You can create a GitHub Codespace for pgmp that has PostgreSQL setup with instructions from GitHub on creating a codespace. Some CLI convenience snippets follow.
Firstly, follow the GitHub CLI installation instructions for your OS.
Clone the pgmp repository:
gh repo clone shortishly/pgmp
Create a codespace for pgmp:
gh codespace create \
--repo $(gh repo view \
--json nameWithOwner \
--jq .nameWithOwner) \
--branch develop \
--machine basicLinux32gb
Run a secure shell into the codespace:
gh codespace ssh \
--codespace $(gh codespace ls \
--repo $(gh repo view \
--json nameWithOwner \
--jq .nameWithOwner) \
--json name \
--jq '.[].name')
Once in the secure shell environment, you can check that PostgreSQL is running OK:
docker compose ps
To build pgmp, dialyze and run the unit tests:
make deps app dialyze eunit
To run the common tests against the PostgreSQL already running in the codespace:
make ct
To run an interactive Erlang/OTP shell with the pgmp application running:
make shell
You can then run various commands:
1> pgmp_connection_sync:query(#{sql => "select 2 + 2"}).
1> pgmp_connection_sync:parse(#{sql => "select $1::varchar::tsvector"}).
1> pgmp_connection_sync:bind(#{args => ["a fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat"]}).
1> pgmp_connection_sync:execute(#{}).
{data_row,[#{<<"a">> => #{},<<"and">> => #{},<<"ate">> => #{},
<<"cat">> => #{},<<"fat">> => #{},<<"mat">> => #{},
<<"on">> => #{},<<"rat">> => #{},<<"sat">> => #{}}]},
1> pgmp_connection_sync:parse(#{sql => "select $1::varchar::tsquery"}).
1> pgmp_connection_sync:bind(#{args => ["fat & rat"]}).
1> pgmp_connection_sync:execute(#{}).
#{operand => <<"rat">>,prefix => false,weight => 0},
#{operand => <<"fat">>,prefix => false,weight => 0}]]},
#{sql => "SELECT '{\"reading\": 1.230e-5}'::json,"
" '{\"reading\": 1.230e-5}'::jsonb"}).
{data_row,[#{<<"reading">> => 1.23e-5},
#{<<"reading">> => 1.23e-5}]},
Once you are finished you can delete the codespace using:
gh codespace delete \
--codespace $(gh codespace ls \
--repo $(gh repo view \
--json nameWithOwner \
--jq .nameWithOwner) \
--json name \
--jq '.[].name')