Releases: scikit-hep/uproot5
@kratsg implemented memberwise serialization for std::pair
: PR #298, #301.
@nsmith- made sources and caches pickleable: PR #302.
@wiso fixed a typo in the documentation: PR #315.
@henryiii cleaned up the build procedure and got Python 2.7 added to the regular tests: PR #316, #317, #319.
@jpivarski fixed a bug that exposed internal JaggedArray objects (if they're empty): PR #304. Added histograms to the regular tests: PR #305. Fixed "file://" handling on Windows: PR #328.
@jpivarski also started developing file-writing (though it's not ready yet): PR #320, #322, #329, and fea04ad.
@ryuwd fixed error reporting in XRootD vector-read chunk: PR #286.
After discovering a memory leak that is specific to vector-read, @nsmith- made vector-read not the default XRootD: PR #295. By default, it is now the multi-threaded XRootD handler with num_workers=1
. Also added a timeout to vector-read: #293.
@henryiii added "_to_boost_histogram" to satisfy a boost-histogram protocol: PR #289.
@jpivarski fixed several bugs: #272, #280,
Also removed library="cp"
(CuPy) because we can't test it and it's not that useful anyway (can always copy a NumPy array to a GPU): PR #279.
Added specialized behaviors for TParameter, which is the first templated ROOT class to get such a treatment: PR #278.
Reduced memory usage, especially for creating flat Pandas DataFrames #281.
@nikoladze fixed a "np.int64
is not int
" error in an argument passed to pyxrootd: PR #258
@ChristopheRappold improved the documentation to include logical combinations of cuts (and the fact that you have to use &
and |
, rather than the TTreeFormula operators): PR #260.
The allow_missing
parameter to uproot.iterate
and uproot.concatenate
can now ignore missing TBranches, not just missing TTrees: #263.
Minor fixes to interpretation so that we can
a CMS Run I AOD file: PR #262.
Made DispatchByVersion more lenient of ROOT objects without a num_bytes
, but having everything else (PR #251).
@ryuwd fixed a case with XRootD readv_iov_max
limit being exceeded.
@chrisburr reinstated the Python 3.5 tests (after fixing conda-forge upstream).
@jpivarski fixed a bug in which returning regular arrays along with lower-dimensional arrays broadcasted them. This has been fixed in both
(scikit-hep/awkward#656) and in UprootPR #245. Updating either should be sufficient.
Also added hooks to the decompression process and properties to get per-branch compression information (PR #247).
@nikoladze significantly revamped the XRootDSource to deal with vector reads in which TBaskets are larger than XRootD's max_element_size
(PR #243).
@henryiii modernized the setup configuration (#231) and fixed kind
for normal histograms (#236).
@HealthyPear fixed a bug that prevented reading TProfile2D and TProfile3D (#228).
@kratsg added behaviors for TGraphAsymmErrors (#240).
@jpivarski hid XRootD's ReferenceError in atexit
(#237) and TH3's to_numpy