$ docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/skkuse/2020spring_41class_team9/modu:tag
$ docker run --name modu-server-name \
-e SECRET_KEY="django-secret-key" \
-e FIREBASE_API_KEY="firebase-api-key" \
-e MARIADB_DBNAME="mariadb-database-name" \
-e MARIADB_USERNAME="mariadb-username" \
-e MARIADB_PW="mariadb-password" \
-e MARIADB_HOST="mariadb-host-address" \
-e MARIADB_PORT="mariadb-port" \
-p port-to-bind:8086 \
-d docker.pkg.github.com/skkuse/2020spring_41class_team9/modu:tag
This variable is mandatory and specifies the django secret key.
This variable is mandatory and specifies firebase web api key.
This variable is mandatory and specifies the MariaDB database name to use.
This variable is mandatory and specifies the MariaDB username to access with.
This variable is mandatory and specifies the MariaDB password to access with.
This variable is mandatory and specifies the MariaDB host to access to.
This variable is mandatory and specifies the MariaDB port number to access to.
This variable is optional and specifies the allowed host of modu webserver.