This document has instructions for running inference based on a text prompt using the KerasCV implementation of's text-to-image model, Stable Diffusion. Stable Diffusion is a powerful, open-source text-to-image generation model.
Install the Intel-optimized TensorFlow along with model dependencies under requirements.txt.
# cd to your model zoo directory
cd models
export PRECISION=<set the precision to "fp32" or "bfloat32" or "bfloat16" or "fp16"">
export OUTPUT_DIR=<path to the directory where i) log files will be saved and ii) (only in case of accuracy run) original & generated images will be written>
# For a custom batch size, set env var `BATCH_SIZE` or it will run with a default value.
export BATCH_SIZE=<customized batch size value>
Runs single-instance realtime inference (batch_size=1
) with the specified precision (fp32
, orfp16
Runs multi-instance realtime inference (batch_size=1
) using 4 cores per instance with the specified precision (fp32, bfloat32, bfloat16, or fp16). Waits for all instances to complete, then prints a summarized throughput value.
Runs multi instance batch inference using 1 socket per instance with the specified precision (fp32, bfloat32, bfloat16, or fp16) with 200 steps. Waits for all instances to complete, then prints a summarized throughput value.
# Additionally, set DATASET_DIR for accuracy runs. The original and the images generated by the model will be saved under OUTPUT_DIR.
export DATASET_DIR=<path to the dataset directory>