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Framework for testing the reachability of native functions in Android applications.

Repository Description

  • apk_analyzer/: main analysis classes of DroidReach.
  • benchmarks/: submodule that points to our microbenchmarks.
  • cex_src/: submodule that points to our library CEX. It implements the CFG extraction functionalities of DroidReach for the native code.
  • bin/: contains the dreach executable.
  • docker/: contains the Dockerfile and some scripts to build an image and use it.
  • data/: contains information about the experimental evaluation described in the paper.


DroidReach can be used through docker. From the docker subdirectory of this repository, run the following command to build the droidreach image:

$ ./

After building the image, you can use the script to start a container with DroidReach installed and ready to use. Note that the code is mounted inside the container, so modifications to the source code will affect any running container.

The script will also mount the directory /tmp/dreach of the host in ~/shared: you can use this directory to share APKs with the container.


The dreach executable is the entry point of the tool. It takes the following command line arguments:

$ dreach -h

usage: dreach [-h] [--cfg-dot [CFG_DOT]] [--print-native-functions] [--check-consumer [CHECK_CONSUMER]] [--find-producer [FIND_PRODUCER]] [--find-vtable [FIND_VTABLE]] [--reachable] [--use-flowdroid] [--disable-multilib] [--disable-angr]
              [--disable-ghidra] [--ghidra-timeout [sec]] [--angr-timeout [sec]] [--angr-max-memory [sec]] [--angr-max-calldepth [val]] [--angr-ctx-sensitivity [val]] [--angr-bb-iterations [val]] [--all-archs] [--print-full-icfg-path]
              [--find-path-to []] [--find-path-to-csv [file.csv]] [--find-path-to-csv2 [file.csv]] [--show-lib-dep-graph] [--verbose] [--save-graphs] [--full-analysis]

DroidReach APK analyzer

positional arguments:
  apk                   The binary to analyze

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cfg-dot [CFG_DOT]   Print the CFG of the function in dot format (either class;->method(args), or
                        Print native functions
  --check-consumer [CHECK_CONSUMER]
                        Check if the method is a consumer
  --find-producer [FIND_PRODUCER]
                        Look for a producer given a consumer
  --find-vtable [FIND_VTABLE]
                        Find the returned vtable of a producer
  --reachable           Analyze only reachable functions
  --use-flowdroid       Use flowdroid to generate the Java callgraph
  --disable-multilib    Disable the reasoning on multiple libraries
  --disable-angr        Disable Angr plugin
  --disable-ghidra      Disable Ghidra plugin
  --ghidra-timeout [sec]
                        Set timeout for Ghidra on a single binary [seconds] (default 20 min)
  --angr-timeout [sec]  Set timeout for Angr on a iCFG [seconds] (default 30 min)
  --angr-max-memory [sec]
                        Set maximum memory usage for Angr on a iCFG [MiB] (default None)
  --angr-max-calldepth [val]
                        Set maximum calldepth for Angr (default 5)
  --angr-ctx-sensitivity [val]
                        Set context sensitivity for Angr (default 1)
  --angr-bb-iterations [val]
                        Set maximum iterations on a basic block for Angr (default 1)
  --all-archs           Analyze all archs (not only armv7) [Experimental]
                        Print the full path in the iCFG when executing --find-path-*
  --find-path-to []
                        Find path to native function
  --find-path-to-csv [file.csv]
                        Find path to the native functions specified in the CSV (,offset)
  --find-path-to-csv2 [file.csv]
                        Internal use only
  --show-lib-dep-graph  Print the library dependency graph in dot to stdout
  --verbose             Verbose mode
  --save-graphs         Save graphs (debug mode)
  --full-analysis       Run the complete analysis (slow)

You can start using the tool running it on our microbenchmarks. Insider the docker container, run:

$ cd /home/ubuntu/droidreach/benchmarks/apks
$ ./


DroidReach offers also Python APIs. The main analysis class is APKAnalyzer located under the apk_analyzer directory.

The CFG extraction functionalities, instead, are implemented in the CEX subproject. You can find more information in its own directory.

Experimental data

  • The dataset contains APKs taken from the Google Play Store. The detailed list is available here.
  • A more detailed discussion of the false negatives is available here.
  • A more detailed discussion of the false positives is available here.
  • The benchmark suite discussed in "Microbenchmarks" is available here. The repository contains the source code, compiled APKs, and the results of an expermental evaluation when analyzing the benchmarks with different tools.


 author={Borzacchiello, Luca and Coppa, Emilio and Maiorca, Davide and Columbu, Andrea and Demetrescu, Camil and Giacinto, Giorgio},
 title={{Reach Me if You Can: On Native Vulnerability Reachability in Android Apps}},
 booktitle={Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security},
 series={ESORICS '22},

Preprint of the paper

A preprint of the paper is available here.