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Releases: scottdware/panco

February 2020 Release

31 Jan 15:28
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This release has a few fixes and minor changes.

  • Enhanced version checking: When using the panco version command, it will now check to see if there are any newer versions that can be downloaded, and if so, will provide the URL to you.

  • Whitespace validation has been enhanced when importing/creating objects. You should no longer receive an error when importing/creating address objects and groups that contain whitespace characters, as they are automatically removed.

  • Passwords on the CLI: Due to some changes in Go code for certain functions this library uses, there were issues when inputing your password on Windows, where it wouldn't respond unless you hit CTRL-C, which would exit you out of the program. The fix for this, is the new --pass (-p) flag attached to every command. I understand that this allows your password to be viewed in plain text on the CLI, but I am working on finding other solutions for this.

New command - "provision", new policy action

13 Jun 17:05
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New Command

Using the provision command allows you to use default, best practice configuration templates to load into a device. These templates were created by Palo Alto Networks and are a part of their IronSkillet repository.

You can also use a local file, or pull one from a remote location (HTTP).

Please visit the Wiki for more information.

New Policy Action

You can now move rules within a policy, using the --action move option. Choose to move a single rule, or multiple with the use of a CSV file.

Please visit the Wiki for more information.

June 2019 update

05 Jun 18:03
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With this release, you can now remove address objects from existing address groups. Some error messages have been normalized, as well.

May 2019 update

18 May 20:14
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This release of panco adds more stability and error reporting than the previous release, as well as removes some commands.

Changes are as follows:

  • Better error handling; If you are importing devices, and your syntax is wrong, panco will now tell you the line where the error occurred, and continue to process the CSV file instead of exiting upon the first error it sees.
  • You can now separate entries in the individual fields/columns by a comma , or a semi-colon ; within your CSV file. Note that the actual fields must still be comma-separated.
  • The ability to specify a Vsys when importing objects, policies. This is the same field as Device Group when running against Panorama.

The following commands/abilities were removed, due to the fact that this information is more easily obtained by exporting it directly from the firewall/Panorama (which you can save in CSV or PDF format) :

  • Log exporting
  • Session table exporting
  • Device exporting

These two functions will return in a future release, as there are some bugs to work through:

  • Renaming objects
  • Removing individual objects from groups

v2019.04 - Updated 4/30/2019

14 Dec 14:37
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  • Added better handling/checking of unnecessary spaces in the CSV files.
  • Changed version.