- How many children does
have?- just one: the
- just one: the
- Name a direct child of the
element.- the
- the
- Name a direct parent of the
element- the
- the
- What is the parent of the
element?- Trick question! It turns out that
belongs to thedocument
object, which lives inside your browser (not your html)!
- Trick question! It turns out that
- #fancy
- p#fancy
- div p#fancy
- .page #fancy
- .page p#fancy
- div.page p#fancy
- div .small
- div a.small
- .small
- div.page a.small
- p a
- div.page p a
- .page p a
- div p a
- .mad-favs li
- ul.mad-favs li
- div.page ul.mad-favs li
- .page .mad-favs li
- .sparkles
- p.sparkles
- div p.sparkles
- div.page p.sparkles
- p a.small
- p .small
- div p .small
- div.page p a.small
Using jQuery:
var $el = $("#greeting");
var $el = $("div");
var $el = $("div#greeting");
// note that using the "$" in the variable name `$el` is just a naming convention, it indicates to you, dear reader, that the value of `$el` is a jquery `object` and has special jquery methods.
$("#greeting").text(); // get "Hello There"
$("#greeting").text("Hola"); // set "Hola"
$("body").prepend("<h1>A Spanish Greeting</h1>");
$("body").append("<div>Que tal?</div>");
Using Vanilla Javascript:
var el = document.querySelector("#greeting");
var el = document.querySelector("div");
var el = document.querySelector("div#greeting")
In the past you'd see alternative ways of grabbing DOM elements in javascript. There is no good reason to use these any more:
var el = document.getElementById("greeting");
var el = document.getElementByTagName("div");
var el = document.getElementByClassName("someclass")
document.querySelector("#greeting").textContent; // get "Hello There"
document.querySelector("#greeting").textContent = "Hola"; // set "Hola"
var bodyEl = document.querySelector("body"); bodyEl.innerHTML = "<h1>Hola</h1>" + bodyEl.innerHTML;
var bodyEl = document.querySelector("body"); bodyEl.innerHTML = bodyEl.innerHTML + "<div>Que tal?</div>";
// ahhhhhhhhhh var divEls = document.querySelectorAll("div"); Array.prototype.slice.apply(divEls).forEach(function(el){ el.classList.add("blue"); })
// title
$("h1#san-francisco_title").text("Indiana Jones and the Temple of DOM");
$("h1#san-francisco_title").append("<small>(Rated G)</small>")
// image swap
var $target = $("div.image-wrapper img").eq(0);
var new_image = "http://media2.giphy.com/media/MS0fQBmGGMaRy/giphy.gif";
$target.attr("src", new_image);