diff --git a/docs-generator.py b/docs-generator.py
index 46f7e24..45f5d93 100644
--- a/docs-generator.py
+++ b/docs-generator.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def gen_table(table, d):
         dtype = value.get("type", "MISSING")
         # default = str(value.get("default", ""))
         longdescription = value.get("description", "")
-        shortdescription = longdescription[: longdescription.find(".")].replace("\n", "")  # short description, which is up to the first period
+        shortdescription = longdescription[: longdescription.find(". ")].replace("\n", "")  # short description, which is up to the first period followed by space
         table.add_row((field, required, dtype, shortdescription))
diff --git a/sigmf-schema.json b/sigmf-schema.json
index 5cc9c2d..c462274 100644
--- a/sigmf-schema.json
+++ b/sigmf-schema.json
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
           "maximum": 18446744073709552000
         "core:version": {
-          "description": "The version of the SigMF specification used to create the Metadata file, in the format X.Y.Z",
+          "description": "The version of the SigMF specification used to create the Metadata file, in the format X.Y.Z.",
           "pattern": "^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d",
           "type": "string"