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File metadata and controls

151 lines (118 loc) · 4.8 KB

Edge Probing Datasets

This directory contains scripts to process the source datasets and generate the JSON data for edge probing tasks. Let $JIANT_DATA_DIR be the jiant data directory from the main README, and make a subdirectory for the edge probing data:

mkdir $JIANT_DATA_DIR/edges

The resulting JSON has one example per line, with the following structure (line breaks added for clarity).

SRL example

// span1 is predicate, span2 is argument
  “text”: “Ian ate strawberry ice cream”,
  “targets”: [
    { “span1”: [1,2], “span2”: [0,1], “label”: “A0” },
    { “span1”: [1,2], “span2”: [2,5], “label”: “A1” }
  “info”: { “source”: “PropBank”, ... }

Constituents example

// span2 is unused
  “text”: “Ian ate strawberry ice cream”,
  “targets”: [
    { “span1”: [0,1], “label”: “NNP” },
    { “span1”: [1,2], “label”: “VBD” },
    { “span1”: [2,5], “label”: “NP” }
    { “span1”: [1,5], “label”: “VP” }
    { “span1”: [0,5], “label”: “S” }
  “info”: { “source”: “PTB”, ... }

Semantic Proto-roles (SPR) example

// span1 is predicate, span2 is argument
// label is a list of attributes (multilabel)
  'text': "The main reason is Google is more accessible to the global community and you can rest assured that it 's not going to go away ."
  'targets': [
      'span1': [3, 4], 'span2': [0, 3],
      'label': ['existed_after', 'existed_before', 'existed_during',
                'instigation', 'was_used'],
      'info': { ... }
  'info': {'source': 'SPR2', ... },

Labels and Retokenization

For each of the tasks below, we need to perform two more preprocessing steps.

First, extract the set of available labels:

export TASK_DIR="$JIANT_DATA_DIR/edges/<task>"
python jiant/probing/ -o $TASK_DIR/labels.txt \
    -i $TASK_DIR/*.json -s

Second, make retokenized versions for MosesTokenizer and for the OpenAI BPE model:

python jiant/probing/ $TASK_DIR/*.json
python jiant/probing/ $TASK_DIR/*.json

This will make retokenized versions alongside the original files.



  • Constituents / POS: edges-constituent-ontonotes, edges-nonterminal-ontonotes, edges-pos-ontonotes
  • Entities: edges-ner-ontonotes
  • SRL: edges-srl-ontonotes
  • Coreference: edges-coref-ontonotes-conll

Getting OntoNotes Data

Follow the instructions at; you should end up with a folder named conll-formatted-ontonotes-5.0/.

If you're working on the JSALT cloud project, you can also download this directly from gs://jsalt-data/ontonotes.

Extracting Data

To extract all OntoNotes tasks, run:

python --ontonotes /path/to/conll-formatted-ontonotes-5.0 \
  --tasks const coref ner srl \
  --splits train development test conll-2012-test \
  -o $JIANT_DATA_DIR/edges/ontonotes

This will write a number of JSON files, one for each split for each task, with names {task}/{split}.json.

Splitting Constituent Data

The constituent data from the script above includes both preterminal (POS tag) and nonterminal (constituent) examples. We can split these into the edges-nonterminal-ontonotes and edges-pos-ontonotes tasks by running:

python jiant/probing/ $JIANT_DATA_DIR/edges/ontonotes/const/*.json

This will create *.pos.json and *.nonterminal.json versions of each input file.

Semantic Proto Roles (SPR)


Tasks: edges-spr1

The version of SPR1 distributed on is difficult to work with directly, because it requires joining with both the Penn Treebank and the PropBank SRL annotations. If you have access to the Penn Treebank (LDC99T42), contact Rachel Rudinger or Ian Tenney for a processed copy of the data.

From Rachel's JSON format, you can use a script in this directory to convert to edge probing format:

./ -i /path/to/spr1/*.json \
    -o $JIANT_DATA_DIR/edges/spr1

You should get files named spr1.{split}.json where split = {train, dev, test}.


Tasks: edges-spr2


pip install conllu
./ $JIANT_DATA_DIR/edges/spr2

This downloads both the UD treebank and the annotations and performs a join. See the script for more info. The conllu package is required to process the Universal Dependencies source data.

Definite Pronoun Resolution (DPR)

Tasks: edges-dpr


./ $JIANT_DATA_DIR/edges/dpr

Universal Dependencies (TODO: Tom)

Tasks: edges-dep-labeling-ewt

TODO(Tom): fill this in.