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Example: HyperBeam

Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Decentralized paStash with HyperBeam

Hyperbeam is a 1-1 end-to-end encrypted internet pipe powered by Hyperswarm and Noise.

In this decentralized tracing example, we'll use Hyperbeam for two paStash instances to discover each other and exchange encrypted data pipes.

Bonus: The secure pipe can handle anything paStash can handle! 🔒

🔧 Install

Install pastash and the required plugin on two separate systems:

npm install -g @pastash/pastash @pastash/input_hyperbeam @pastash/output_hyperbeam

📍 Example

Create a recipe on the sender and receiver, sharing the same hyper key.

📢 Sender
input {
  stdin {}

output {
  hyperbeam {
    path => supersecretkeyword
pastash --config_file=/tmp/sender.conf
📻 Receiver
input {
  hyperbeam {
    path => supersecretkeyword

output {
  stdout {}
pastash --config_file=/tmp/receiver.conf
🔔 Try it!

Type something in the sender console and you should see corresponding events on the receiver. Et Voila'!

Next: use it to create a decentralized, p2p log and event distribution with a simple key exchange 🚀

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