The homework assignments and readings below are intended to prepare you for the next day's lectures. Please complete them first.
If you have any remaining time, please complete/review the exercises from dawn and dusk lectures. You can also review the morning drills.
Please refer to the Instructions for Submitting Homework.
- Browse the Docs: Mongoose Model, MongoDB CRUD.
- Your goal is to add mongoose to your Personal API (from the weekend lab):
DO NOT PUSH TO HEROKU (it will break all the things)
First, we recommend you debug anything that's broken, and commit any pending changes.
Next, we recommend you create a new
for version #2 of your app:git checkout -b mongodb_integration
Make sure that when you push your changes, you push to (and from) the correct branch!
git branch # mongodb_integration git push origin mongodb_integration
Can you modify your CRUD routes to use mongoose? (Take a close look at the morning lab!)
Please use any remaining time to complete and review the exercises from dawn & dusk.
- Your goal is to tackle the Tunely Lab again tonight, and try to complete sprints 1-4. That's right 1 through 4. As in start over and do it again!