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File metadata and controls

88 lines (74 loc) · 3.63 KB


this project belongs to chatbot in python code

from flask import Flask, request from twilioiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse import sqlite3

app = Flask(name) db = sqlite3.connect('chatbot') cursor = db.cursor()

Create a table to store chat session data

cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sessions (session_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, whatsapp_number TEXT, name TEXT, email TEXT, experience TEXT)''') db.commit()

@app.route("/webhook", methods=['POST']) def webhook(): incoming_message = request.values.get('Body', '').lower() phone_number = request.values.get('From', '')

# Check if the user is new or existing based on their phone number
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE whatsapp_number=?", (phone_number,))
session_data = cursor.fetchone()

if not session_data:
    # New user, create a new session
    cursor.execute("INSERT INTO sessions (whatsapp_number) VALUES (?)", (phone_number,))
    session_id = cursor.lastrowid
    response = "Hi! Are you here to apply for the Internship?\n\nReply with 'Yes' or 'No'."
    # Existing user, continue the conversation
    session, _, _, _, _ = session_data
    if incoming_message == 'yes':
        response = "Please enter your Name."
    elif incoming_message == 'no':
        response = "Thank you for your time. Goodbye!"
        # Clear the session data for the current user
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE session_id=?", (session,))
    elif not session_data[2]:
        # User has not provided their name yet
        if incoming_message.isdigit():
            response = "Invalid input. Please enter your Name."
            cursor.execute("UPDATE sessions SET name=? WHERE session_id=?", (incoming_message, session_id))
            response =Please enter your email ID."
    elif not session_data[3]:
        # User has not provided their email yet
        if incoming_message.isdigit() incoming_message.replace(".", "").isalpha():
            response = "Invalid input. Please enter your email ID."
        else                cursor.execute("UPDATE sessions SET email=? WHERE session_id=?", (incoming_message, session_id))
            response = "Please select how many years of experience you have with Python/JS/Automation Development:\n\n1 year\n2 years\n3 years\n4 years\n5 years"
    elif not session_data[4]:
        # User has not provided their experience yet
        if incoming_message not in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']:
            response = "Invalid input. Please select a valid option."
            cursor.execute("UPDATE sessions SET experience=? WHERE session_id=?", (incoming_message, session_id))
            response =Thanks for connecting. We will get back to you shortly."

Save the incoming message and response to the database

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO messages (session_id, message, direction) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (session_id, incoming_message, "incoming")) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO messages (session_id, message, direction) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (session_id, response,outgoing")) db.commit()

Prepare the TwiML response

twiml = MessagingResponse()

return str(twiml)

if name == "main":