We've found it useful to provide a simple script which can be run on artists' machines to get the latest from Git, and make sure all the C++ components are built.
It now also automatically calls ue-datasync.ps1 pull
is defined
in the environment.
While the UE editor can sometimes do this successfully on startup as well, it's just nicer to do it as part of the update process - the artist can then just double-click a shortcut on their desktop and let it run while getting coffee or something.
The script also automatically closes the UE editor if it's open on the same project to make sure the build is successful.
ue-get-latest.ps1 [[-src:]sourcefolder] [Options]
-src : Source folder (current folder if omitted)
: (should be root of project)
-nocloseeditor : Don't close Unreal editor (this will prevent DLL cleanup)
-dryrun : Don't perform any actual actions, just report on what you would do
-help : Print this help