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File metadata and controls

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Ruby on Rails Lightning Talks

Your goal is to create an exceedingly brief presentation of a ruby gem (~5 min). We encourage you to try to do a live demo / have a working code example. Please also create a brief github gist (or "cheat sheet") for your fellow developers, outlining your findings, and linking to any helpful tutorials, resources, hints, and tips you discover in your research. This is a great project to use as a blog post and/or describe to potential employers.

You should aim to answer the following questions:

  • What problem does the gem solve?
  • How do you use it in a rails app?


Additional gems are listed here and here

You are welcome to suggest your own!

Active Record Plugins

  • Active Record Nesting: Awesome nested set | Ancestry | Acts as tree | Closure Tre | Better nested set
  • Active Record Soft Delete: rails3_acts_as_paranoid | paranoia | Acts as paranoid | Acts as archive | Permanent records
  • Active Record Sortables: Acts as list | ranked-model | Sortable | Resort
  • Active Record User Stamping: Userstamp | User stamp | Acts as audited | Record activities | Acts as loggable
  • Pagination: will_paginate | Kaminari | sorted | ajax_pagination | Paged scopes
  • Rails Comments: juvia | Acts as commentable with threading | Acts as commentable | Disqus | opinio
  • Rails DB Bootstrapping: Seed-fu | Populator | seedbank | Bootstrapper | Db-populate
  • Rails Ratings: Ajaxful-rating | ajaxful_rating | letsrate | Acts as rateable | mongoid_rateable
  • Rails Search: Sunspot | sunspot_rails | Tire | Thinking-sphinx | Rsolr
  • Rails Tagging: Acts-as-taggable-on | Is taggable | rocket_tag | Acts as taggable redux | Acts as taggable on steroids

Background Processing

  • Background Jobs: Resque | Delayed job | sidekiq | Bunny | Beanstalkd
  • Scheduling: Whenever | resque-scheduler | Rufus-scheduler | Clockwork | Craken

Code Quality

  • Code Metrics: SimpleCov | Rails best practices | Rcov | rubocop | Cane


  • Asynchronous E-Mail: Resque Mailer | Mail queue | Mailhopper | Resque Mail Queue
  • CRM Apps: Fat free crm | Mongo crm | railscrm | myitcrm2 | Cohort
  • E-Mail Preview: Letter Opener | MailCatcher | mail_view | Rails Email Preview | sanitize_email
  • E-Mail Processing: SendGrid | Mailman | Fetcher | griddler | newman | Mail fetcher
  • E-Mail Sending: Action Mailer | Mail | Pony | Tmail | capistrano_mailer
  • Forum Systems: forem | Altered beast | thredded | forum_monster
  • Inline CSS for E-Mail: premailer | Roadie | mail_style | inline-style | premailer-rails3

Content Management & Blogging

  • Blog Engines: Octopress | Publify | Toto | blogit | Serious
  • Content Management: Refinery CMS | BrowserCMS | Locomotive | Radiant | Comfortable Mexican Sofa
  • Static Website Generation: Jekyll | Middleman | high_voltage | Nanoc | stasis
  • Wiki Apps: Gollum | Git-wiki | Instiki | irwi | Olelo


  • CSS with Ruby: Sass | Compass | sass-rails | bootstrap-sass | twitter-bootstrap-rails
  • Font-Face Servers: Fontue | Fistface

Data Persistence

  • CSV Parsers: FasterCSV | smarter_csv | postgres-copy | ccsv | csv_pirate
  • Redis Clients: Redis Ruby | Redis Store | Redis Objects | Ohm | redis_orm

Developer Tools

  • Benchmarking: method_profiler | rbench | bench_press | better-benchmark | Tach
  • CLI Option Parsers: highline | Slop | cocaine | mixlib-cli | Trollop
  • Configuration Management: dotenv | settingslogic | Figaro | dotenv-rails | configuration
  • git Tools: Grit | githug | Ruby/Git | rugged | gitolite
  • irb Tools: Dotfiles | Awesome print | Hirb | wirble | pry-rails

Documentation Tools

  • Documentation Generators: RDoc | Yard | Sdoc | DocumentUp | Rocco
  • Gem Doc Viewers: Bdoc | Sinatra-rubygems | Docbox

Documents & Reports

  • PDF Generation: Prawn | Pdfkit | Wicked pdf | Wkhtmltopdf | Prawnto
  • PDF Processing: pdf-reader | pdf_info
  • Reports & Spreadsheets: spreadsheet | axlsx | roo | Ruport | google-spreadsheet-ruby

E-Commerce and Payments

  • Online Shops: Spree | RoR eCommerce | Invoicing | Shippinglogic | nimbleshop
  • Payments: Active Merchant | braintree | Stripe | paypal_adaptive | paypal-express
  • Subscription Management: Freemium | jackpot | fastspring-saasy | SubscriptionFu


  • Graphing: Lazy high charts | Googlecharts | Gruff | Open flash chart | Tufte-graph
  • Image Processing: chunky_png | RMagick | MiniMagick | Image science | image_sorcery
  • QR Codes: rqrcode | rqrcode-rails3 | rqrcode_png | zxing | zbar
  • Visualizing Data: Raphael | ruby-graphviz
  • Video Streamio FFMPEG

HTML & Markup

  • Breadcrumb Builders: breadcrumbs_on_rails | crummy | gretel | breadcrumbs | ariane
  • Form Builders: Simple Form | Formtastic | nested_form | cocoon | twitter_bootstrap_form_for
  • Markup processors: Markup | Redcarpet | RedCloth | vkhater-redcarpet | Rdiscount
  • Microformats: Mofo | Microformats helper | Prism
  • Rails Menu Builders: Simple-navigation | tabs_on_rails | Semantic-menu | Navigasmic | active_link_to
  • Rails Wizards: Wicked | Actsaswizard | Wizardly | Wizard | Partially valid
  • Syntax Highlighting: coderay | rouge | Albino | Jquery-syntax | Harsh
  • Table Builders: datagrid | wice_grid | tabletastic | table_cloth | table_for_collection
  • Template Engines: erubis | Tilt | Haml | Slim | Liquid


  • JavaScript Tools: Uglifier | coffee-script | gon | opal

Maintenance & Monitoring

  • App Instrumentation: New Relic RPM | dashing | better_errors | fnordmetric | bullet
  • Exception Notification: Errbit | Airbrake | Exception notification | Exceptional | Honeybadger
  • Log Analysis: logstash | Graylog2 | request-log-analyzer | central_logger | ntail
  • Logging: log4r | Logging | gelf | yell | mongodb_logger
  • Server Monitoring: God | Bluepill | amon | sensu | Outpost

Package & Dependency Management

  • Bundler Tools: rubygems-bundler | Appraisal | guard-bundler | spitball | noexec
  • Dependency Management: Bundler | berkshelf | librarian | Braid | Isolate
  • Gem Hosting: geminabox | stickler
  • Packaging Systems: Rubygems | Rip | Rpg | Coral
  • Packaging to Executables: Ocra | releasy | Crate

Provision, Deploy & Host

  • Continuous Integration: Travis | Cruisecontrol.rb | Cijoe | Jenkins.rb | Integrity
  • Deployment Automation: Capistrano | Heroku | mina | Moonshine | git-deploy
  • Web servers: Thin | Unicorn | Passenger | Puma | Pow

Rails Plugins

  • Rails Activity Feeds: public_activity | TimelineFu | Pfeed | streama | unread
  • Rails Admin Interfaces: ActiveAdmin | Rails Admin | ActiveScaffold | Typus | Streamlined
  • Rails App Templates: rails3-application-templates | rails_apps_composer | Rails-templates | Suspenders | Bigoldrailstemplate
  • Rails File Uploads: Paperclip | Carrierwave | Attachment fu | Dragonfly | Imagery
  • Rails Permalinks & Slugs: FriendlyId | Stringex | Babosa | Permalink fu | ObfuscateId
  • Rails Presenters: Draper | Cells | Apotomo | Active presenter | ActiveDecorator
  • Rails Subdomains: Subdomain-fu | Subdomain routes | Subdomain account | Sso what
  • Recommendation Engines: recommendify | recommendable | coletivo | Slope One
  • Reputation Engines: activerecord-reputation-system | merit | honor | recognition
  • User Messaging Systems: mailboxer | rails-messaging | acts-as-messageable | maktoub | inboxes


  • Encryption: Attr encrypted | Strongbox | crypt_keeper | symmetric-encryption | Sentry
  • Rails Authentication: Devise | OmniAuth | Authlogic | Restful-authentication | Sorcery
  • Rails Authorization: Cancancan | Declarative authorization | rolify | pundit | Acl9
  • Rails Captcha: Recaptcha | Negative-captcha | Simple-captcha-mirror | galetahub-simple_captcha | humanizer
  • Security Tools: brakeman | Loofah | Tarantula | Xss terminate | Rails xss
  • Spam Detection: Rakismet | Defender | Defensio-ruby | Akismetor | Rdefensio


  • A/B Testing: Vanity | Split | seven_minute_abs | bandit | ABingo

Time & Space

  • Calendars: Event calendar | ri_cal | Calendar helper | icalendar | Weekly builder
  • Geocoding & Maps: Geocoder | Geokit | gmaps4rails | RGeo | Geokit-rails
  • I18n: I18n | i18n-js | R18n | http_accept_language | Translate routes
  • Natural Language Date Parsing: Chronic | Chronic Duration | Nickel | Tickle | kronic
  • Recurring Events: Ice cube | Recurrence | Schedule fu | Runt | Recurring event

Web Apps, Services & Interaction

  • API Builders: Grape | rabl | jbuilder | active_model_serializers | acts_as_api
  • API Clients: Twitter | koala | fb_graph | Linkedin | youtube_it
  • Atom & RSS Feed Parsing: Feedzirra | Simple-rss | Feed-normalizer | ratom | rfeedparser
  • HTML parsing: Nokogiri | Hpricot | Libxml-ruby | Scrubyt | Scrapi
  • HTTP clients: Rest-client | Httparty | faraday | multipart-post | Excon
  • JSON Parsers: json | multi_json | yajl-ruby | json pure | crack
  • URL Rewriting: rack-rewrite | Refraction | redirect
  • User Agent Detection: useragent | browser | mobylette | agent_orange | user-agent
  • Web Analytics: gattica | gabba | rack-google-analytics | Garb | google-analytics-rails
  • Web App Frameworks: Sinatra | Padrino | Cramp
  • Web Content Scrapers: Pismo | data_miner | metainspector | cobweb | sinew