Name | Type | Description | Notes |
description | String | The Project's description. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
archived | Bool | A true/false boolean indicating whether the Story is in archived state. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
days_to_thermometer | Int64 | The number of days before the thermometer appears in the Story summary. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
color | String | The color that represents the Project in the UI. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
name | String | The Project's name. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
follower_ids | Vector{String} | An array of UUIDs for any Members you want to add as Followers. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
show_thermometer | Bool | Configuration to enable or disable thermometers in the Story summary. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
team_id | Int64 | The ID of the team the project belongs to. | [optional] [default to nothing] |
abbreviation | String | The Project abbreviation used in Story summaries. Should be kept to 3 characters at most. | [optional] [default to nothing] |