Arduino nano
TB6612FNG motor driver
MPU6050 accelerometer/gyro
HC-05 bluetooth module
PCB (see kicadFiles directory)
Sheet of 3mm thick acrylic for frame (at least 16x9cm big)
2x wheels (approx 40mm, 3mm d-shaft type)
2x n20/6v/300rpm dc motors
3xAA batteries (or 2x18650 Li-ion batteries)
3xAA battery holder (or 2x18650 Li-ion battery holder)
3x double terminal blocks (0.1" pitch)
1 DPDT switch (0.1" pitch)
3x jumpers (0.1" pitch)
Strip of 9x1 0.1" pitch headers (or a 3x1 header plus a 3x2 header)
2200uF/16v capacitor (47uF is ok if using Li-ion battery)
One 1K ohm and one 2K ohm resistor
Screws: 6x m2x20mm, 4x m2x8mm, 2x counter-sunk m3x8mm
Nuts: 10x m2, 2x m3 (both preferably nylon)
Optional: piece of elastic band + double sided tape (to dampen motors and increase stability)