- Work through all of Ruby Monk's Ruby Primer.
- If that's too hard, try Code Like This and this video first!
- If that's too easy, move on to Ruby Monk's Ruby Primer Ascent.
- Translate these Javascript challenges that we have gone over previously into Ruby.
- Justin has put together a nice 'Rosetta Stone' of Javascript vs. Ruby. Take a look at it!
- Required: Ruby Method Drills with tests!
- Optional: Nathan's made a fun little Text Adventure lab, which he'd like you to experiment with!
- Recommended: Project 1 Refactor!
- Resolve at least 2 Github Issues.
- Refactor existing code & pay down some "technical debt"
- Build it again from scratch (highly recommended).
Please use any remaining time to review exercises/drills from the past 5 weeks (tunely, personal api, mongo tv drills, geoquakes, giffaw...)! And don't forget to eat, sleep, and enjoy the break!