The homeworks and readings below are intended to prepare you for the next day's lectures. Please complete them first.
If you have any remaining time, please complete/review the exercises from dawn and dusk lectures. You can also review the morning drills.
Please refer to the Instructions for Submitting Homework.
Make sure you've made a Pull Request on the homework repo. You should have created a new directory with your github username and submitted this change as a pull-request during class this afternoon. You may want to review those instructions.
Follow the instructions on to solve the command-line mysteries and submit your as a pull-request to the command line mystery repository. (not the homework repository) Don't worry if you can't complete everything. If you need help, work together and make use of the TAs.
- Read Javascript Primitives and Objects.
- DUE TONIGHT: Record your responses to the Javascript Primitives and Objects challenges in a file (
), and follow the directions to submit
file to the homework repository. Remember, when you push to github your code will go to your FORK, like
. Go there to make your Pull Request.
Please use any remaining time to complete and review the exercises from dawn & dusk:
- Read and complete the exercises in this awesome CSS writeup.
- Complete the functions exercises to the best of your ability. Record your solutions to the challenges in a javascript file (
), and follow the directions to submit yoursolutions.js
file to the homework repository. Remember, when you push to github your code will go to your FORK, like
. Go there to make your Pull Request.
Please use any remaining time to complete and review the exercises from dawn & dusk:
- DUE TONIGHT: Solve what you can of the Events Lab tonight (and make sure you attempt all of them!). Use a pull-request from your fork of the events-lab repo to submit your solutions. Don't worry if you can't complete everything; just submit what you can. :-)
- Friday Review Prep
- Complete the Week 1 Self-Assessment and identify 2 topics you want to review tomorrow
- Ask and/or upvote 3 questions on QuestionCookie:
Please use any remaining time to complete and review the exercises from dawn & dusk:
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of DOM
- Hack Github with jQuery
- jQuery Events on Github
- jQuery Events Lab
- Tic Tac Toe
- Due Monday @ 9:17am!
Please use any remaining time to review exercises/drills from the week! And don't forget to sleep!