If you want to use Faraday in OSX please check this guide
Video about install Faraday in macOS Sierra: Installation in macOS Sierra.
Tested on OSX Maverick 10.9.2.
Go to AppStore and install Xcode. If you run brew install
first, it'll ask to install Xcode too.
Keep in mind that Xcode is 2+ Gb so it can take a while to download. After this is done go to Preferences and install command line tools or open a terminal console and run:
$ xcode-select --install
A dialog box will appear asking to install additional tools as shown in the image below. Click install.
Important! Before proceeding with the rest of this guide you need to open Xcode at least once in order to accept the License Agreement. Please make sure you do that or else some of the dependencies will fail to install.
To install Brew run:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
In order to install Python run the following command:
$ brew install python
- Remember never to run brew as root.
- Installing Python through brew, will also install PIP.
- You can find more info about Python in OSX following this link.
Make sure that you are using the Python interpreter that brew installed and not the one shipped with the OS.
To know which Python you are using, execute the following command:
$ which python
Th should return:
If this is not the case, you can change the PATH and use /usr/local/bin
by running this command:
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
If you want to revert this change just delete the link executed in the previous command.
First of all, we need Git in order to get Faraday from Github. Run:
$ brew install git
Now clone Faraday's repository by running the following command:
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/infobyte/faraday.git faraday-dev
After the purchase you will receive an email with your credentials and a link to our Customers Portal. Use those credentials to log in to the site and you will get two links:
- Download License - this is the tarball for the Faraday License
- Download Faraday - this is the tarball for the actual Faraday Code
Download both those packages and then:
Create a new directory and unpack the Faraday tarball there. For example,
. -
Unpack the License Package and place its contents in the
directory. For example, using the path from Step 1, you should place the License files in/home/user/Infobyte/faraday/doc
Installing Python via brew will also install PIP. Now we need to use PIP in order to install Faraday's requirements. Get into the folder /faraday and run the following commands:
$ pip2 install -r requirements_server.txt -U
$ pip2 install -r requirements.txt -U
If you have issues building psycopg2:
$ brew install postgresql
$ pip install psycopg2
We need a few other packages from brew before we can use the client:
$ brew install vte3
$ brew install pygobject3 --with-python@2
Faraday needs ZSH and curl in order to be able to connect to the server. In order to install them, run:
$ brew install zsh curl
In order to initialize PostgreSQL database, generate your main user and a password and import your data from CouchDB (if it's the case), run the following command:
$ faraday-manage initdb
If you don't have CouchDB configured we assume this is a new installation, so a new user will be created.
With CouchDB configured in the server.ini
file, it will import all the data
you had from the 2.7.2 version, including the users and its hashed passwords.
If you want to manually import the data from CouchDB, follow this step
Keep in mind the following items:
This commmand must be executed only when you run Faraday for the first time.
If at the moment you run this command, it throws an error, be sure you have sudo installed. Once you have installed it, run the command again.
If you can't login into to Faraday after running the command above due to invalid credentials, you can change your password through the PostgreSQL shell that Faraday has in it. Follow the next instructions in order to change your password and be able to login.
You should have the PostgreSQL service started. To start it, run this command:
$ brew services start postgresql
If you need an advance configuration of the postgres database, like having a
custom database name or run it in a separate host, the python manage.pyc initdb
command probably won't be enough for you, so you should configure it manually
by doing something like this:
createdb -O faraday_postgresql faraday
Then, edit the ~/.faraday/config/server.ini
by adding the connection string
to the database:
connection_string = postgresql+psycopg2://faraday_postgresql:YOURPASSWORD@localhost/faraday
Then you should run python manage.pyc create-tables
to create all the required
tables to make Faraday work, and python manage.pyc createsuperuser
to create an
admin user.
If you were using Faraday 2.7.2 and setup the database manually instead of
using the python manage.pyc initdb
, you should run the following command to import
the data from CouchDB:
$ faraday-manage import-from-couchdb
Note: beware of the number of users you have created in CouchDB, remember that you have already created one when you initialized PostgreSQL. The number of users that you have between CouchDB and PostgreSQL should not surpass the number of users you're allow to have according to your license.
Inside the folder /faraday, run the following command:
$ faraday-server
Note: in order to run the Client, Faraday's server must be running.
Inside the folder /faraday, run:
$ faraday-client
Inside the folder /faraday, run:
$ faraday-client --gui=nogui
Now in another terminal and inside the same folder as above, run:
$ ./faraday-terminal.zsh
We are done. Enjoy Faraday!