Elevator Pitch: A travel community for users to share city-specific tips ("posts" or "logs") about their favorite locations around the world.
A user should be able to:
- Navigate to "/" and see a basic splash page with:
- The name of the website.
- Links to "Log In" and "Sign Up".
- Sign up for an account.
- Log in to their account if they already have one.
- Be redirected to their public profile page after logging in.
- On their public profile page, see their name, the current city they have set in their profile, and their join date.
- See the site-wide header on every page with:
- A link to "Log Out" if they're logged in.
- Links to "Log In" and "Sign Up" if they're logged out.
- Update their profile by making changes to their name and/or current city.
- See the titles of all the posts they've contributed (start with pre-seeded data).
- Click on the title of one of their posts and be redirected to a "show" page for that post.
- View post "show" pages with title, author, and content.
A user should be able to:
- See a "default" profile photo on their profile page before adding their own photo.
- Update their profile photo (consider using Paperclip or Uploadcare).
- See their profile photo next to their posts.
- Receive a welcome email after creating an account.
A user should be able to:
- View the "San Francisco" page (at "/cities/1") including:
- The site-wide header.
- The name of the city.
- An iconic photo of the city.
- View a list of posts on the San Francisco page:
- Sorted by newest first.
- With the post titles linked to the individual post "show" pages.
- Use an "Add New Post" button on the San Francisco city page to pull up the new post form.
- Create a new post for San Francisco.
- Click "Edit" on ANY individual post, and be redirected to the edit form.
- Click "delete" on ANY individual post, then:
- See a pop-up that says: "Are you sure you want to delete #{title}?"
- If the user confirms, delete the post.
A user should be able to:
- Visit city pages via pretty urls, like "/cities/san-francisco".
- Visit user profile pages via pretty urls, like "/users/james".
- On a city's page:
- See post content truncated to 1000 characters max, with a link to view more.
- See a relative published date, e.g. "2 days ago".
A user should be able to:
- View city pages for "London" and "Gibraltar".
- Verify that a new post they create is successfully published on the correct city page.
A user CANNOT save invalid data to the database, according to the following rules:
- A user CANNOT sign up with an email (or username) that is already in use.
- A post's title must be between 1 and 200 characters.
- A post's content must not be empty.
A user is authorized to perform certain actions on the site, according to the following rules:
- A user MUST be logged in to create/update/destroy resources.
- A user may only edit their own profile and edit/delete their own posts.
A user should be able to:
- View an error message when form validations fail, for the following validations:
- Title must be between 1 and 200 characters.
- Content must not be empty.
- View only the 10 most recent posts on a city page (pagination), with
- A link/button to the "Next" 10.
- A link/button to the "Previous" 10.
- See a list of the city pages they've contributed to, on their public profile
- See the number of posts they've written for each city, next to the city's name in their profile.
- View all vagabond cities as markers/pins on a map on the site's homepage.
- Click on a pin on the homepage map and be redirected to the corresponding city page.
A user should be able to:
- Comment on individual posts.
- See the number of comments a post has on the post's "show" page.
- See the number of comments they've left, on their public profile.
- Only add a comment when logged in.
- Only edit/delete their own comments.