diff --git a/canvas-demo/1.png b/canvas-demo/1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a771e00
Binary files /dev/null and b/canvas-demo/1.png differ
diff --git a/canvas-demo/chart.html b/canvas-demo/chart.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cf691a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/canvas-demo/chart.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
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diff --git a/canvas-demo/sChart.js b/canvas-demo/sChart.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8cb86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/canvas-demo/sChart.js
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+function sBarChart(canvas, data, options) {
+ this.canvas = document.getElementById(canvas);
+ this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+ this.data = data; // 存放图表数据
+ this.dataLength = this.data.length; // 图表数据的长度
+ this.width = this.canvas.width; // canvas 宽度
+ this.height = this.canvas.height; // canvas 高度
+ this.padding = 50; // canvas 内边距
+ this.yEqual = 5; // y轴分成5等分
+ this.yLength = 0; // y轴坐标点之间的真实长度
+ this.xLength = 0; // x轴坐标点之间的真实长度
+ this.yFictitious = 0; // y轴坐标点之间显示的间距
+ this.yRatio = 0; // y轴坐标真实长度和坐标间距的比
+ this.bgColor = '#ffffff'; // 默认背景颜色
+ this.fillColor = '#1E9FFF'; // 默认填充颜色
+ this.axisColor = '#666666'; // 坐标轴颜色
+ this.contentColor = '#eeeeee'; // 内容横线颜色
+ this.titleColor = '#000000'; // 图表标题颜色
+ this.title = ''; // 图表标题
+ this.titlePosition = 'top'; // 图表标题位置: top / bottom
+ this.looped = null; // 是否循环
+ this.current = 0; // 当前加载柱状图高度的百分数
+ this.currentIndex = -1;
+ this.onceMove = -1;
+ this.init(options);
+sBarChart.prototype = {
+ init: function(options) {
+ if(options){
+ this.padding = options.padding || 50;
+ this.yEqual = options.yEqual || 5;
+ this.bgColor = options.bgColor || '#ffffff';
+ this.fillColor = options.fillColor || '#1E9FFF';
+ this.axisColor = options.axisColor || '#666666';
+ this.contentColor = options.contentColor || '#eeeeee';
+ this.titleColor = options.titleColor || '#000000';
+ this.title = options.title;
+ this.titlePosition = options.titlePosition || 'top';
+ }
+ this.yLength = Math.floor((this.height - this.padding * 2 - 10) / this.yEqual);
+ this.xLength = Math.floor((this.width - this.padding * 1.5 - 10) / this.dataLength);
+ this.yFictitious = this.getYFictitious(this.data);
+ this.yRatio = this.yLength / this.yFictitious;
+ this.looping();
+ },
+ looping: function() {
+ this.looped = requestAnimationFrame(this.looping.bind(this));
+ if(this.current < 100){
+ this.current = (this.current + 3) > 100 ? 100 : (this.current + 3);
+ this.drawAnimation();
+ }else{
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.looped);
+ this.looped = null;
+ this.watchHover();
+ }
+ },
+ drawAnimation: function() {
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.dataLength; i++) {
+ var x = Math.ceil(this.data[i].value * this.current / 100 * this.yRatio);
+ var y = this.height - this.padding - x;
+ this.data[i].left = this.padding + this.xLength * (i + 0.25);
+ this.data[i].top = y;
+ this.data[i].right = this.padding + this.xLength * (i + 0.75);
+ this.data[i].bottom = this.height - this.padding;
+ this.drawUpdate();
+ }
+ },
+ drawUpdate: function() {
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = this.bgColor;
+ this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
+ this.drawAxis();
+ this.drawPoint();
+ this.drawTitle();
+ this.drawChart();
+ },
+ drawChart: function() {
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = this.fillColor;
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.dataLength; i++) {
+ this.ctx.fillRect(
+ this.data[i].left,
+ this.data[i].top,
+ this.data[i].right - this.data[i].left,
+ this.data[i].bottom - this.data[i].top
+ );
+ this.ctx.font = '12px Arial'
+ this.ctx.fillText(
+ this.data[i].value * this.current / 100,
+ this.data[i].left + this.xLength / 4,
+ this.data[i].top - 5
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ drawAxis: function() {
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.axisColor;
+ // y轴线, +0.5是为了解决canvas画1像素会显示成2像素的问题
+ this.ctx.moveTo(this.padding + 0.5, this.height - this.padding + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.padding + 0.5, this.padding + 0.5);
+ // x轴线
+ this.ctx.moveTo(this.padding + 0.5, this.height - this.padding + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.width - this.padding / 2 + 0.5, this.height - this.padding + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ },
+ drawPoint: function() {
+ // x轴坐标点
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.font = '12px Microsoft YaHei';
+ this.ctx.textAlign = 'center';
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = this.axisColor;
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.dataLength; i ++){
+ var xAxis = this.data[i].xAxis;
+ var xlen = this.xLength * (i + 1);
+ this.ctx.moveTo(this.padding + xlen + 0.5, this.height - this.padding + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.padding + xlen + 0.5, this.height - this.padding + 5.5);
+ this.ctx.fillText(xAxis, this.padding + xlen - this.xLength / 2, this.height - this.padding + 15);
+ }
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ // y轴坐标点
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.font = '12px Microsoft YaHei';
+ this.ctx.textAlign = 'right';
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = this.axisColor;
+ this.ctx.moveTo(this.padding + 0.5, this.height - this.padding + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.padding - 4.5, this.height - this.padding + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.fillText(0, this.padding - 10, this.height - this.padding + 5);
+ for(var i=0; i < this.yEqual; i ++){
+ var y = this.yFictitious * (i + 1);
+ var ylen = this.yLength * (i + 1);
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.axisColor;
+ this.ctx.moveTo(this.padding + 0.5, this.height - this.padding - ylen + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.padding - 4.5, this.height - this.padding - ylen + 0.5);
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ this.ctx.fillText(y,this.padding - 10, this.height - this.padding - ylen + 5);
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.contentColor;
+ this.ctx.moveTo(this.padding + 0.5, this.height - this.padding - ylen + 0.5)
+ this.ctx.lineTo(this.width - this.padding / 2 + 0.5, this.height - this.padding - ylen+0.5);
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ },
+ drawTitle: function() {
+ if(this.title){
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.textAlign = 'center';
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = this.titleColor;
+ this.ctx.font = '16px Microsoft YaHei';
+ if(this.titlePosition === 'bottom' && this.padding >= 40){
+ this.ctx.fillText(this.title, this.width / 2, this.height - 5)
+ }else{
+ this.ctx.fillText(this.title, this.width / 2, this.padding / 2)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * 监听鼠标移动事件
+ */
+ watchHover: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(ev) {
+ ev = ev || window.event;
+ self.currentIndex = -1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < self.data.length; i ++){
+ if( ev.offsetX > self.data[i].left &&
+ ev.offsetX < self.data[i].right &&
+ ev.offsetY > self.data[i].top &&
+ ev.offsetY < self.data[i].bottom )
+ {
+ self.currentIndex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ self.drawHover();
+ })
+ },
+ drawHover: function() {
+ if(this.currentIndex !== -1){
+ if(this.onceMove === -1){
+ this.onceMove = this.currentIndex;
+ this.canvas.style.cursor = 'pointer';
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(this.onceMove !== -1){
+ this.onceMove = -1;
+ this.canvas.style.cursor = 'inherit';
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * y轴坐标点之间显示的间距
+ * @param data
+ * @return y轴坐标间距
+ */
+ getYFictitious: function(data) {
+ var arr = data.slice(0);
+ arr.sort(function(a,b){
+ return -(a.value-b.value);
+ });
+ var len = Math.ceil(arr[0].value / this.yEqual);
+ var pow = len.toString().length - 1;
+ pow = pow > 2 ? 2 : pow;
+ return Math.ceil(len / Math.pow(10,pow)) * Math.pow(10,pow);
+ }
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