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Memcached Benchmark

Dor Laor edited this page Feb 19, 2015 · 12 revisions

The following describe the details of the Memcached benchmark making it reproducible. Let us know if you find anything is missing.

Latest Results (Feb 19)

CPU Seastar Memcached with DPDK Stock Memcached (multi process) Stock memcached (multi threaded)
2 553,175 350,844 321,287
4 1,021,918 615,270 573,149
6 1,703,790 857,428 709,502
8 2,149,162 1,102,417 741,356
10 2,629,885 1,335,069 608,014
12 2,870,919 1,528,598 608,968
14 3,217,044 1,726,642 440,658
16 3,460,167 1,887,060 603,479
18 4,049,397 2,167,573 902,192
20 4,426,457 2,281,064 1,128,469

Test bed:

  • Server 1: Memcache server
  • Server 2: Memcache Client - memaslap


Server 1 (Stock Memcached) Setup:

  • Memcached version 1.4.17
  • One, single threaded, Memcached process per CPU

Server 1 (Seastar Memcached with DPDK) Setup:

  1. Fetch dpdk from upstream (support for i40e is not sufficient in 1.8.0)
  2. update config/common_linuxapp
  3. update CONFIG_RTE_MBUF_REFCNT to 'n'
  4. update CONFIG_RTE_MAX_MEMSEG=4096
  5. follow instructions from Seastar readme on DPDK installation for 1.8.0
  • hugepages define 2048,2048 pages
  • compile seastar
  1. sudo build/release/apps/memcached/memcached --network-stack native --dpdk-pmd --dhcp 0 --host-ipv4-addr $seastar_ip --netmask-ipv4-addr --collectd 0 --smp $cpu

Server 2 (memaslap) Setup

  • memaslap from libmemcached-1.0.18
  • Disable irqbalance
  • Fix the irq smp_affinity of the 40Gb card to invoke each interrupt on a single cpu
for $cpu < 6 
for ((i = 0; i < 12; ++i)); do taskset -c $i memaslap -s $seastar_ip:11211 -t 60s -T 1 -c 60 -X 64 & done

for $cpu >= 6 
for ((i = 0; i < 52; ++i)); do taskset -c $i memaslap -s $seastar_ip:11211 -t 60s -T 1 -c 60 -X 64 & done
  • verify there are no misses in each test - restart memcached for each test


Same as HTTPD Test

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