Bolt-JS projects containing a valid slack.json file in their project root are now Slack CLI compatible by @srajiang
  • Adds CLI hook implementations get-manifest start and get-hooks by @srajiang
  • Exports utility types and functions intended for manifest.js authoring by @srajiang @neptunel
  • Adds SlackFunction and Function Localized Interactivity handling by @srajiang in #1567

Full Changelog[email protected]...@slack/[email protected]

@slack/[email protected]

26 Jul 02:07
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Here is the list of all the issues / pull requests included in the release:

@slack/[email protected]

14 Jul 15:34
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Here is the list of all the issues / pull requests included in the release:

@slack/[email protected]

17 Jun 02:38
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Here is the list of all the issues / pull requests included in the release:

@slack/[email protected]

14 Jun 18:35
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  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix #1454: Missing type declarations for HomeView (via #1455) - thanks @seratch!
    • TypeScript 4.7 compiler compatibility (via #1466) - thanks @seratch!
    • Fix #1472: say type incorrectly inferred as never when using pin_added or reaction_* events (via #1473 and #1476) - thanks @seratch!
    • Fix an action typo in the docs (via #1475) - thanks @BenAlderfer!
    • Add more logs for error patterns in AwsLambdaReceiver (via #1481) - thanks @seratch!
    • Fix #1478: ack() is not accessible in global middleware in TypeScript (via #1482) - thanks @seratch!

Here is the list of all the issues / pull requests included in the release:

@slack/[email protected]

13 May 02:06
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  • New features / improvements:
    • Adding support for new user-change events with types (via #1448) - thanks @filmaj
    • Slack prints failed with the error "operation_timeout" when slack command runs and finishes successfully in AWS Lambda (via #1435 #1452) - thanks @nicolls1
    • Upgrade socket-mode dependency to the latest minor (via #1441 ) - thanks @seratch !

Here is the list of all the issues / pull requests included in the release:

@slack/[email protected]

30 Mar 22:10
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📣 Important Announcement

Since this version, the default behavior of the OAuth flow has been changed for better security. The changes are:

  • InstallProvider (The underlying OAuth module) verifies not only the query string but also its corresponding browser cookie data
  • The default StateStore (ClearStateStore) makes sure that the state parameter is not too old (the default lifetime is 10 minutes)

Refer to #1335 #1391 slackapi/node-slack-sdk#1435 slackapi/node-slack-sdk#1436 for the context. If you encounter behavior changes described at #1412, consider either changing your app code or setting installerOptions.legacyStateVerification: true for now.

🎁 🐛 New features / improvements:

📝 Document updates:

  • #1384 Deploy the App to Heroku with one click - Thanks @MaurizioBella

Here are all the issues / pull requests included in the release.

@slack/[email protected]

23 Feb 19:59
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🎁 🐛 New features / improvements:

📝 Document updates:

Here are all the issues / pull requests included in the release.