An instance of this class is received through the connect
event from Server.
- Type Parameters
The data type for the custom connection properties.
These are the custom properties for the connection which can be changed or updated when ever with access to an instance of a valid connection.
- Type:
CustomProperties /* Type Parameter */
This event is fired when a message is successfully received and processed.
- Type Parameters
The data type for the message.
- Parameters
:MessageType /* Type Parameter */
The actual message.
- Event parameters
The channel to listen for messages on.
This event is fired when a message was received but an error occurred when trying to process the data.
- Parameters
The error code from the enum. ConnectionErrors
This event is fired when this connection loses the connection or disconnects from the server.
- Parameters
The closing code or reason.
The identifier that the server assigns.
- Return
- Type:
The server assigned connection identifier.
- Type:
This method is used to send a message to the connection.
- Parameters
The channel to send the message in.message
:MessageType /* TYpe Parameter */
(Optional) The actual message. Default:{}
- Type Parameters
The data type for the message being sent.
- Return
- Type:
Promise for if the message was sent.
- Type:
- Promise Error Argument: Error code from ConnectionErrors.
This method is used to check if the connection is still alive.
- Return
- Type:
If the connection is still alive and open.
- Type:
This method is used to disconnect and close the connection between the client and server.
- Return
- Type:
Promise for if the connection was closed successfully. - Promise Error Argument: Error code from ConnectionErrors
- Type: