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+  title: Administration
+  position: 10
+# Administration
+This section contains all update guides related to the Shopware Administration.
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+  title: Vue 3 update
+  position: 10
+# Vue 3 update
+## Introduction
+The Shopware administration uses Vue.js `2`, which will reach its end of life (EOL) **on December 31st 2023**. To deliver up-to-date and maintainable software, the administration will use Vue.js `3` from Shopware version `6.6` and upwards. If you are unfamiliar with the changes from Vue.js `2` to Vue.js `3`, please refer to this [official guide](https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/).
+## FAQ
+Let's start with some frequently asked questions. These will also help you figure out if this update affects you.
+### Which extensions are affected by the Vue 3 update?
+App-based extensions aren't affected by these changes. However, if your extension is plugin-based and contains custom administration code, you likely need to do some refactoring.
+### Are there any breaking changes I should be aware of?
+Yes, Vue 3 introduced breaking changes. It's crucial to review the migration guide provided by Vue.js and this document for detailed information.
+### What steps should I follow to update my Shopware plugin to Vue 3?
+Typically, the process involves updating your project dependencies and modifying your code to adhere to Vue 3's API changes. Consult the Vue 3 documentation and this document's step-by-step instructions.
+### Can one plugin version be compatible with Shopware 6.5 and 6.6?
+No, your plugin requires a new version in the Store. For instance, version `1.x` is for Shopware `6.5.x`, while version `2.0` is compatible with Shopware `6.6` and newer.
+### How can I check if my Shopware extension is compatible with Vue 3?
+You can verify compatibility by reviewing the extension's functionality and updating test suites according to this document.
+### Do I need to rewrite my extension to update to Vue 3?
+While some changes are required, a complete rewrite is not necessary. The amount of effort is dictated by your use of Vue's internal API.
+### Are tools or libraries available to facilitate the migration to Vue 3?
+Yes, there are tools and migration helpers that can automate certain aspects of the update process. You could start by enabling the Vue 3 rule set of `eslint`.
+### Where can I find support and community discussions about updating Shopware plugin to Vue 3?
+You can participate in discussions and seek help on the Shopware community Slack. There is a dedicated channel for this topic called `#vue3-update`.
+## External resources
+Here is a handpicked selection of external resources. This list provides a handy reference, granting you access to all the essential materials you might need.
+- [Vue 3 migration guide](https://v3-migration.vuejs.org)
+- [Vue 3 breaking changes](https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/)
+- [Vue router migration guide](https://router.vuejs.org/guide/migration/)
+- [Vue test utils migration guide](https://test-utils.vuejs.org/migration/)
+## Step-by-step guide
+::: warning
+Depending on when you read this document, you still need to enable the `VUE3` feature flag.
+To be safe, enable the `VUE3` feature flag and restart your watcher.
+To follow along, you should have the following:
+- the latest Shopware `trunk` or an official release candidate
+- installed and activated your plugin
+- a running administration watcher (`composer run watch:admin`)
+### Update your plugin npm dependencies
+Make sure to align your `package.json` dependencies with the [administration](https://github.com/shopware/shopware/blob/trunk/src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/package.json).
+### Verify the Admin is using Vue 3
+If you evaluate the following expression in the browser dev tools, the value `true` must be returned.
+### Check your templates
+For your templates to work correctly, perform the following in no specific order:
+- Replace all `sw-field` usages with the corresponding [components](https://github.com/shopware/shopware/blob/trunk/src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/form/sw-field/index.js#L16).
+- [Check all v-models](https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-model.html)
+- [Check for deprecated slot syntax](https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/no-deprecated-slot-attribute.html)
+- [Check router-view transition combinations](https://router.vuejs.org/guide/migration/#-router-view-keep-alive-and-transition-)
+- [Check your key attributes](https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/key-attribute.html)
+### Check your code
+Most of your code should be unaffected by the update. You can start by searching for `this.$`. The usage of `this.$` is an indicator of Vue's internal API. These calls are very likely to break except for `this.$tc`.
+If you have a lot of Vue internal API calls, check out the (Known issues section)[#known-issues].
+The best way to find errors is to test your application thoroughly, either by hand or automated.
+## Known issues
+### Lifecycle hooks
+Lifecycle hooks such as `@hook:mounted` may be triggered multiple times if the component is loaded asynchronously. Vue 3 will emit the hook for the `AsyncComponentWrapper` and the underlying component. You can only use those hooks if your code allows to be executed multiple times.
+### Using slots programmatically
+It is no longer sufficient to check if `this.$slots` has a property with the slot name to see if that slot exists. Instead, you must verify if your `slotName` contains an actual `v-node`.
+### this.$parent
+`this.$parent` is prone to errors because Vue 3 wraps the `AsyncWrapperComponent` around asynchronous components. Leading to the virtual dom tree to differ from Vue 2 to Vue 3. Where in Vue 2, a `this.$parent` call was successful, in Vue 3, a `this.$parent.$parent` may be necessary.
+Try to avoid `this.$parent` communication wherever possible as this is an anti pattern. Use services or event communication instead.
+### Vue dev tools performance
+Vue dev tools causes massive performance issues with huge Vue 3 applications.
+There is an open [issue on Github](https://github.com/vuejs/devtools/issues/1875) with next to no activity from the maintainers.
+### v-model changes
+`v-model` has several breaking changes. Please consider the official [guide](https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-model.html)
+### vuex reactivity
+Vuex stores lose reactivity if one or more getters alter state data. For more context, see [here](https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/reactivity-fundamentals.html#reactivity-fundamentals).
+### Form field id's
+Fields in the administration no longer have the previous ID almost exclusively used in tests. To fix any failing test, add the `name` attribute to your field with a unique identifier.
+### Prop default
+Prop default functions no longer have access to the component's `this` scope. You can no longer call `this.$tc` in default functions. Use `Shopware.Snippet.tc` instead.
+## Conclusion
+This document emphasizes the crucial need to update your Shopware extensions to Vue.js 3 as Vue.js 2 reaches its end of life on December 31st 2023. Here's a concise recap of the key points:
+- **Transition to Vue 3**: Shopware will adopt Vue.js 3 from version 6.6 onwards.
+- **FAQ**: Addressing frequently asked questions:
+  - **Extension Compatibility**: Plugin-based extensions with custom administration code are primarily affected. App-based extensions remain unaffected.
+  - **Breaking Changes**: Vue 3 introduces significant modifications, necessitating review through the Vue.js migration guide.
+  - **Migration Steps**: Adapting your Shopware plugin to Vue 3 involves aligning dependencies and adhering to Vue 3's API changes, following the Vue 3 documentation.
+ - **Dual Compatibility**: For plugins serving both Shopware 6.5 and 6.6, separate versions are required. 
+  - **Support**: Find support in the Shopware community Slack channel #vue3-update.
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+  title: Updates
+  position: 50
+# Updates
+Software projects typically undergo changes and updates, for Shopware this is not different.
+This section provides you with comprehensive update guides for specific technical changes.