All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- new resource_authors option that lets you select which created_by values you will match. Defaults to sensu-flow
- added contribured documentation for using docker image for alternative CI/CD workflows.
- Fixed bug using api-key for auth.
- Added additional verbose logging for troubleshooting.
- refactored envar/option names to match existing sensuctl envvars
- support for api_key based auth
- user/pass auth is now deprecated in favor of api_key based auth
- No breaking changes (still pre-1.0)
- Added new option to disable TLS certificate verification in sensuctl and curl commands. Useful when using non-production sensu-backend instances with self-signed certificates.
- Updated prune logic for better error handling if prune command fails
- for new features.
- for changes in existing functionality.
- for soon-to-be removed features.
- for now removed features.
- for any bug fixes.
- in case of vulnerabilities