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motoko-san: monomorphisation
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New features:
* monomorphise method calls before translation

New test cases:
* test/viper/
  • Loading branch information
int-index committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent dbd2b39 commit c3f7252
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Showing 9 changed files with 405 additions and 8 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/mo_types/type.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -236,6 +236,8 @@ val glb : typ -> typ -> typ

(* First-order substitution *)

val subst : typ ConEnv.t -> typ -> typ

val close : con list -> typ -> typ
val close_binds : con list -> bind list -> bind list

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ let viper_files' parsefn files : viper_result =
let* () = Typing.check_actors senv progs in
let prog = CompUnit.combine_progs progs in
let u = CompUnit.comp_unit_of_prog false prog in
let* v = Viper.Trans.unit u in
let* v = Viper.Trans.unit (Viper.Prep.prep_unit u) in
let s = Viper.Pretty.prog_mapped "" v in
Diag.return s

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/viper/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ The implementation of _Motoko-san_ consists of the following source files:
* `src/viper/` — the Viper AST implementation.
* `src/viper/` — the Viper pretty printer. Used for serializing Viper AST into text.
* `src/viper/` — the Motoko-to-Viper translation. Implements the logic of _Motoko-san_.
* `src/viper/` —  the Motoko-to-Motoko pass that prepares the unit for translation.
Currently supported language features
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/viper/
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(* exception for reporting unsupported Motoko syntax *)
exception Unsupported of Source.region * string

let unsupported at sexp =
raise (Unsupported (at, (Wasm.Sexpr.to_string 80 sexp)))

291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions src/viper/
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@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
open Common
open Source
open Mo_def.Syntax

module T = Mo_types.Type
module Cons = Mo_types.Cons
module Arrange = Mo_def.Arrange

Monomorphisation goal. For example, a function call f<Int,Bool>(a,b,c)
yields a mono_goal of {id="f", typs=[Int,Bool]}
type mono_goal = { mg_id : string; mg_typs : T.typ list; }

let compare_mono_goal (g1 : mono_goal) (g2 : mono_goal) =
match g1.mg_id g2.mg_id with
| 0 -> g1.mg_typs g2.mg_typs
| ord -> ord

type dec_field_template = { dft_id : string; dft_mk : T.typ list -> dec_field }

let string_of_mono_goal (g : mono_goal) : string =
String.concat "$" (g.mg_id :: (fun t ->
match T.normalize t with
| T.Prim T.Int -> "Int"
| T.Prim T.Nat -> "Nat"
| T.Prim T.Bool -> "Bool"
| _ -> unsupported Source.no_region (Mo_types.Arrange_type.typ t)) g.mg_typs)

Call monomorphisation function, replacing function calls f<Int,Bool>(a,b,c)
with f$Int$Bool(a,b,c) and yielding the corresponding monomorphisation goals.
type 'a mono_calls_fn = 'a -> (mono_goal list * 'a)

let rec mono_calls_list (f : 'a mono_calls_fn) : ('a list) mono_calls_fn =
| [] -> ([], [])
| (x :: xs) ->
let (x_goals, x') = f x in
let (xs_goals, xs') = mono_calls_list f xs in
(List.append x_goals xs_goals, x' :: xs')

let rec mono_calls_dec_field : dec_field mono_calls_fn =
fun df ->
let (d_goals, d) = mono_calls_dec in
(d_goals, { df with it = { with dec = d }})

and mono_calls_dec : dec mono_calls_fn =
| {it = LetD(p,e,None); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = LetD (p,e',None); at; note})
| {it = ExpD(e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = ExpD(e'); at; note})
| {it = VarD(x,e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = VarD(x,e'); at; note})
| d ->
(* let _ = print_endline (Wasm.Sexpr.to_string 80 (Arrange.dec d)) in *)
([], d)

and mono_calls_exp : exp mono_calls_fn =
| {it = VarE(x); at; note} -> ([], {it = VarE(x); at; note})
| {it = LitE(l); at; note} -> ([], {it = LitE(l); at; note})
| {it = FuncE(x,sp,tp,p,t,sugar,e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = FuncE(x,sp,tp,p,t,sugar,e'); at; note})
| {it = BlockE(ds); at; note} ->
let (ds_goals, ds') = mono_calls_list mono_calls_dec ds in
(ds_goals, {it = BlockE(ds'); at; note})
| {it = AsyncE(s,tb,e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = AsyncE(s,tb,e'); at; note})
| {it = AnnotE(e,t); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = AnnotE(e',t); at; note})
| {it = AssignE(e1,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in (* not sure about the LHS *)
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = AssignE(e1',e2'); at; note} )
| {it = ArrayE(mut,es); at; note} ->
let (es_goals, es') = mono_calls_list mono_calls_exp es in
(es_goals, {it = ArrayE(mut,es'); at; note})
| {it = RetE(e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = RetE(e'); at; note})
| {it = IfE(e1,e2,e3); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
let (e3_goals, e3') = mono_calls_exp e3 in
( List.concat [e1_goals; e2_goals; e3_goals],
{it = IfE(e1',e2',e3'); at; note})
| {it = WhileE(e1,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = WhileE(e1',e2'); at; note} )
| {it = UnE(ot,uo,e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = UnE(ot,uo,e'); at; note})
| {it = BinE(ot,e1,bo,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = BinE(ot,e1',bo,e2'); at; note} )
| {it = RelE(ot,e1,ro,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = RelE(ot,e1',ro,e2'); at; note} )
| {it = NotE(e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = NotE(e'); at; note})
| {it = AndE(e1,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = AndE(e1',e2'); at; note} )
| {it = OrE(e1,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = OrE(e1',e2'); at; note} )
| {it = ImpliesE(e1,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = ImpliesE(e1',e2'); at; note} )
| {it = TupE(es); at; note} ->
let (es_goals, es') = mono_calls_list mono_calls_exp es in
(es_goals, {it = TupE(es'); at; note})
| {it = AssertE(ak,e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = AssertE(ak,e'); at; note})
| {it = AwaitE(s,e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = AwaitE(s,e'); at; note})
| {it = OldE(e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = OldE(e'); at; note})
| {it = DotE(e,x); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
(e_goals, {it = DotE(e',x); at; note})
| {it = IdxE(e1,e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = IdxE(e1',e2'); at; note} )
| {it = CallE({it = VarE v; at = v_at; note = v_note},inst,e); at; note} ->
let (e_goals, e') = mono_calls_exp e in
let goal = { mg_id =; mg_typs = inst.note } in
let call_goals = (if goal.mg_typs == [] then [] else [goal]) in
let s = string_of_mono_goal goal in
( List.append call_goals e_goals,
{it = CallE({it = VarE (s @@ v_at); at=v_at; note=v_note},
{it = None;; note = []},
e'); at; note} )
| {it = CallE(e1,({note=[];_} as inst),e2); at; note} ->
let (e1_goals, e1') = mono_calls_exp e1 in
let (e2_goals, e2') = mono_calls_exp e2 in
( List.append e1_goals e2_goals,
{it = CallE(e1',inst,e2'); at; note} )
| e -> unsupported (Arrange.exp e)

module M = Map.Make(String)
module MonoGoalEnv = Map.Make(struct type t = mono_goal let compare = compare_mono_goal end)

type subst_env = T.typ T.ConEnv.t (* con -> typ *)

let unwrap_typ_bind_con (tb : typ_bind) : T.con =
match tb.note with
| None -> unsupported (Arrange.typ_bind tb)
| Some(c) -> c

let init_subst_env (tbs : typ_bind list) (ts : T.typ list) : subst_env =
T.ConEnv.from_list2 ( unwrap_typ_bind_con tbs) ts

let rec subst_typ env (t : typ) : typ = {t with note = T.subst env t.note}
and subst_pat env p =
{ at =;
note = T.subst env p.note;
it = match with
| TupP ps -> TupP ( (fun p -> subst_pat env p) ps)
| ParP p -> ParP (subst_pat env p)
| AnnotP (p, t) -> AnnotP (subst_pat env p, subst_typ env t)
| VarP x -> VarP x
| _ -> unsupported (Arrange.pat p) }
and subst_exp env e =
{ at =;
note = { e.note with note_typ = T.subst env e.note.note_typ };
it = match with
| VarE(x) -> VarE(x)
| LitE(l) -> LitE(l)
| UnE(ot,uo,e) -> UnE(ot,uo,subst_exp env e)
| BinE(ot,e1,bo,e2) -> BinE(ot,subst_exp env e1,bo,subst_exp env e2)
| RelE(ot,e1,ro,e2) -> RelE(ot,subst_exp env e1,ro,subst_exp env e2)
| TupE(es) -> TupE( (fun e -> subst_exp env e) es)
| DotE(e,x) -> DotE(subst_exp env e,x)
| AssignE(e1,e2) -> AssignE(subst_exp env e1, subst_exp env e2)
| IdxE(e1,e2) -> IdxE(subst_exp env e1, subst_exp env e2)
| WhileE(e1,e2) -> WhileE(subst_exp env e1, subst_exp env e2)
| IfE(e1,e2,e3) -> IfE(subst_exp env e1, subst_exp env e2, subst_exp env e3)
| BlockE(ds) -> BlockE( (fun d -> subst_dec env d) ds)
| RetE(e) -> RetE(subst_exp env e)
| CallE(e1,inst,e2) -> CallE(subst_exp env e1, subst_inst env inst, subst_exp env e2)
| _ -> unsupported (Arrange.exp e) }
and subst_dec env d =
{ at =;
note = { d.note with note_typ = T.subst env d.note.note_typ };
it = match with
| ExpD(e) -> ExpD(subst_exp env e)
| LetD(p,e,None) -> LetD(subst_pat env p, subst_exp env e, None)
| VarD(x,e) -> VarD(x, subst_exp env e)
| _ -> unsupported (Arrange.dec d) }
and subst_inst env inst =
{ at =;
note = (fun t -> T.subst env t) inst.note;
it = match with
| None -> None
| Some (b, ts) ->
let ts' = (fun t -> subst_typ env t) ts in
Some (b, ts') }

let mk_template_dec_field (df : dec_field) : dec_field_template option =
match (, with
| (Private, LetD({it = VarP(_);at=p_at;note=p_note},
{it = FuncE(x,sp,tp,p,t,sugar,e);
None)) ->
if tp == [] then None else
Some({dft_id = x;
dft_mk = fun typs ->
let env = init_subst_env tp typs in
(* let _ = T.ConEnv.iter (fun c t -> print_endline (String.concat " " [Cons.to_string true ":" c; "="; T.string_of_typ t])) env in *)
let p' = subst_pat env p in
let t' = (subst_typ env) t in
let e' = subst_exp env e in
let x' = string_of_mono_goal ({ mg_id = x; mg_typs = typs }) in
{ df with it = { with dec = { with it =
LetD({it = VarP({it=x';at=Source.no_region;note=()});
{it = FuncE(x',sp,[],p',t',sugar,e');
None) } } }
| _ -> None

let mono_partition (dfs : dec_field list) : (dec_field list * dec_field_template M.t) =
let (dfs', tmpls) =
(fun df ->
match mk_template_dec_field df with
| None -> Either.Left df
| Some(dft) -> Either.Right dft)
let tmpls' = List.fold_left (fun acc tmpl -> M.add tmpl.dft_id tmpl acc) M.empty tmpls in
(dfs', tmpls')

let rec mono_iterate (ts : dec_field_template M.t) (dfs : dec_field MonoGoalEnv.t) (goals : mono_goal list) : dec_field MonoGoalEnv.t =
match goals with
| [] -> dfs
| g :: gs ->
if MonoGoalEnv.mem g dfs then mono_iterate ts dfs gs else (* skip already instantiated goals *)
let df = (M.find g.mg_id ts).dft_mk g.mg_typs in (* instantiate the goal *)
let (gs', df') = mono_calls_dec_field df in (* collect new goals *)
mono_iterate ts (MonoGoalEnv.add g df' dfs) (List.append gs' gs)

let mono_dec_fields (dfs : dec_field list) : dec_field list =
let (base_dfs, tmpls) = mono_partition dfs in
let (base_goals, base_dfs') = mono_calls_list mono_calls_dec_field base_dfs in
let mono_dfs = mono_iterate tmpls MonoGoalEnv.empty base_goals in
MonoGoalEnv.fold (fun _ df dfs -> df :: dfs) mono_dfs base_dfs'

let prep_unit (u : comp_unit) : comp_unit =
let { imports; body } = in
match with
| ActorU(id_opt, decs) ->
let decs' = mono_dec_fields decs in
(* let _ = (fun g -> print_endline (string_of_mono_goal g)) goals in *)
let body' = ActorU(id_opt, decs') in
(* let _ = (fun d -> print_endline (Wasm.Sexpr.to_string 80 (Arrange.dec_field d))) decs' in *)
{ u with it = {imports; body = { body with it = body' } } }
| _ -> u
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/viper/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
open Source

open Common
open Syntax

module T = Mo_types.Type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,13 +56,6 @@ let rec adjoin ctxt e = function
| [] -> e
| f :: fs -> f ctxt (adjoin ctxt e fs)

(* exception for reporting unsupported Motoko syntax *)
exception Unsupported of Source.region * string

let unsupported at sexp =
raise (Unsupported (at, (Wasm.Sexpr.to_string 80 sexp)))

type sort = Field | Local | Method

module Env = T.Env
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/viper/ok/polymono.silicon.ok
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Parse warning: In macro $Perm, the following parameters were defined but not used: $Self ([email protected])
Parse warning: In macro $Inv, the following parameters were defined but not used: $Self ([email protected])

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