Emacs can be set up in infinitely many ways, depending on your needs and skills.
Emacs consists of a bare-metal core and many many addons written in Emacs Lisp. Some of the packages are built-in, others are in the official repo, and even more are fetched from external repos. Packages provide features and can modify each other.
Because plugging them together takes a lot of effort and basically behaves like your Linux distro just within Emacs, there's Emacs distributions. To name a few:
The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs and Vim!
Spacemacs is cloned to ~/.emacs.d
and provides the building blocks for a very well integrated Emacs IDE.
It supports three editing styles (and all available at once): Vim, Emacs and Spacemacs.
Probably best to start with the quickstart guide.
Below is my rough introduction on how you can do things.
I'll try to present my setup in order to inspire your Emacs experience.
I use Spacemacs with my custom ~/.spacemacs configuration. It's an all-in-one config file which configures and customizes Spacemacs.
The config enables and sets up several features, among them are:
- C++ and Python semantic autocompletion (with lsp-mode, clangd)
- Symbol (function, class, variable, ...) reference and definition tracking
- Git project navigation and tracking (projectile, magit)
- Project compilation
- Error highlighting
- Code snippet template expansion (yasnippet)
- Perfect codestyle indentation and formatting
- Depending on the language: Indent with tabs, align with spaces
- More custom keybindings
- ...
In order for C++ semantic indexing to work with openage
, symlink the bin/compile_commands.json
to the project git root!
needs to find this file in a parent dir of the source files so it knows the compiler invocations.
- Distribution packages:
- Install
, which is the GNU Emacs system package - Install
for semantic c++ parsing, usually part ofclang
distro package - Install
for semantic Python parsing
- Install
- Home directory configuration setup:
- Clone Spacemacs:
git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
- Clone JJ's configs:
git clone https://github.com/TheJJ/conffiles ~/.jjconfigs
- Symlink the Spacemacs config:
ln -s .jjconfigs/.spacemacs ~/.spacemacs
- Clone Spacemacs:
- Launch
- Wait until initial package setup is complete
- Press Space to begin
You need to update 4 things regularly:
- Emacs (your distro updates do this)
- Spacemacs (go to
and dogit pull
) .spacemacs
-config (go to.jjconfigs
and dogit pull
, or whatever you use to track the.spacemacs
)- Emacs packages (click on
Update Packages
or press SPC f e U or run M-x configuration-layer/update-packages)
You have three input methods active at once: Vim, Emacs and Spacemacs.
- If you're used to
, most commands you're used to will probably just work. - Most Emacs keybindings work too after you pressed
for the insert mode. - Spacemacs bindings start by, who'd have thought it, pressing Space
- Press ESC to leave the current mode.
- Press C-g (control-g) to abort whatever input/action you're currently in.
But how can you do anything?
- I recommend you treat Emacs like Firefox - leave it open all the time
- you can have many open tabs ("buffers") (centaur for real tabs)
- you can have many open windows ("frames")
- you can split the views ("windows")
- open a new file in running Emacs from the commandline with:
emacsclient -n
- Key combination syntax:
- C = Control key
- M = Meta = Alt key
- S = Super = The key between C and M
- M-g f = First press Meta and then g, let go of both, then press f
- Every key (and combination) is bound to a function invocation
- You can invoke functions directly with M-x
- What does a keypress do? M-x describe-key
- Find definitions and documentation of a function: M-x describe-function
- You can invoke functions directly with M-x
- Quit and Exit:
- Spacemacs-style: SPC q q
- Emacs-style: C-x C-c
- Vim-style: ESC :q
- Buffer = opened real file (or for any other IO, like logs, ...)
- Switch to buffer: SPC b b (C-x b)
- Close buffer: SPC b d (C-x k)
- File Operations:
- Open file browser: SPC f f (C-x C-f)
- Open project: SPC p p
- Open/switch to project file: SPC p h
- Save: SPC f s (C-x C-s)
- Close: SPC b d (C-x k)
- Browse projects: SPC p p
- Open file browser: SPC f f (C-x C-f)
- Window and views:
- Split the view horizontally: SPC w / (C-x 3)
- Close current view SPC w d (C-x 0)
- Open a new Emacs window: SPC F n (C-x 5 2)
- Close current Emacs window SPC F d (C-x 5 0)
- Open the file browser tree: SPC f t
- Code naviation:
- Go to line: M-g g
- Find definition: , g d (M-g d)
- Find references: , g r (M-g f)
- Refactor variable name: , r r
- Search the whole project code for something M-x projectile-ag
- Git status, commits, ...:
- Launch Magit: SPC g s
- View git-blame: M-x vc-annotate
An open buffer has several active modes:
- It's major-mode (e.g.
) and - Minor modes (e.g.
, ...; see them with M-x describe-mode). - Each mode contributes to some behavior of the buffer (basically by providing/registering functions and setting variables).
This design allows you to fully customize and extend Emacs with whatever new feature and behavior you desire.
You can start these things with M-x, or hack them into .spacemacs
once you get going with elisp.
- Classical menu bars:
- Markdown live editing preview:
- Git:
- Remote over-ssh editing:
(just open file with name/ssh:host:path/to/file
) - Text Search:
- Debugging:
- File tree:
- Programming Symbol tree:
- Syntax check:
- Easy config customization:
- ...
Remember M-x describe-$thing to start digging into $thing
Once you start missing features and wanting to customize the configuration further, please:
- either branch off my config repo to have your own
and you can still merge my changes - or start your own
Please contact us if you need help or are overwhelmed by the awesomeness!